Kenichi Soga

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Construction Systems
GeoSystems Engineering
Systems Engineering
Donald H. McLaughlin Chair in Mineral Engineering
Chancellor's Professor

Kenichi Soga is the Donald H. McLaughlin Professor in Mineral Engineering and a Chancellor’s Professor at UC Berkeley. Soga is also the Director of the Berkeley Center for Smart Infrastructure, a faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and serves as a Special Advisor to the Dean of the College of Engineering for Resilient and Sustainable Systems. 

Soga’s research focuses on infrastructure sensing, performance-based design and maintenance of infrastructure, energy geotechnics, and geomechanics. He has published more than 450 journal and conference papers and is the co-author of "Fundamentals of Soil Behavior" with Professor James K Mitchell.

He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the Engineering Academy of Japan. 

He is the recipient of several notable awards, including the George Stephenson Medal and Telford Gold Medal from ICE in 2006, the Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize from ASCE in 2007, and the UCB Bakar Prize for his work on commercialization of smart infrastructure technologies in 2022.

For more details, please go to



Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1994         

M.Eng., Kyoto University, Japan, 1989

B.Eng., Kyoto University, Japan, 1987

Research Interests
Infrastructure sensing and modeling, Energy Geotechnics, Fundamentals of soil behavior, Geotechnical structures, Ground engineering, Soil & granular mechanics

Kenichi’s research focuses on infrastructure sensing through distributing optics sensing, wireless sensor network, energy harvesting, and computer vision. He also focuses on energy geotechnics, city-scale modeling of infrastructure systems, performance-based design and maintenance of underground structures, and geotechnics from micro to macro. Soga’s research group is interested in developing new monitoring technologies, which will provide insight into the behavior of infrastructure, detect anomalies, and provide data for performance analyses. They are also conducting research on city-scale modeling and simulations to evaluate the value of sensing for better management of infrastructure during operation as well as for better response during and after natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires. Here are a few of the research projects Soga is currently working on below: 

  • Sensing Technologies - Sensor technologies and methodologies are developed to transform the future of infrastructure and geomechanics through smart information. The data gathered permits an assessment of the behavior of the infrastructure in its environment and allows performance analyses. The group develops, tests, and delivers new robust, resilient, and adaptable technologies, such as distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS), wireless sensor network (WSN), energy harvesting, and computer vision. 
  • City-Scale Modeling - In the city-scale modeling group, Soga’s team develops scientific simulation models to capture the behaviors of infrastructures and integrate them into a “system of systems” model to obtain insights. Wildfire is a recurring natural disaster in California and many parts of the world. The pathway to improve the current planning and operation is a complex socio-technical process that spans the environment, the organization, and communications structures, as well as the human behaviors before, during, and after emergency situations. In this theme, Soga’s research group has developed/deployed three interconnected models on the fire progression, communications process, and traffic evacuations. We have teamed up with designers, game developers, social scientists, fire and traffic agencies, as well as local communities to achieve a streamlined process from academic research to social impacts.
  • Computational Geomechanics - Soga’s team conducts research in the field of computational geomechanics utilizing a variety of methods, including the Material point method (MPM), Finite element method (FEM), and Lattice element method (LEM) in research and consulting applications such as landslides, slope failures, tunneling, soil-pipeline interactions, geothermal energy, and deep borehole drilling.
  • Shallow Geothermal Energy - Shallow geothermal energy is an emerging renewable green energy that can provide heating and cooling for buildings in a safe, non-emitting, and affordable way, thus reducing the dependence on natural gas. Soga’s research group is exploring the potential of shallow geothermal energy through in-situ geothermal investigation, city-scale geothermal simulation and optimization, and the development of an advanced energy delivery system. 
  • Machine Learning for Construction and Infrastructure - Soga's team utilizing and developing data analytics techniques to better understand and solve complex problems in underground construction and infrastructure.
CV File



Member, National Academy of Engineering


International Fellow, Engineering Academy of Japan, Japan


Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers, US


Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK


Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers, UK




Bakar Prize, UC Berkeley


Bakar Fellow, UC Berkeley

Sowers Lecture, Georgia Institute of Technology


Jennings Memorial Lecture, South African Geotechnical Society

Schiffman Lecture, Cornell University

2016 Best Paper Award, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 


International Collaboration Award, Japan Society of Civil Engineers

Lumb Lecture, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers/University of Hong Kong


Skempton Lecture, ECSMGE

Crampton Prize, Institution of Civil Engineers

Osterberg Lecture, Northwestern University


Croce Lecture, Italian Geotechnical Association


Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo


Telford Gold Medal, Institution of Civil Engineers


Geotechnique Lecture, British Geotechnical Association

Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers

Crampton Prize, Institution of Civil Engineers


George Stephenson Medal, Institution of Civil Engineers


Murata Overseas Scholarship


CE170A Infrastructure sensing and modeling - Fall 2023 (with Profs. Zekkos and Kayen)

CE112 Water & Wastewater Systems Design and Operation - Fall 2023

CE272 Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics, Spring 2024



CE270 Advanced Geomechanics

CE175 Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

CE176 Environmental Geotechnics (with Prof. Zekkos)

GMS200/CE254G Global Metropolitan Studies: Introduction to Theories, Histories, & Methods (with Prof. A. Post)


Post-doctoral Researchers

James Wang, Seunghyun Lee, Dayu Apoji, Gesena Banushi

Visiting Researcher

Linqing Luo, Bingyu Zhao

PhD Students

John Murphy, Bodhinanda Chandra, Joel Given, Michael Virtucio, Tianchen Xu, Yaobin Yang, Kechang Chen, Lauren Talbot, Jaewon Saw, Pengshun Li, Yanglan Wang, Jiahui Yang, Tianyu Han, Chuao Dong, Connor Geudeker, Maksymilian Jasiak


For more details of the group, please go to


Google Scholar (click here)


Mitchell, J.K. and Soga, K. (2005) Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, May 2005, 592pp.

Soga, K., Kumar, K., Biscontin, G. and Kuo, M. (editors) (2014) Geomechanics from Micro to Macro - Proceedings of the TC105 ISSMGE International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, IS-Cambridge 2014, CRC Press, 1700pp.

Mair, R.J., Soga, K., Jin, Y., Parlikad A.K. and Schooling, J.M. (editors) (2016) Transforming the Future of Infrastructure through Smarter Information: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction, ICE Publishing, 800pp. 

Rodenas-Herráiz, D., Soga, K., Fidler, P. and de Battista, N. (2016) Wireless Sensor Networks for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring - A Best Practice Guide, ICE Publishing, 208pp.

Kechavarzi, C., Soga, K., de Battista, N, Pelecanos, L., Elshafie, M. and Mair, R.J. (2016) Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing for Monitoring Geotechnical Infrastructure - A Practical Guide, ICE Publishing, 192pp.

Fern, J., Rohe, A., Soga, K. and Alonso, E. (2019) The Material Point Method for Geotechnical Engineering: A Practical Guide. CRC Press,  420pp.


Selected publications in different subjects

1. Infrastructure sensing, 2. Infrastructure modeling, 3. Soil and Granular Mechanics, 4. Subsurface Infrastructure and Construction, 5. Ground Engineering, 6. Deep Geomechanics, 7. Energy and Engineering Sustainability, 8. Soil-Bio Interaction and 9. Geoenvironmental Engineering


1. Infrastructure Sensing

(i) Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing

Hubbard, P.G., Ou, R., Xu, T., Luo, L., Nonaka, H., Karrenbach, M., Soga, K. Road deformation monitoring and event detection using asphalt‐embedded distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 2022 Nov;29(11):e3067.

Hubbard, P.G., J.P. Vantassel, B.R. Cox, J.W. Rector, M.B.S. Yust, and K. Soga. “Quantifying the Surface Strain Field Induced by Active Sources with Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Theory and Practice,” Sensors, 2022, 22(12), 4589. 

Sasaki, T., S. Zhang, K. Soga, L. Luo, B. Freifeld, Y. Kitayama, K. Kawaguchi. and H. Sugiyama, “Distributed fiber optic strain sensing of bending deformation of a well mockup in the laboratory. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, Vol. 96, p.104309.

Hubbard, P.G., Xu, J., Zhang, S., DeJong, M., Luo, L., Soga, K., Papa, C., Zulberti, C., Malara, D., Fugazzotto, F., Garcia Lopez, F. and Minto, C. 2021. Dynamic structural health monitoring of a model wind turbine tower using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). J Civil Struct Health Monitoring, 11, 833849.

