Susan Shaheen

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408 McLaughlin Hall
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Office Hours

Spring 2024 semester: 

10:30am to 11:30am, Tuesdays (408 McLaughlin Hall)

2 to 3pm, Wednesdays (Zoom)

1 hour/week by appointment


Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate
Transportation Engineering
Professor In-Residence

Susan Shaheen is a Professor In-Residence of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. She also co-directs the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC) of the Institute of Transportation Studies. Shaheen’s research focuses on the adoption of emerging transportation technologies and innovative services, including carsharing (short-term vehicle access), bike-sharing (short-term bicycle access), ridesharing (carpooling/vanpooling), transportation network companies (or ride-hailing), and smart parking management, as well as user acceptance of alternative fuel vehicles and automation. Her work highlights social equity and justice, particularly in the context of transportation infrastructure and mobility services. 

Shaheen was among the first to observe, research, and write about the changing dynamics in shared mobility and the likely scenarios through which automated vehicles will gain prominence. She has been recognized as an international expert in innovative mobility strategies and sustainable mobility. Shaheen has authored/co-authored 92 journal articles, over 160 reports and proceedings articles, 36 book chapters, and co-authored and co-edited three books. She is a member of numerous editorial boards, including Transportation Research, Part D; the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (IJST); Sustainable Engineering and Science Section, Sustainability; Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability; and Case Studies of Transport Policy. She is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Executive Committee and served as the Chair and Vice Chair from 2019 to 2022. She was appointed as the Automotive Member of the California Air Resources Board by Governor Gavin Newsom in January 2023 and received Senate confirmation in September 2023. 


Post Doctoral Scholar, Transportation and Highway Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2001

Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1999

M.S., University of Rochester, 1990

Research Interests
Policy analysis, Behavioral research, Transportation, Energy and environment, Mobility & sharing economy, ITS (smartphone apps, automated vehicles), Alternative fuel vehicles (electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles)

Shaheen’s research focuses on the sharing economy as it relates to mobility. This research involves the development of methodological approaches, including survey design; innovative data collection approaches (e.g., real-time data, activity data); focus groups; expert interviews; and policy analysis methods (i.e., impact assessment, benefit-cost analysis, and lifecycle assessment). Her research lab, Innovative Mobility Research (IMR), is housed in the Transportation Sustainability Research Center, which she co-directs. IMR’s research examines and analyzes current transportation and land use options available to consumers and innovative transportation concepts and technologies that are emerging. Understanding how people will respond to these issues is critical to informing transportation decision-makers and bringing new ideas to the marketplace. IMR is focused on understanding the social and environmental impacts of transportation, including environmental justice. Her research lab is investigating mechanisms that will encourage public transit use and cut back on single occupancy vehicle driving, thereby enabling us to reduce our oil consumption, improve our air quality, and move us closer toward energy independence. 

Shaheen’s research projects on carsharing, smart parking, and older mobility have received national awards. In May 2019, she received the Most Influential Paper Award from the World Conference on Transportation Research (awarded every three years) for her 2016 journal article in Transport Policy: “Just a Better Taxi? A Survey-Based Comparison of Taxis, Transit, and Ridesourcing Services in San Francisco.” In December 2018, she received the Institute of Transportation Studies-Berkeley’s Faculty of the Year award. She received the 2017 Roy W. Crum award from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) for her distinguished achievements in transportation research. In May 2016, she was named one of the top 10 academic thought leaders in transportation by the Eno Transportation Foundation. In 2010 and 2007, she received an “Excellence in Management” award from UC Berkeley.


CEE 256: Transportation Sustainability

Offered in spring semester


As a major user of fossil fuels, the transportation sector in the U.S. is becoming increasingly unsustainable and is a leading contributor to the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activity. Transportation accounts for approximately 15 percent of total anthropogenic GHG emissions globally, 29 percent in the U.S. and 40 percent in California. The U.S. uses approximately 20.3 percent of the petroleum employed in the world but only has about 4.25 percent of the world’s population. Transportation technologies, demand management, and land-use strategies are emerging that can help to meet climate and energy security challenges.

Sustainability became a prominent issue in 1987 when the Brundtland Commission in Our Common Future defined sustainability as the ability to “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The three pillars (or 3 “Es”) of sustainability are: 1) environment, 2) economic efficiency, and 3) social equity. This class touches upon each in developing sustainable transportation strategies; the three “Es” are woven throughout the course.

The key question motivating this course is how to address auto and oil dependency in light of resource constraints, growing evidence of climate change, and the critical need to address mobility justice. There is no “magic bullet” solution, and this class concentrates on exploring options in light of a variety of goals (e.g., efficiency, social and racial equity). The class focuses on public policy, travel demand management strategies, land use, and technology in addressing sustainable transportation in an integrated approach. It especially emphasizes the role of technology, human response to technology, mobility justice, and public policy. Given the notable impacts of the global pandemic, the course highlights its effects on transportation.

This multi-disciplinary course is intended to introduce students to the fundamentals of sustainable transportation, highlighting: 1) current transportation trends; 2) the environmental and energy policy context; 3) methodological and analysis techniques through group assignments; 4) intelligent transportation systems (ITS) strategies; 5) social and racial equity; and 6) land use, public transportation, and demand management.


