Alexandre Bayen Appointed to Liao-Cho Innovation Endowed Chair

Featured Faculty: Alexandre M. Bayen

Chancellor Dirks has approved the appointment of Professor Alexandre Bayen to the Liao-Cho Innovation Endowed Chair in CIvil & Environmental Engineering and Electrical Engineering & Computer Systems, for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2015-June 30, 2020.

This is a well-deserved honor and recognition of Bayen's distinguished record of scholarship and service to the University and the profession.

Bayen is a faculty member in CEE's Systems Engineering and Transportation Engineering programs. He conducts research in modelling and control of distributed parameters systems, with applications to transportation systems (air traffic control, highway systems), and distribution systems (water distribution networks).

Bayen serves as the Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS). He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