Ou, R., Lui, L. and Soga, K. 2021. Brillouin scattering spectrum-based crack measurement using distributed fiber optic sensing, Structural Health Monitoring, July 2021

Luo, L., Mei, Y., de Battista, N., Kechavarzi, C., & Soga, K. 2021. Repeatability precision error analysis of the distributed fiber optic strain monitoring. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2768.

Mei, Y., Xu, X., Luo, L. and Soga, K. (2020) "Reconstruction of distributed strain profile using a weighted spectrum decomposition algorithm for Brillouin scattering based fiber optic sensor," Journal of Lightwave Technology

Luo, L., Sekiya, H. and Soga, K. “Dynamic distributed fiber optic strain sensing on movement detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume: 19 , Issue: 14 , pp. 5639 – 5644

Li, Z., Soga, K. and Kechavarzi, C. Distributed fibre optic sensing of a deep excavation adjacent to pre-existing tunnels, Geotechnique Letters, 8(3):171-177. doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00031

Acikgoz, S., M.J. DeJong, C. Kechavarzi and K. Soga, "Dynamic Response of a Damaged Masonry Rail Viaduct: Measurement and Interpretation," Engineering Structures, August 2018, Vol. 168, No. 1, pp. 544-558

Kechavarzi, C., Pelecanos, L. and Soga, K., 2019. Distributed fibre optic sensing for monitoring reinforced concrete piles. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 50(1).

Di Murro, V., Pelecanos, L., Soga, K., Kechavarzi, C., Morton, R.F. and Scibile, L., 2019. Long-term deformation monitoring of CERN concrete-lined tunnels using distributed fibre-optic sensing. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 50(2), pp.1-7.

Rui Y, Hird R, Yin M, Soga K. Detecting changes in sediment overburden using distributed temperature sensing: an experimental and numerical study. Marine Geophysical Research. 2018 Aug:1-7.doi: 10.1007/s11001-018-9365-4

Soga, K. and Luo, L. (2018) : Distributed fiber optics sensors for civil engineering infrastructure sensing, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-21

Pelecanos, L., Soga, K., Elshafie, M., Nicholas, d. B., Kechavarzi, C., Gue, C. Y., Ouyang, Y. and Seo, H. (2018) : Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing of Axially Loaded Bored Piles. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Volume 144, Issue, 3, pp.04017122

Luo, L., Parmigiani, F., Yu, Y., Li, B., Soga, K., Yan, J. (2018) : Frequency uncertainty improvement in a STFT-BOTDR using highly nonlinear optical fibers, Optics Express, 26 (4), pp. 3870-3881.

Li, Z., Soga, K. and Kechavarzi, C. (2018). Distributed fibre optic sensing of a deep excavation adjacent to pre-existing tunnels Géotechnique Letters 2018 8:3, 1-7

Yu, Y, Luo, L, Li, B, Soga, K. and Yan, J. (2017) : Quadratic Time-Frequency Transforms based Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry, IEEE Sensors Journal, 26 August 2017

Pelecanos, L., Soga, K., Elshafie, M., Nicholas, d. B., Kechavarzi, C., Gue, C. Y., Ouyang, Y. and Seo, H. (2017) : Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing of Axially Loaded Bored Piles. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Volume 144, Issue, 3, pp.04017122

Rui, Y., Kechavarzi, C., O'Leary, F., Barker, C., Nicholson, D. and Soga K. (2017) : “Integrity Testing of Pile Cover Using Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing,” Sensors 2017, 17(12), 2949

Acikgoz, M. S., Pelecanos, L., Giardina, G., Aitken, J. and Soga, K. (2017) : Distributed sensing of a masonry vault due to nearby piling. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24 (3), e1872.

Pelecanos, L., Soga, K., Chunge, M. P. M., Ouyang, Y., Kwan, V., Kechavarzi, C., & Nicholson, D. (2017). Distributed fibre-optic monitoring of an Osterberg-cell pile test in London. Geotechnique Letters, 1–9.

Li, B., Luo, L., Yu, Y., Soga, K. and Yan, J. (2017) “Dynamic Strain Measurement Using Small Gain Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in STFT-BOTDR,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 17., No. 9, pp. 2718-2724

Yu, Y., Luo, L., Li, B., Soga, K. and Yan, J. (2016) “Frequency Resolution Quantification of Brillouin-Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 28, No. 21, pp. 2367-2370

Luo, L., Li, B., Yu, Y., Xu, X., Soga, K. and Yan, J. (2016) : “Time and Frequency Localized Pulse Shape for Resolution Enhancement in STFT-BOTDR,” Journal of Sensors, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 3204130, 10 pages

Yu, Y., Luo, L., Li, B., Guo, L., Yan, J. and Soga, K. (2015) : “Double peak induced distance error in STFT-BOTDR event detection and the recovery method,” Applied Optics, 54(28), E196-E202

Soga, K., Kwan, V., Pelecanos, L., Rui, Y., Schwamb, T., Seo, H. and Wilcock, M. (2015) : “The Role of Distributed Sensing in Understanding the Engineering Performance of Geotechnical Structures,” Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development, XVI ECSMGE, ICE Publishing, 13-48

Funnell, A., Xu, X., Yan, J., and Soga, K. (2015) “Simulation of BOTDA and Rayleigh COTDR systems to study the impact of noise on dynamic sensing,” International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 8, No. 3, September 2015

Gue, C.Y., Wilcock, M., Alhaddad, M.M., Elshafie, M.Z.B.E., Soga, K., and Mair, R.J. (2015) : “The monitoring of an existing cast iron tunnel with distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS),”Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, pp.1-14

Mohamad, H., Soga, K. and Amatya, B. (2014) : “Thermal Strain Sensing of Concrete Piles Using Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 20120176.

Soga, K. (2014): “Understanding the real performance of geotechnical structures using an innovative fibre optic distributed strain measurement technology,” Rivista Italiana di Geotechnica, Vol. 4

Mohamad, H., Soga, K., Bennett, P.J., Mair, R.J. and Lim, C.S. (2012) : “Monitoring Twin Tunnel Interactions Using Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Measurements” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 957-967

Cheung, L.L.K., Soga, K., Bennett, P.J., Kobayashi,Y., Amatya, B. and Wright, P. (2010) : “Optical fibre strain measurement for tunnel lining monitoring” Proceedings of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 163, No. GE3, pp. 119–130

Klar,A., Bennett, P.J., Soga, K., Mair, R.J., Tester, P., Fernie, R., St John, H. and Torp-Peterson, G. (2006) : “The importance of distributed strain measurement for pile foundations,” Proceedings of ICE- Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 159, No. GE3, pp.135-144


(ii) Wireless Sensor Network

Rodenas-Herráiz, D., Xu, X., Fidler, P. and Soga, K., 2019. Power-efficient piezoelectric fatigue measurement using long-range wireless sensor networks. Smart Materials and Structures. Volume 28, Number 9

Lin, T.H., Wu, Y., Soga, K., Wham, B.P., Pariya-Ekkasut, C., Berger, B. and O’Rourke, T.D., 2019. Buried Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Pipeline Joint Leakage Caused by Large Ground Movements. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 10(4), p.04019023.

Gaglione, A and Rodenas-Herraiz, D and Jia, Y and Nawaz, S and Arroyo, E and Mascolo, C and Soga, K and Sheshia, A (2018), Energy neutral operation of vibration energy-harvesting sensor networks for bridge applications. Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN 2018)

Lin, T., Wu, Y., Soga, K., Luo, L., Riemer, M., Huang, H., Gao, X. (2017), “Experimental and Simulation Studies of Underground Wireless Sensor Networks,” Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017, pp. 2587-2594

Huang, H., Zhang, D., Wang, F., Shao, H., Wu, Y., Soga, K. (2017) : Smart sensing on deformational performance of shield tunnel lining for 20km Shanghai metro line 2, ICSMGE 2017 - 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2017-September, pp. 1895-1898.

