CEE Community Comes Together to Discuss DEIBJ Priorities

Featured Faculty: Kara L. Nelson


Advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice are top priorities for CEE. On March 7, 2022, Professor Kara Nelson spoke with students, faculty and staff to discuss why these values are essential for our department to continue its global leadership in developing engineering solutions to societal-scale challenges.

Drawing from research examples, Nelson discussed topics such as implicit bias and systemic racism. She also provided an overview of initiatives underway in the department and College to advance DEIBJ efforts, including suggestions for how to become involved. 

We were delighted to have a strong turnout for the event, with over 100 people from our community in attendance. Following Professor Nelson's presentation, participants met for conversation and lunch on Bechtel Terrace.


Group of four students standing outside in a circle, talking with one another.
Students met after the presentation to debrief and enjoy each other's company. (Credit: Adam Lau)

