
Man sitting on street with tablet and headphones, with street traffic in the background.
CEE students partner with faculty to conduct cross-cutting research with real-world impact. (Credit: Adam Lau)

























Students from across the US and from other countries around the world enroll as graduate students at Berkeley. We offer both professional Master's (the Master of Science and the Master of Engineering) and Doctoral degree programs. 

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers 7 programs of study for the MS and the PhD, each of which has its own prerequisites for admission and degree requirements.  CEE offers 2 programs of study for the MEng.

Be sure to read the Graduate Requirements section to learn of the requirements unique to the degree.


Master of Science and Doctoral Degree programs

Construction SystemsCOS
Energy, Civil Infrastructure and ClimateECIC
Engineering & Project ManagementEPM
Environmental EngineeringENV
GeoSystems EngineeringGEO
Structural Engineering, Mechanics and MaterialsSEMM
Systems EngineeringSYS
Transportation EngineeringTRANS


Master of Engineering

Systems EngineeringSYS
Transportation EngineeringTRANS