Nawarz, S., Xu,X., Rodenas-Herr'aiz,D., Fidler,P., Soga,K. and Mascolo, C. (2016) : “Monitoring A Large Construction Site Using Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Real World Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 27-30

Hughes, J., Yan, J., Soga,. K (2015): “Development of wireless sensor network using bluetooth low energy (BLE) for construction noise monitoring,” International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol.8, No. 2, pp.1379-1405

Xu, X., Soga, K., Nawaz, S., Moss, N., Bowers, K. and Gajia, M. (2015) : “Performance monitoring of timber structures in underground construction using wireless SmartPlank,” Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 769-785

Hada, A., Soga, K., Liu, R., and Wassell, I.J. (2012) : “Lagrangian heuristic method for the wireless sensor network design problem in railway structural health monitoring,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 28, pp. 20-35

Bennett, P.J., Soga, K., Wassell, I.J., Fidler, P., Abe, K., Kobayashi, Y. and Vanicek, M. (2010) : “Wireless Sensor Networks for Underground Railway Applications: Case studies in Prague and London,” Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, pp. 619-639

Bennett, P.J., Kobayashi, Y., Soga, K. and Wright, P. (2010) : “Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Underground Tunnel,” Proceedings of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 163, No. GE3, pp. 147–156

Stajano, F., Hoult, N., Wassell, I., Bennett, P., Middleton, C., and Soga, K. (2010) “Smart Bridges, Smart Tunnels: Transforming Wireless Sensor Networks from Research Prototypes into Robust Engineering Infrastructure,” Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 8, pp. 872-888

Hoult, N.A., Bennnet, P.J., Stoianov, I., Maksimović, C., Middleton, C.R., Graham, N.J.G. and Soga, K. (2009) : “Wireless Sensor Networks: creating ‘Smart Infrastructure’,” Proceedings of ICE, Civil Engineering, Vol. 162, August 2009, pp. 136–143


(iii) Computer Vision

Wu, R., Fujita, Y. and Soga, K., 2020. Integrating domain knowledge with deep learning models: An interpretable AI system for automatic work progress identification of NATM tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 105, p.103558.

Alhaddad, M., Dewhirst, M., Soga, K. and Devriendt, M. A new photogrammetric system for high-precision monitoring of tunnel deformations, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, doi:10.1680/jtran.18.00001

Acikgoz, S., DeJong, M.J. ., Kechavarzi, C. & Soga, K. (2018), "Dynamic response of a damaged masonry rail viaduct: Measurement and interpretation", Engineering Structures, vol. 168, pp. 544-558

Acikgoz, S., Dejong, M.J. & Soga, K. (2018), "Sensing dynamic displacements in masonry rail bridges using 2D digital image correlation", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, available online.

Alhaddad, M., Dewhirst, M., Soga, K. and Devriendt, M. (2018) "A new photogrammetric system for high-precision monitoring tunnel deformations," Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport 0 0:0, 1-27

Chaiyasarn, K., Kim, T.K., Viola, F., Cipolla, R. and Soga, K. (2015) “Towards distortion-free image mosaicing for tunnel inspection based on robust cylindrical surface estimation via structure from motion,” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 04015045.

Stent, S., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B., Soga, K. and Cipolla, R. (2014): “Visual change detection on tunnel linings,” Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 319-330


(iv) MEMS and Energy Harvesting

Jia, Y., Yan, J., Du, S., Feng, T., Fidler, P., Middleton, C., Soga, K. and Seshia, A.A. (2017) : “Real world assessment of an auto-parametric electromagnetic vibration energy harvester,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X17740964

Do, C.D., Erbes, A., Yan, J., Soga, K. and Seshia, A.A. (2016) : “Vacuum packaged low-power resonant MEMS strain gauge,” Journal of MEMS, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 851-858

Belsito, L., Ferri, M., Mancarella, F., Masini, L., Yan, J., Seshia. A.A., Soga, K. and Roncaglia, A. (2016) : “Fabrication of High-Resolution Strain Sensors Based on Wafer-Level Vacuum Packaged MEMS Resonators,” Sensors & Actuators A, Volume 239, 1 March 2016, Pages 90-101

Jia, Y., Yan, J., Feng, T., Du, S., Fidler, P., Soga, K., Middleton, C. and Seshia, A. (2015) : “A vibration powered wireless mote on the Forth Road Bridge,” PowerMEMS 2015, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660, IOP Publishing 012094

Jia, Y., Yan, J., Soga, K. and Seshia, A.A. (2014): “Parametric resonance for vibration energy harvesting with design techniques to passively reduce the initiation threshold amplitude,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 065011

Jia, Y., Yan, J., Soga, K. and Seshia, A.A. (2014) “A parametrically excited vibration energy harvester”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 25 no. 3 278-289

Jia, Y., Yan, J., Soga, K. and Seshia, A.A. (2013) “Parametrically excited MEMS vibration energy harvesters with design approaches to overcome initiation threshold amplitude”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23 (11), art. no. 114007

Belsito, L., Ferri, M., Mancarella, F., Roncaglia, A., Yan, J., Seshia, A.A. and Soga, K. (2013) “High resolution strain sensing on steel by silicon-on-insulator flexural resonators fabricated with chip-level vacuum packaging”, 2013 Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013. 992-995

Ye G. and Soga K. (2012) : "Energy Harvesting from Water Distribution Systems", Journal of Power Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 1, 7-17

Ferri,M., Mancarella, F., Seshia, A., Ransley, J., Soga, K., Zalesky, J. and Roncaglia A., (2010): "Development of MEMS strain sensors for crack monitoring in ageing civil infrastructures", Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 225-238


2. Infrastructure Modeling

Perera, A.T.D., Zhao, B., Wang, Z., Soga, K. and Hong, T. “Optimal design of microgrids to improve wildfire resilience for vulnerable communities at the wildland-urban interface,” Applied Energy, 2023, 335, 120744

Zhao, B., Tang, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, S. and Soga, K. “Evaluating the flooding level impacts on urban metro networks and travel demand: behavioral analyses, agent-based simulation, and large-scale case study. 2022. Resilient Cities and Structures, 1(3), pp.12-23.

Comfort, L.K., K. Soga, M. McElwee, C. Ecosse and B. Zhao, “Collective Action in Communities Exposed to Recurring Hazards: The Camp Fire, Butte County, California, November 8, 2018,” International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021, Vol.11(4), pp.1678-1687.

Casey, G., Zhao, B., Kumar, K. and Soga, K. 2020. Context-specific volume–delay curves by combining crowd-sourced traffic data with automated traffic counters: A case study for London, Data-Centric Engineering, 1, E18.

Casey, G., Zhao, B., Kumar, K. and Soga, K. 2020. Context-specific volumedelay curves by combining crowd-sourced traffic data with automated traffic counters: A case study for London, Data-Centric Engineering, 1, E18.

Zhao B, Silva E, Soga K. Pavement Degradation: a City-Scale Model for San Francisco. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Smart Infrastructure and Construction. 2019 Jan 11:1-57.. doi:10.1680/jsmic.18.00001198

Zhao, B., Kumar, K., Casey, G., and Soga, K. (2019) Agent-Based Model (ABM) for City-Scale Traffic Simulation: A Case Study on San Francisco, International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction 2019 (ICSIC). January 2019, 203-212

Soga, K., Casey, G., Kumar, K. and Zhao, B. (2017) : “High Performance Computing for City-Scale Modelling and Simulations”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction, Volume 170 Issue 4, pp. 80-85

Casey, G., K. Soga, E. Silva, P. Guthrie and K. Kumar (2017) "A Scalable Agent Based Multi-modal Modeling Framework Using Real-Time Big-Data Sources for Cities," Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, 2017, 17-05941.

Martani, C., Stent, S., Acikgoz, S., Soga, K., Bain, D., & Jin, Y. (2017). Pedestrian monitoring techniques for crowd-flow prediction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Smart Infrastructure and Construction, Vol. 2, 1–11

Acikgoz, S., Soga, K., & Woodhams, J. (2017). Evaluation of the response of a vaulted masonry structure to differential settlements using point cloud data and limit analyses. Construction and Building Materials, 150, 916–931.

Soga, K. and Schooling, J. (2016) : “Infrastructure Sensing,” Interface Focus, Royal Society Publishing, Volume 6, Issue 4, Article number 20160023, 17p


3. Soil and Granular Mechanics

(i) Granular Flows and Landslides

Wang, C., B. Hawlader, D. Perret and K. Soga, “Effects of geometry and soil properties on type and retrogression of landslides in sensitive clays,” Géotechnique, 2022, Vol. 72(4), pp.322-336.

Wang, C., Hawlader, B., Perret, D. and Soga, K. 2021. Modeling of Initial Stresses and Seepage for Large Deformation Finite-Element Simulation of Sensitive Clay Landslides, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 147 Issue 11 - November 2021

Wang, C., Hawlader, B., Peret, D. and Soga, K. 2020. Effects of geometry and soil properties on type and retrogression of landslides in sensitive clays, Géotechnique

Liang, D., Zhao, X. and Soga, K., 2020. Simulation of overtopping and seepage induced dike failure using two-point MPM. Soils and Foundations, Volume 60, Issue 4, August 2020, Pages 978-988

Li, X., Zhao, J. and Soga, K., 2020. A new physically based impact model for debris flow. Géotechnique, pp.1-41.

