(CEE)² Community-Engaged Education

About Us

Community Engaged Education in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)² is a first-of-its-kind program dedicated towards advancing community engagement within research, teaching, and service across CEE and building relationships, and strengthening partnerships with local Bay Area communities. 

We believe community engagement is critical to CEE education and practice for the 21st century. Our programs aim not only to equip CEE faculty, staff, and students to effectively and equitably navigate through community engagement opportunities but also to support current and future generations of diverse engineering leaders and community agents. 


The mission of (CEE)² is to serve as a resource for research and education, strengthen partnerships, and build bridges that bring people together. 

  Programmatic Goals   

  • Facilitate intergenerational learning between faculty, UCB students and local area K-12 students. 
  • Collaborate with local grassroots community organizations to build long-term partnerships between CEE and the local communities 
  • Build sustainable bridges between internal and external stakeholders through fellowship, event planning, and resource sharing.  
  • Broaden gender and URM participation in CEE.  


Nia Jones headshot
Nia N. Jones, MS, BSIE
Director of Community Engagement Program
(510) 292 - 3798


Maya Carrasquillo headshot
Dr. Maya E. Carrasquillo
Assistant Professor & Faculty Director
(510) 664 - 4661



David A. Friedman & Paulette J. Meyer 

Current Programs

Engineers 4 Change  

In partnership with Y-PLAN , CEE faculty and students are working with OUSD teachers to introduce K-12 students to civil and environmental engineering through topics such as green infrastructure, earthquake engineering, and air quality. 

Community Engagement Workshop Series  

This workshop series aims to destigmatize community engaged education by educating faculty and students on various topics related to community engagement in research, teaching and service. Workshop topics will include (but are not limited to)  ‘How to Give Public Comment As An Engineer’, ‘What is the Spectrum of Community Engaged Education’, and ‘Listening Deeper and Providing Solutions Later’, just to name a few! 

Anti-racism in CEE Curriculum 

Supported by the National Science Foundation, this program is exploring “How CEE courses effectively focus on equitable development within a particular community while providing broader educational training to address grand environmental engineering challenges, meet identified community needs, while considering systemic impacts of racism?” 


If you would like additional support or resources from us, please use these forms to submit your requests and our Director of Community Engagement will be in touch with you

Student Support Request Form 

Faculty/Staff Support Request Form

Contact Us

Have questions, or want to connect? We're here to help - contact (CEE)² by emailing nia.jones@berkeley.edu or mcarrasquillo@berkeley.edu.