Student Organizations
Join one or more of the active student organizations in CEE and the College of Engineering. Learn to apply CEE knowledge outside of the classroom, get leadership and teamwork experience, meet students with similar interests, go on tours and field trips, and participate in community service projects.
CEE Organizations
- CEE Graduate Student Society (GSS) is a social and advocacy group that seeks to facilitate networking between the graduate students of the different programs within the department
- Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter (Cal ITE)
- EERI Berkeley Student Chapter (EERI)
- Civil and Environmental Engineers for Anti-Racism (CEE-FAR)
- Environmental Engineering Advocacy Team (EEAT)
- GeoEngineering Graduate Student Association (GEOSystems)
- Representation of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (RAPID-CEE)
CEE Organizing Committees
- CEE Organizing Committee
- Transportation Graduate Students Organizing Committee (TRANSOC)
COE Organizations
- Latinx Association of Graduate Students (LAGSES)
- Black Graduate Engineering and Science Students (BGESS)
- Graduate Women of Engineering (GWE)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (HES)
- Black Engineering and Science Students Association (BESSA)
- Materials Science & Engineering Graduate Student Council (MSE GSC)
- Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council (MEGSCo)
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Women in Computer Science and Engineering (WICSE)
- Bioengineering Graduate Student Association (BEAST)
- Expanding Your Horizons at Berkeley (EYH)