Wang, C., Hawlader, B., Islam, B. and Soga K. 2019. Implementation of a large deformation finite element modelling technique for seismic slope stability analyses, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 127, December 2019, 105824

Yerro, A., Soga, K. and Bray, J.D. Runout evaluation of the Oso landslide with the Material Point Method, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, doi: 10.1139/cgj-2017-0630

Xu, X., Jin, F., Sun, Q., Soga, K. and Zhou, G.D. Three-Dimensional Material Point Method Modeling of the Runout Behavior of the Hongshiyan Landslide, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, doi: 10.1139/cgj-2017-0638

Wang, C., Hawlader, B., Islam, N. and Soga, K. Implementation of a large deformation finite element modelling technique for seismic slope stability analyses, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, Vol. 128, pp. 105824

Fern E.J., de Lange, D.A., Zwanenburg, C., Teunissen, J.A.M., Rohe, A. and Soga, K. (2017) : “Experimental and numerical investigations of dyke failures involving soft materials,” Engineering Geology, Vol. 219, 130-139

Kumar, K., Delenne, J.-Y., & Soga, K. (2017). Mechanics of granular column collapse in fluid at varying slope angles. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 29(4), 529–541.

Dey, R., Hawlader, B.C., Phillips, R. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Numerical Modeling of Combined Effects of Upward and Downward Propagation of Shear Bands on Stability of Slopes with Sensitive Clay,” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 40, No. 15, pp. 2076-2099

Dey, R., Hawlader, B.C., Phillips, R. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Modeling of large-deformation behaviour of marine sensitive clays and its application to submarine slope stability analysis,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 53, No.7, pp. 1138-1155

Fern, J. and Soga, K. (2016) : “The Role of Constitutive Models in MPM Simulations of Granular Column Collapses,” Acta Geotechnica, , Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.659-678 

Soga, K., Alonso, E., Yerro, A., Kumar, K. and Bandara, S. (2016) : “Trends in large-deformation analysis of landslide mass movements with particular emphasis on the material point method,” Geotechnique, Volume 66 Issue 3, March, pp. 248-273

Dey, R., Hawlader, B.C., Phillips, R. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Numerical modeling of submarine landslides with sensitive clay layers,” Geotechnique, Volume 66, Issue 6, pp. 454-468

Dey, R., Hawlader, B., Phillips, R. and Soga, K. (2015): “Large deformation finite-element modelling of progressive failure leading to spread in sensitive clay slopes,” Geotechnique, Vol. 65, No.8, pp. 657-668

Kobayashi, T., Soga, K. and Dimmock, P. (2015) : “Numerical analysis of submarine debris flows based on critical state soil mechanics,” Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics III - 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, ISFOG 2015, Pages 975-980

Mutabaruka, P., Kumar, K., Soga, K., Radjai, F. and Delenne, J-Y. (2015): “Transient dynamics of a 2D granular pile,” The European Physical Journal E, Vol. 38, 47

Mutabaruka, P.. Delenne, J.-Y., Soga, K. and Radjai, F. (2014): “Initiation of immersed granular avalanches,” Physical Review E, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 052203


(ii) Material Point Method and Numerical Methods

Liang, Y., Given, J. and Soga, K. “The imposition of nonconforming Neumann boundary condition in the material point method without boundary representation,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023. 404, p.115785.

Liang, W., Zhao, J., Wu, H. and Soga, K. “Multiscale, multiphysics modeling of saturated granular materials in large deformation,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 405, p.115871.

Molinos, M., Chandra, B., Stickle, M.M. and Soga, K. “On the derivation of a component-free scheme for Lagrangian fluid–structure interaction problems,” 2023, Acta Mechanica, pp.1-33.

Zhao, Y., J. Choo, Y. Jiang, M. Li, C. Jiang and K. Soga, “A barrier method for frictional contact on embedded interfaces,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, Vol. 393, p.114820.

Liang, Y., B. Chandra and K. Soga, “Shear band evolution and post-failure simulation by the extended material point method (XMPM) with localization detection and frictional self-contact,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, Vol. 390, p.114530.

Kularathna, S., Liang, W., Zhao, T., Chandra, B., Zhao, J., & Soga, K. 2021. A semi-implicit material point method based on fractionalstep method for saturated soil. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.

Coelho, B.Z., Rohe, A. and Soga, K. (2017) : Poroelastic solid flow with double point material point method, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 423-430

Kularathna, S., and Soga, K. (2017). “Implicit formulation of material point method for analysis of incompressible materials,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 313, pp. 673-686

Kularathna, S., & Soga, K. (2017). Comparison of two projection methods for modeling incompressible flows in MPM. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 29(3), 405–412.

Bandara, S. and Soga, K. (2015): “Coupling of soil deformation and pore fluid flow using material point method,” Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 63, pp. 199-214

Abe, K., Soga, K., and Bandara, S. (2014). "Material Point Method for Coupled Hydromechanical Problems." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol. 140, No. 3, 04013033

Norouz Oliaei, M., Soga, K. and Pak A. (2009) “Some numerical issues using element-free Galerkin mesh-less method for coupled hydro-mechanical problems,” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp.915-938.


(iii) Micromechanics and Constitutive Models

Zhang, Z. and K. Soga, “Thermodynamic Constitutive Model for Sands with Consideration of Distributed Fabric,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, Vol. 147(12)

Liang, W., Zhao, J., Wu, H. and Soga, K., 2021. Multiscale Modeling of Anchor Pullout in Sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(9), p.04021091.

Mallikarachchi, H. and Soga, K. (2020) “A twoscale constitutive framework for modelling localised deformation in saturated dilative hardening material,” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

Mallikarachchi, H. and Soga, K., 2020. Post-localisation analysis of drained and undrained dense sand with a nonlocal critical state model. Computers and Geotechnics, 124, p.103572.

Okawara, M., Saito, Y. and Soga, K. 2019. Study on the mechanism of consistency characteristics of Na-Montmorillonite using small-angle X-ray scattering method. Clay Science 23 (2), 19-24

Zhang, C., Soga, K., Kumar, K., Sun, Q. and Jin, F. (2017) : “Numerical study of a sphere descending along an inclined slope in a liquid,” Granular Matter, 19(4): 85

Fern, J., Robert, D. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Modeling the Stress-Dilatancy Relationship of Unsaturated Silica Sand in Triaxial Compression Tests,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol., 142, No. 11, 04016055

Ellison, K., Soga, K. and Simpson, B. (2012) : “A strain space soil model with evolving stiffness anisotropy”, Géotechnique, Volume 62, No. 7, pp. 627 –641

Laver, R. G. and Soga, K. (2011) : “Performance of two constitutive models for fissures in clay,” Fifth International Symposium on the Deformation Characteristics of Geo-Materials, IS-Seoul

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2011). “Effects of soil fabric on behaviors of granular soils: Microscopic modeling,” Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 38, No. 7, pp. 861-874

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2011). “Cross-anisotropic elastic parameters of two natural stiff clays,” Géotechnique, Vol. 61, No. 9, 809–814

Soga, K. and O’Sullivan, C. (2010) “Modeling of geomaterials behavior,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 861-875

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2010) : “DEM analysis of soil fabric effects on behaviour of sand,” Géotechnique,  Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 483–495

Bowman, E.T. and Soga, K. (2003) : “Creep, ageing and microstructural change in dense granular materials,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 107-118

Kobayashi, I., Soga, K., Iizuka, A. and Ohta, H. (2003) : “Numerical interpretation of a shape of yield surface obtained from stress probe tests,” Soils and Foundations, Vol.43, No. 3, pp. 95-104

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2002) : “Application of micromechanics model to study anisotropy of soils at small strains,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 42, No.5, pp.15-26

Bowman, E.T., Soga, K. and Drummond, T. (2001) : “Particle shape characterization using fourier analysis,” Géotechnique, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 545-554

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2000) “Micromechanics-based stress-strain behaviour of soils at small strains”, Géotechnique, Vol. 50, No.5, pp. 559-571

Nakagawa, K., Soga, K. and Mitchell, J.K. (1997) : “ Observation of the Biot compression wave of the second kind in granular soils,” Géotechnique, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 133-147.

