Shakhzod Takhirov Named Honors Fellow By the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Congratulations to CEE staff member Dr. Shakhzod Takhirov on being named an honors fellow in seismic safety by the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan!

Founded in 1943, the academy is the highest state scientific organization in Uzbekistan. It carries out fundamental and applied research in science, engineering, culture, and education. The academy helps organize academicians and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences, along with researchers and specialists who work in the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan institutions. The highest body is the annual meeting, which is mandatory for academicians.

Based on the essential tasks of Uzbekistan's sustainable social-economic and spiritual-educational development of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences determines the priority and perspective directions in science, develops the programs of long-term primary and applied scientific research, and implements them. The Academy of Sciences currently consists of 48 research institutes, which carry out activities covering about 422 sub-disciplines of various fields of science. 