Nakagawa, K., Soga, K. and Mitchell, J.K. (1996) : “Pulse transmission system for measuring wave propagation in soils,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 302-308


4. Subsurface Infrastructure and Construction

(i) Tunneling

Wang, F., Huang, H., Soga, K., & Li, Z. 2021. 3D modelling of concrete tunnel segmental joints and the development of a new bolt-spring model. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 110, 103835.

Andreotti, G., Calvi, G.M., Soga, K., Gong, C. and Ding, W., 2020. Cyclic model with damage assessment of longitudinal joints in segmental tunnel linings. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 103, p.103472.

Wu, R., Fujita, Y. and Soga, K., 2020. Integrating domain knowledge with deep learning models: An interpretable AI system for automatic work progress identification of NATM tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 105, p.103558.

Alhaddad, M., Wilcock, M.J., Gue, C.Y., Soga, K., Devriendt, M. and Dewhirst, M. 2020. Cast-iron tunnels’ tolerance to imposed longitudinal settlement curvature, Géotechnique, pp.1-41.

Gong C, Ding W, Soga K, Mosalam KM. Failure mechanism of joint waterproofing in precast segmental tunnel linings. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2019 Feb 1;84:334-52. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2018.11.003

Gong, C., Ding, W., Soga, K., Mosalam, K.M., Tuo, Y. (2018) : Sealant behavior of gasketed segmental joints in shield tunnels: An experimental and numerical study, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 77, pp. 127-141.

Fern, E.J., Di Murro, V., Soga, K., Li, Z., Scibile, L., Osborne, J.A. (2018) : Geotechnical characterisation of a weak sedimentary rock mass at CERN, Geneva, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 77, pp. 249-260.

Gue, C.Y., Wilcock, M.J., Alhaddad, M.M., Elshafie, M.Z.E.B., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2017): “Tunnelling close beneath an existing tunnel in clay - perpendicular undercrossing,” Géotechnique 2017 67:9, 795-807

Soga, K., Laver, R.G. and Li, Z. (2017) : “Long-term tunnel behaviour and ground movements after tunnelling in clayey soils”, Underground Space, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 149-167,

Laver, R., Li, Z., and Soga, K. (2016). "Method to Evaluate the Long-Term Surface Movements by Tunneling in London Clay." J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. , Vol. 143, No. 3, 06016023

Ding, W., Gong, C., Mosalam, K.M., and Soga, K. (2017) “Development and application of the integrated sealant test apparatus for sealing gaskets in tunnel segmental joints,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 63, pp. 54-68.

Jin, Y., Ding, W., Yan, Z., Soga, K., & Li, Z. (2017). Experimental investigation of the nonlinear behavior of segmental joints in a water-conveyance tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 68, 153–166

Gong, C., Ding, W., Mosalam, K.M., Günay, S. and Soga, K. (2017) : Comparison of the structural behavior of reinforced concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete tunnel segmental joints, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 68, 2017, Pages 38-57

Li, Z., Soga, K. and Wright, P. (2016) : “3D finite element analysis of the behaviour of cross passage between cast-iron tunnels,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 10.1139/cgj-2015-0273

Xu, X., Soga, K., Nawaz, S., Moss, N., Bowers, K. and Gajia, M. (2015) : “Performance monitoring of timber structures in underground construction using wireless SmartPlank,” Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 15, No. 769-785

Chaiyasarn, K., Kim, T.K., Viola, F., Cipolla, R. and Soga, K. (2015) “Towards distortion-free image mosaicing for tunnel inspection based on robust cylindrical surface estimation via structure from motion,” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 04015045.

Li Z., Soga, K., Wright, P. (2015), "Behaviour of cast-iron bolted tunnels and their modelling", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 50, 250-269.

Li, Z., Soga, K. and Wright, P. (2015) “Long-term performance of cast-iron tunnel cross passage in London clay,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 50, August 2015, Pages 152-170

Nakashima, M., Hammer, A.L., Thewes, M., Elshafie, M. and Soga, K. (2015): “Mechanical behaviour of a sprayed concrete lining isolated by a sprayed waterproofing membrane,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 143-152

Li, Z. Soga, K., Wang, F., Wright P. and Tsuno, K. (2014) : “Behaviour of cast-iron tunnel segmental joint from the 3D FE analyses and development of a new bolt-spring model,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 41, March 2014, Pages 176–192

Stent, S., Gherardi, R., Stenger, B., Soga, K. and Cipolla, R. (2014): “Visual change detection on tunnel linings,” Machine Vision and Applications, Vol., 28, pp. 1-12

Wongsaroj, J., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2013) “Tunnelling induced consolidation settlements in London clay, Géotechnique, Volume 63, Issue 13, May 2013 pages 1103 –1115

Mohamad, H., Soga, K., Bennett, P.J., Mair, R.J. and Lim, C.S. (2012) : “Monitoring Twin Tunnel Interactions Using Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Measurements” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 957-967

Laver, R., Soga, K., Wright, P. and Jefferis, S. (2012) : “Permeability of aged grout around tunnels in London,” Géotechnique, Volume 63, Issue 8, December 2012 pages 651 –660

Bennett, P.J., Soga, K., Wassell, I.J., Fidler, P., Abe, K., Kobayashi, Y. and Vanicek, M. (2010) : “Wireless Sensor Networks for Underground Railway Applications: Case studies in Prague and London,” Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 5-6, pp. 619-639

Bennett, P.J., Kobayashi, Y., Soga, K. and Wright, P. (2010) : “Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Underground Tunnel,” Proceedings of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 163, No. GE3, pp. 147–156

Mohamad, H., Bennett, P.J., Soga, K. Mair, R.J. and Bowers, K. (2010) “Behaviour of an Old Masonry Tunnel Due to Tunnelling Induced Ground Settlement,” Géotechnique, Vol. 60, No. 12, pp. 927 –938

Cheung, L.L.K., Soga, K., Bennett, P.J., Kobayashi,Y., Amatya, B. and Wright, P. (2010) : “Optical fibre strain measurement for tunnel lining monitoring” Proceedings of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 163, No. GE3, pp. 119–130

Wongsoraj, J., Soga, K., and Mair, R.J. (2007) : “Modelling of long-term ground response to tunnelling under St. James’s Park, London,” Géotechnique, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp.75

Gourvenec, S., Mair, R.J., Bolton, M.D. and Soga, K. (2005) : “Ground conditions around an old tunnel in London clay,” Proceedings of ICE- Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 25-33

Lee, S.W., Bolton, M.D., Mair, R.J., Soga, K. and Hagiwara, T. (2002) : “Modelling of sequential injections near tunnel lining,” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 9-22

Komiya, K., Soga, K., Akagi, H., Jafari, M.R. and Bolton, M.D. (2001) : “Soil consolidation associated with grouting during shield tunnelling in soft clayey ground,” Géotechnique, Vol. 51, No. 10, pp. 835-847

Komiya, K., Soga, K., Akagi, H. Hagiwara, T. and Bolton, M.D. (1999) : “Finite element modelling of excavation and advancement processes of a shield tunnelling machine”, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 39, No.3, pp. 37-52.


(ii) Buried Pipelines

Robert, D., Soga, K., O'Rourke, T.D., Sakanoue, T. (2016) : “Lateral load-displacement behaviour of pipelines in unsaturated sands,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 11, 04016060

Robert, D., Soga, K., and O'Rourke, T.D. (2016) : “Pipelines Subjected to Fault Movement in Dry and Unsaturated Soils,” International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 16, No. 5, C4016001.

Ye G. and Soga K. (2012) : "Energy Harvesting from Water Distribution Systems", Journal of Power Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 1, 7-17

Cheong, T.P., Soga, K. and Robert, D.J. (2011) : “3-D FE Analyses of Buried Pipeline with Elbows subjected to Lateral Loading”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 137, No. 10, pp. 939-948

Klar, A., Marshall, A.M., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2008): “Tunneling effects on jointed pipelines,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 131-139 

Klar, A., Vorster, T.E.B., Soga, K., and Mair, R.J. (2007): “Elastoplastic solution for soil-pipe-tunnel interaction,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.133, No.7, pp.782-792

Yimsiri, S. and Soga, K. (2006) : “DEM analysis of soil-pipeline interaction in sand under lateral and upward movements at deep embedment,” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol .37, No. 2, pp. 83-94

Vorster, T.E.B., Klar, A., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2005): “Estimating the effects of tunneling on existing pipelines,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 131, No. 11, pp. 1399-1410

Klar, A., Vorster, T.E.B., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2005): “Soil-pipe-tunnel interaction:Comparison between Winkler and elastic continuum solutions,” Géotechnique, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 461-466

Yimsiri, S., Soga, K., Yoshizaki, K., Dasari, G.R. and O’Rourke, T.D. (2004) : “Lateral and upward soil-pipeline interactions in sands for deep embedment conditions,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 130, No. 8, pp. 830-842


(iii) Deep Excavation

Schwamb, T., Elshafie, M., Soga, K. and Mair, R.J. (2016) : “Considerations for monitoring of deep circular excavations,” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 169, No. 6, pp. 477-493

Schwamb, T. and Soga, K. (2015): “Numerical Modelling of a Deep Circular Excavation at Abbey Mills in London,” Vol. 65, pp. 604-619

Schwamb, T., Soga, K., Mair, R. J., Elshafie, M. Z., Sutherden, R., Boquet, C., & Greenwood, J. (2014) : “Fibre optic monitoring of a deep circular excavation,” Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, vol 167, no 2, pp 144-154

Mohamad, H., Soga, K. and Pellow, A. (2011) : “Performance Monitoring of a secant piled wall using distributed fibre optic strain sensing,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 12, pp. 1236-1243

Teetes, G.R., Soga, K. and Mrugala, M.J. (2004) : “Field instrumentation and back analysis of an elliptical shaft construction for the Texas Superconducting Super Collider Project,” Soils and Foundations, Vol.44, No. 1, pp.99-111


5. Ground Engineering

(i) Piles

Pelecanos, L., Soga, K., Elshafie, M., Nicholas, d. B., Kechavarzi, C., Gue, C. Y., Ouyang, Y. and Seo, H. (2017) : Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing of Axially Loaded Bored Piles. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Volume 144, Issue, 3, pp.04017122

Rui, Y., Kechavarzi, C., O'Leary, F., Barker, C., Nicholson, D. and Soga K. (2017) : “Integrity Testing of Pile Cover Using Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing,” Sensors 2017, 17(12), 2949

Leung, Y. F. A., Klar, A., Soga, K., & Hoult, N. A. (2017). Superstructure-foundation interaction in multi-objective pile group optimization considering settlement response. Canadian Geotechnical Journal

Ryuo, S., Asaka, Y. and Soga, K. (2014) “A role of monitoring to reduce the uncertainty in the performance of pile foundations,” Geotechnical Safety and Risk IV, Zhang et al. (eds.), Taylor and Francis, pp. 357-363

Mohamad, H., Soga, K. and Amatya, B. (2014) : “Thermal Strain Sensing of Concrete Piles Using Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometry,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 20120176.

Bell, A., Soga, K., Ouyang, Y., Yan, J. and Wang, F. (2013) “The role of fibre optic instrumentation in the re-use of deep foundations”, Proceedings of the 18th International conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, pp. 1863-1866

Leung, Y.F., Soga, K. and Klar, A. (2011) : “Multi‐Objective Foundation Optimization and Its Application to Pile Reuse”, ASCE Geo‐Frontiers 2011: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering Proceedings of the Geo‐Frontiers 2011 Conference, March 13–16, 2011 Dallas, Han, J. and Alzamora, D.E. (eds.), doi:10.1061/41165(397)9

Leung, Y.F, Soga, K. Lehane, B.M. and Klar, A. (2010) “Role of linear-elasticity in pile group analysis and load test interpretation”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 136, No. 12, pp.1686-1694

Leung, Y.F., Klar, A., Soga, K. (2010) “A Theoretical Study on Pile Length Optimization of Pile Groups and Piled Rafts,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 319-330

Klar,A., Bennett, P.J., Soga, K., Mair, R.J., Tester, P., Fernie, R., St John, H. and Torp-Peterson, G. (2006) : “The importance of distributed strain measurement for pile foundations,” Proceedings of ICE- Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 159, No. GE3, pp.135-144

Bowman, E.T. and Soga, K. (2005) : “Mechanisms of set up of displacement piles in sand: Laboratory creep tests,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 1391-1407


(ii) Grouting

Zhang, D.M., Zhang, D.M., Soga, K., Huang, H.W. and Wang, F., 2019. Rehabilitation of Overdeformed Metro Tunnel in Shanghai by Multiple Repair Measures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(11), p.04019101.

Masini, L., Rampello, S. and Soga, K. (2014): “An Approach to Evaluate the Efficiency of Compensation Grouting,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 140, 04014073.

Marchi, M., Gottardi, G. and Soga, K. (2014): “Fracturing Pressure in Clay,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 140, No. 2, 04013008

Au, S.K.A., Yeung, A.T., Soga, K., and Cheng, Y.M. (2007). "Effects of subsurface cavity expansion in clays." Géotechnique, Vol. 57, No.10, 821-830.

Au, S.K.A., Soga, K., and Yeung, A.T. (2006). "A new laboratory apparatus for grout injection studies." Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 29, No.2, pp.95-101.

Au, S.K.A., Yeung, A.T. and Soga, K. (2006) : “Pressure-controlled cavity expansion in clay,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 43, No.7, pp. 714-725

Soga, K., Au, S.K.A., Jafari, M.R. and Bolton, M.D. (2004) : “Laboratory investigation of multiple injection into clay,” Géotechnique, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp.81-90

Au, S.K.A., Soga, K., Jafari, M.R., Bolton, M.D. and Komiya, K. (2003) : “Factors affecting long-term efficiency of compensation grouting in clays,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129, No. 3, pp. 254-262


(iii) Cutoff Walls

Soga, K., Joshi, K. and Evans, J. (2013): “Cement Bentonite Cutoff Walls for Polluted Sites,” Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics: From Theoretical and Experimental Research to Practical Applications - Proceedings of the International Symposium, ISSMGE TC 215. 149-165. 2013

Joshi, K., Kechavarzi, C. Sutherland, K., Ng, M.Y.A., Soga, K. and Tedd, P. (2010) “Laboratory and In situ Tests for Long-term Hydraulic Conductivity of Cement-Bentonite Cut-Off Wall,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 562-572

Soga, K. and Joshi, K.D. (2010) : “Long-term Engineering Performance of Cement-Bentonite Cut-off Walls: A Case Study (Keynote),” 6th International Congress in Environmental Geotechnics, New Delhi, pp. 151-164

Joshi, K., Soga, K. and Tedd, P. (2009) “Long-Term Performance of Cement-Bentonite Containment Wall”, Proceedings of the 17th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Alexandria, 5-9 October, 2009. vol. 3, pp. 2028-2031 


(iv) Field Permeability

Ratnam, S., Soga, K. and Whittle, R.W. (2005) : “A field permeability measurement technique using a conventional self-boring pressuremeter,” Géotechnique, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 527-538

Ratnam, S., and Soga, K. (2003) : “An evaluation of geometric factors used in the two stage borehole test (ASTM D6391-99) using the finite element method,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, American Society of Testing Method, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 228-234

Ratnam, S., Soga, K., Mair, R.J. and Whittle, R.W. (2002) : “Self-boring pressuremeter permeameter measurements in Bothkennar clay,” Géotechnique, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 55-60

Ratnam, S., Soga, K. and Whittle, R. (2001) : “Revisiting Hvorslev’s intake factors using the finite element method,” Géotechnique, Vol. 51, No. 7, pp.641-645


6. Deep Geomechanics

Sun, X., Luo, H. and Soga, K. “Deformation Coupled Effective Permeability Change in Hydrate-Bearing Sediment during Depressurization,” Processes, 2022, 10(11), p.2210.

Sasaki, T., Shao, B., Elshafie, M., Papadopoulou, M., Yamamoto, K., & Soga, K. 2021. Simulation of axial tensile well deformation during reservoir compaction in offshore unconsolidated methane hydrate-bearing formation. Computers and Geotechnics, 129, 103894

Zhou, M., Soga, K., Yamamoto, K. and Huang, H., 2020. Geomechanical responses during depressurization of hydrate-bearing sediment formation over a long methane gas production period. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 23, p.100111.

Murphy, A., Soga, K. and Yamamoto, K., 2020. Experimental investigation into sand production from turbidite strata. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 190, p.107056.

Zhou, M., Soga, K. and Yamamoto, K., 2020. Upscaling techniques for fully coupled THM simulation and application to hydrate gas production tests. Computers and Geotechnics, 124, p.103596.

Sasaki, T., Park, J., Soga, K., Momoki, T., Kawaguchi, K., Muramatsu, H., Imasato, Y., Balagopal, A., Fontenot, J. and Hall, T., 2019. Distributed fibre optic strain sensing of an axially deformed well model in the laboratory. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 72, p.103028.

Sasaki, T., K. Soga and M. Abuhaikal, "Water Absorption and Shrinkage Behaviour of Early-Age Cement in Wellbore Annulus," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, October 2018, Vol. 169, pp. 205-219, doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2018.05.065. 

Zhou M, Soga K, Yamamoto K. Upscaled anisotropic methane hydrate critical state model for turbidite hydrate‐bearing sediments at East Nankai Trough. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2018 Aug;123(8):6277-98. doi: 10.1029/2018JB015653

Sasaki, T., Soga, K. & Abuhaikal, M. (2018), "Water absorption and shrinkage behaviour of early-age cement in wellbore annulus", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 169, pp. 205-219.

Sun X, Luo H, Soga K. A coupled thermal–hydraulic–mechanical–chemical (THMC) model for methane hydrate bearing sediments using COMSOL Multiphysics. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A. 2018 Aug 1;19(8):600-23., doi: 10.1631/jzus.A1700464

Zhou M, Soga K, Yamamoto K, Huang H. Geomechanical responses during depressurization of hydrate-bearing sediment formation over a long methane gas production period. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. 2018 Dec 21.. doi: 10.1016/j.gete.2018.12.002

Sasaki T, Soga K, Elshafie MZ. Simulation of wellbore construction in offshore unconsolidated methane hydrate-bearing formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2018 Dec 1;60:312-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2018.10.019

Yu, Y., Xu, X., Cheng, Y. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Discrete Element Modelling of Methane Hydrate Soil Sediments using Elongated Soil Particles,” Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 80, pp. 397-409

Oliaei MN, Pak, A. and Soga K. (2014) “A coupled hydro-mechanical analysis for prediction of hydraulic fracture propagation in saturated porous media using EFG mesh-less method,” Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 55, pp. 254-266

Klar, A., Uchida, S., Soga, K. and Yamamoto, K. (2013) “Fully Coupled Thermal-Flow-Mechanical Formulation for Gas Hydrate Sediments”, SPE Journal, 18 (2), pp. 196-206

Falser, S., Uchida, S., Palmer, A.C., Soga, K., and Tan, T.S. (2012) : “Increased Gas Production from Hydrates by Combining Depressurisation with Heating of the Wellbore,” Energy & Fuels, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp 6259–6267

Uchida, S., Soga, K., Klar, A. and Yamamoto, K. (2012) :“Geomechanical study of the Mallik methane gas production field trials”, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 601, pp. 191-204

Jung, J.W, Santamarina, J.C. and Soga, K. (2012) Stress-Strain Response of Hydrate-Bearing Sands: Numerical Study Using DEM Simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 117, B04202, 12 pp., doi:10.1029/2011JB009040

Uchida, S., Soga, K. and Yamamoto, K. (2012) “Methane hydrate critical state soil constitutive model”, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 117, B03209, 13pp doi:10.1029/2011JB008661

Brugada, J., Cheng, Y. P., Soga, K. and Santamarina, J. C. (2010) : “Discrete element modelling of geomechanical behaviour of methane hydrate soils with pore-filling hydrate distribution,” Granular Matter, Vol.12, No. 5, pp. 517-525

Klar, A., Soga, K. and Ng, M.Y.A. (2010) : “Coupled Deformation-Flow Analysis for Methane Hydrate Extraction,” Géotechnique, Vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 765 –776

Waite, W. F., Santamarina, C., Cortes, D.D., Dugan, B., Espinoza, D.N., Germaine, J., Jang, J., Jung, J.W., Kneafsey, T.J., Shin, H., Soga, K., Winters, W.J., Yun, T.S. (2009): “Physical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments”, Review of Geophysics, Vol. 47, RG4003, 38 p.

Cerasi, P. and Soga, K. (2001) : “Failure modes of drilling fluid filter cake,” Géotechnique, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 777-786


7. Geo-Energy and Engineering Sustainability

(i) Geothermal

Perera, A.T.D., Soga, K., Xu, Y., Nico, P.S. and Hong, T., 2023. Enhancing flexibility for climate change using seasonal energy storage (aquifer thermal energy storage) in distributed energy systems. Applied Energy, 340, p.120957.

Fei, W., Ma, Q., Soga, K. and Narsilio, G.A., “A graph-theory based directed network feature for thermal anisotropy. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer”, 2022, 194, p.122987.

Bidarmaghz, A., Choudhary, R., Narsilio, G., & Soga, K. 2021. Impacts of underground climate change on urban geothermal potential: Lessons learnt from a case study in London. Science of The Total Environment, 778, 146196.

Bidarmaghz, A., Choudhary, R., Soga, K., Terrington, R.L., Kessler, H. and Thorpe, S., 2019. Large-scale urban underground hydro-thermal modelling-A case study of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London. The Science of the total environment, 700, p.134955.

Luo, J., Zhang, Q., Zhao, H., Gui, S., Xiang, W., Rohn, J. and Soga, K. 2019. Thermal and Thermomechanical Performance of Energy Piles with Double U-Loop and Spiral Loop Heat Exchangers, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 145, Issue 12, p. 04019109

Bidarmaghz, A., Choudhary, R., Soga, K., Kessler, H., Terrington, R.L. and Thorpe, S., 2019. Influence of geology and hydrogeology on heat rejection from residential basements in urban areas. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 92, p.103068.

Mortada, A., Choudhary, R., Soga, K. (2018) : Multi-dimensional simulation of underground subway spaces coupled with geoenergy systems, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-21.

Rui, Y. and Soga, K. 2018. Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling analysis of a thermal pile, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, available online

Martani, C., Jin, Y., Soga, K. and Scholtes, S. (2016) “Design with uncertainty: the role of future options for infrastructure integration,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 733-748

You, T., Li, X., Wu, W., Shi, W., Wang, B., & Soga, K. (2017). Coupled heating of ground-coupled heat pump system with heat compensation unit: Performance improvement and borehole reduction. Energy Conversion and Management, 148, 5767.

Mortada, A., Choudhary, R. and Soga, K. (2015) : “Multi-dimensional simulation of underground spaces coupled with geoenergy systems,” 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, India

Zhang, Y., Choudhary, R. and Soga, K. (2015) “Influence of GSHP System Design Parameters on the Geothermal Application Capacity and Electricity Consumption at City Scale for Westminster, London,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 106, pp. 3-12

Olgun, C.G., McCartney, J.S., Loveridge, F.A., Bowers, G.B., Coccia, C.J., Bouazza, A., Soga, K., Spitler, J.D., Nicholson, D. and Sutman, M. (2014) “Building codes, green certification and implementation issues, market challenges,” The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute, Vol. 8., No. 2, pp. 84-92

Zhang, Y., Soga, K. and Choudhary, R. (2014): “Shallow geothermal energy application with GSHPs at city scale: study on the City of Westminster,” Géotechnique Letters, vol 4, no 2, pp 125-131

Soga, K., He, Q., Rui, Y. and Nicholson, D. (2014) “Some considerations for designing GSHP coupled geotechnical structures based on a case study,” The Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics

Bourne-Webb, P.J., Amatya, B. and Soga, K. (2013): “A framework for understanding energy pile behaviour,” Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 166(2):170-177

Garber, D., Choudhary, R. and Soga, K. (2013) : “Risk based lifetime costs assessment of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system design: Methodology and case study,” Building and Environment Vol. 60 pp. 66-80

Amatya, B.L., Soga, K., Bourne-Webb, P.J. and Laloui, L. (2012) : “Thermo-mechanical performance of energy piles,” Géotechnique, Volume 62, No. 6, 503 –519

Bourne-Webb, P.J., Amatya, B., Soga, K., Amis, T, Davidson, C. and Payne, P. (2009) “Energy pile test at Lambeth College, London: geotechnical and thermodynamic aspects of pile response to heat cycles,” Géotechnique, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 237–248


(ii) Sustainability

Zhang, X., Whalley, P.A., Gregory, A.S., Whalley, W.R., Coleman, K., Neal, A.L., Mooney, S.J., Soga, K. and Illangasekare, T.H. “An overlooked mechanism underlying the attenuated temperature response of soil heterotrophic respiration,” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2022, 19(192), p.20220276.

Pantelidou, H., Casey, G., Chapman, T., Guthrie, P. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Re-thinking UK transport emissions – getting to the 2050 targets,” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering, Vol.169, No. 4, pp.177-183

Saxe, S., Casey, G., Guthrie, P., Soga, K. and Cruickshank, H. (2015) “Greenhouse gas considerations in rail infrastructure in the UK,” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability, Paper 1500015

Casey, G., Pantelidou, H., Whitaker, D., O’Riordan, N., Soga, K. and Guthrie, P., (2015) : “Capital & Operational Carbon - an assessment of the permanent dewatering solution at Stratford International Station,” Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development, XVI ECSMGE, ICE Publishing, 2511-2516

Chau, C.Y.K., Soga, K., O’Riordan, N., and Nicholson, D. (2012) “Embodied energy evaluation for sections of the UK Channel Tunnel rail link,” Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 165, Issue 2, August 2011, pp. 65 –81

Inui, T., Chau, C.Y.K., Soga, K., Nicholson, D. and O’Riordan, N. (2011) : “Embodied energy and gas emissions of retaining wall structures”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 137, No. 10, pp. 958-967

Soga, K., Chau, C.Y.K., Nicholson, D. and Pantelidou, H. (2011) : “Embodied Energy: Soil Retaining Geosystems,” Special Issue on Energy Geotechnology, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol 15, No. 4, pp. 739-749.

Hughes, L., Phear, A., Nicholson, D., Pantelidou, H., Soga, K., Guthrie, P., Kidd, A. and Fraser, N. (2011) “Carbon dioxide from earthworks: a bottom-up approach,” Proceedings of ICE, Civil Engineering 164 May 2011, pp. 66-72


8. Soil-Bio Interaction

Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Soga, K., DeJong, J.T. and Kabla, A.J. “Microscale investigations of temperature-dependent microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) in the temperature range 4–50° C,” Acta Geotechnica, 2022, pp.1-23.

Wang, Y., C. Konstantinou, K. Soga, G. Biscontin and A.J. Kabla, “Use of microfluidic experiments to optimize MICP treatment protocols for effective strength enhancement of MICP-treated sandy soils,” Acta Geotechnica, 2022, pp.1-22.

Konstantinou, C., Biscontin, G., Jiang, N. J., & Soga, K. 2021. Application of microbially induced carbonate precipitation to form bio-cemented artificial sandstone. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 13(3), 579-592.

Konstantinou, C., Wang, Y., Biscontin, G., & Soga, K. 2021. The role of bacterial urease activity on the uniformity of carbonate precipitation profiles of bio-treated coarse sand specimens. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-17.

Wang, Y., Soga, K., DeJong, J.T. and Kabla, A.J., 2021. Effects of Bacterial Density on Growth Rate and Characteristics of Microbial-Induced CaCO 3 Precipitates: Particle-Scale Experimental Study. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(6), p.04021036.

Saracho, A.C., Haigh, S.K., Hata, T., Soga, K., Farsang, S., Redfern, S.A. and Marek, E., 2020. Characterisation of CaCO 3 phases during strain-specific ureolytic precipitation. Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-12.

Wang, Y., Soga, K., Dejong, J.T. and Kabla, A.J., 2019. A microfluidic chip and its use in characterising the particle-scale behaviour of microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP). Géotechnique, 69(12), pp.1086-1094.

Jiang, N.J. and Soga, K., 2019. Erosional behavior of gravel-sand mixtures stabilized by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP). Soils and Foundations, Volume 59, Issue 3, June 2019, Pages 699-709.

Wang, Y., Soga, K., DeJong, J.T. and Kabla, A.J., 2019. Microscale Visualization of Microbial-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Processes. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(9), p.04019045.

Jiang, N. and Soga, K. (2016) : “The applicability of microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for internal erosion control in gravel-sand mixtures,” Geotechnique, Vol., 67, No. 1, pp. 42-55

Jiang, N., Soga, K. and Kuo, M.Y.H. (2016) : “Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) for Seepage-Induced Internal Erosion Control in Sand-Clay Mixtures,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol., 143, No. 3, 04016100

Jiang, N., Yoshioka, H., Yamamoto, K. and Soga, K. (2016) : “Ureolytic activities of a urease-producing bacterium and purifiedurease enzyme in the anoxic condition: Implication for subseafloorsand production control by microbially induced carbonateprecipitation (MICP),” Ecological Engineering, Vol. 90, pp.96-104

Dawoud O, Chen CY, and Soga K. (2014) : “Microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) using surfactants” Geotechnical Special Publication. Geo-Congress 2014. Geotechnical Special Publication. 234, pp.1635-1643

Jiang N., Soga K, and Dawoud O. (2014) “Experimental study of the mitigation of soil internal erosion by microbially induced calcite precipitation” Geo-Congress 2014. Geotechnical Special Publication. 234 pp.1586-1595

Al Qabany, A. and Soga, K. (2013): “Effect of Chemical Treatment Used in MICP on Engineering Properties of Cemented Soils,” Géotechnique, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 331 –339

DeJong, J.T., Soga, K., Kavazanjian, E., Burns, S., van Paassen, L., Fragaszy, R., Al Qabany, A., Aydilek, A.,  Bang, S.S., Burbank,       M., Caslake, L., Chen, C.Y., Cheng, X., Chu, J., Ciurli, S., Fauriel, S., Filet, A.E., Hamdan, N., Hata, T., Inagaki, Y., Jefferis, S., Kuo, M., Laloui,       L., Larrahondo,          J., Manning, D. Martinez,       B., Mortensen, B., Nelson, D., Palomino, A., Renforth, P., Santamarina, J.C., Seagren, E.A., Tanyu, B., Tsesarsky, M. and Weaver, T. (2013) : “Biogeochemical Processes and Geotechnical Applications: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges,” Géotechnique, Géotechnique, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 287 –301

Al Qabany, A., Soga, K. and Santamarina, J.C. (2012) : “Factors Affecting Efficiency of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 992-1001

DeJong, J.T., Soga, K., Banwart, S.A., Whalley, W.R., Ginn, T.R., Nelson, D.C., Mortensen, B.M., Martinez, B.C. and Barkouki, T. (2011) “Soil engineering in vivo: harnessing natural biogeochemical systems for sustainable, multi-functional engineering solutions,” Journal of Royal Society-Interface, Vol. 8, pp.1-15


9. Geoenvironmental Engineering

Soga, K. and Jefferis, S.A. (2008): “Soil science (mineralogy, pollution and environment): Interdisciplinary aspects of geotechnical engineering,” Géotechnique, Vol. 58, pp. 441-448

Kechavarzi, C., Soga, K., Illangasekare, T. and Nikolopoulos, P. (2008): “Laboratory Study of Immiscible Contaminant Flow in Unsaturated Layered Sands,” Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 7, pp. 1-9

Waduge, W.A.P., Soga, K. and Kawabata, J. (2007) : “Physical Modelling of LNAPL Source Zone Remediation by Air Sparging”, Vodose Zone Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 413-422

Page, J.W.E., Soga, K. and Illangasekare, T.H. (2007) : “The significance of heterogeneity on mass flux from DNAPL source zones: an experimental investigation,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 94, No. 3-4, pp. 215-234

Kechavarzi, C., Soga, K., and Illangasekare, T.H. (2005) “Two dimensional laboratory simulations of LNAPL infiltration and redistribution in the vadose zone”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 76, pp. 211-233

Waduge, W.A.P., Soga, K. and Kawabata, J. (2004) : “Effect of LNAPL entrapment on air sparging efficiency,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 110 No.1-3, pp.173-183

Soga, K., Page, J.W.E and Illangasekare, T.H. (2004) : “A review of source zone remediation efficiency and the mass flux approach,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 110 No.1-3, pp. 3-27

Soga, K., Kawabata, J., Kechavarzi, C., Coumoulos, H. and Waduge, W.A.P. (2003) : “Centrifuge modelling of nonaqueous phase liquid movement and entrapment in unsaturated layered soils,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp. 173-182

Saenton, S., Illangasekare, T.H., Soga, K. and Saba, T. (2002) : “Effects of source zone heterogeneity on surfactant enhanced NAPL dissolution and resulting remediation end-points,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 59, pp. 27-44

Kechavarzi, C. and Soga, K. (2002) : “Determination of water saturation using miniature resistivity probes during intermediate scale and centrifuge multiphase flow laboratory experiments,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 95-103

Kechavarzi, C., Soga, K. and Wiart, P. (2000) : “Multispectral image analysis method to determine dynamic fluid saturation distribution in two-dimensional three-phase flow laboratory experiments,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 46, No.3-4, pp. 265-293