CEE 190/290: Exploration of Social Equity and Justice in Civil and Environmental Justice

Offered in fall semester


This course explores issues of social equity and racial justice in the built and urban environment, including considerations of barriers to change in these areas. It features speakers of various academic disciplines and activism groups working on different aspects of equity and justice in civil systems, such as air and water quality, transportation, infrastructure, climate change, health disparities, mitigation measures, community development, resilient cities, and environmental justice policy. The format is 1.5 hours per week, alternating between guest speakers one week and a discussion the following week. Along with readings, students participate in a group project emphasizing case studies involving civil and environmental engineering. There are no prerequisites for participation, and this one-credit hour course is open to undergraduate (CE 190) and graduate students (CE 290).



A. Journal Articles

1. Shaheen, S., R. Guensler and F. Mar, "Concurrent Air Quality Analysis Under the National Environmental Policy Act and Transportation/Air Quality Conformity," Transportation Quarterly, 1995, pp. 55-72.

2. Wagner, C. and S. Shaheen, "Car Sharing and Mobility Management: Facing New Challenges with Technology and Innovative Business Planning," The Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice, January 1998, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 39-43. 

3. Shaheen, S., D. Sperling and C. Wagner, "Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present, and Future," Transportation Quarterly, June 1998, pp. 35-52. 

4. Shaheen, S., D. Sperling and C. Wagner, "Carsharing and Partnership Management: An International Perspective," Transportation Research Record, January 1999, Vol. 1666, pp. 118-124.

5. Shaheen, S., "CarLink-A Smart Carsharing System," The Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice, January 1999, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 121-128.

6. Shaheen, S., "A Short History of Carsharing in the 90s," The Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice, January 1999, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 18-40.

7. Shaheen, S. and D. Niemeier, "Linking Technology and Design to Human Factors: Minimizing Vehicle Constraints for the Elderly," Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, January 2001, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 155-174.

8. Shaheen, S., "Commuter-Based Carsharing: Market Niche Potential," Transportation Research Record, January 2001, Vol. 1760, pp. 178-183.

9. Barth, M. and S. Shaheen, "Shared-Use Vehicle Systems: A Framework for Classifying Carsharing, Station Cars, and Combined Approaches," Transportation Research Record, January 2002, Vol. 1791, pp. 105-112.

10. Shaheen, S., J. Wright and D. Sperling, "California's Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate - Linking Clean Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies," Transportation Research Record, January 2002, Vol. 1791, pp. 113-120.

11. Barth, M., M. Todd and S. Shaheen, "Examining Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems," Transportation Research Record, January 2003, Vol. 1841, pp. 99-108.

12. Shaheen, S., M. A. Meyn and K. Wipyewski, "U.S. Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth," Transportation Research Record, January 2003, Vol. 1841, pp. 90-98.

13. Shaheen, S. and R. Finson, "Intelligent Transportation Systems," Energy Encyclopedia, January 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 487-496.

14. Shaheen, S., A. Schwartz and K. Wipyewski, "Policy Considerations for Carsharing & Station Cars: Monitoring Growth, Trends, and Overall Impacts," Transportation Research Record, January 2004, Vol. 1887, pp. 128-136.

15. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier and A. Eaken, "Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices," Transportation Research Record, January 2005, Vol. 1927, pp. 189-194.

16. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, "Travel Effects of A Suburban Commuter Carsharing Service: A CarLink Case Study," Transportation Research Record, January 2005, Vol. 1927, pp. 182-188.

17. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen and A. Eaken, "Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects," Transportation Research Record, January 2005, Vol. 1927, pp. 167-173.

18. Shaheen, S. and L. Novick, "Framework for Testing Innovative Transportation Solutions: Case Study of CarLink, A Commuter Carsharing Program," Transportation Research Record, 2005, Vol. 1927, pp. 149-157.

19. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen and E. Cavanagh, "Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues," Transportation Research Record, 2006, Vol. 1966, pp. 126-132.

20. Barth, M., S. Shaheen, T. Fukuda and A. Fukuda, "Carsharing and Station Cars in Asia: An Overview of Japan and Singapore," Transportation Research Record, 2006, Vol. 1986, pp. 116-124.

21. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and J. D. Roberts, "Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential," Transportation Research Record, 2006, Vol. 1986, pp. 106-115.

22. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Worldwide Carsharing Growth: An International Comparison," Transportation Research Record, 2007, Vol. 1992, pp. 81-89.

23. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, "Video Transit Training for Older Travelers: Case Study of the Rossmoor Senior Adult Community, Walnut Creek, California," Transportation Research Record, 2007, Vol. 2034, pp. 11-18.

24. Shaheen, S. and T. Lipman, "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption: Sustainable Approaches for Surface Transportation,"Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Research, 2007, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 6-20.

25. Handy, S., E. Blumenberg, M. Donahue, S. Shaheen, K. Shiki, and L. Song, "Travel Behavior of Mexican and Other Immigrant Groups," Berkeley Planning Journal, 2008, Vol. 21, pp. 1-24.

26. Shaheen, S. and C. Kemmerer, "Smart Parking Linked to Transit: Lessons Learned from Field Test in San Francisco Bay Area of California," Transportation Research Record, 2008, Vol. 2063, pp. 73-80.

27. Shaheen, S., E. Martin and T. Lipman, "Dynamics in Behavioral Response to Fuel-Cell Vehicle Fleet and Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study," Transportation Research Record, 2008, Vol. 2058, pp. 155-162.

28. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, T. Lipman and J. Lidicker, "Behavioral Response to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and Refueling: Results of California Drive Clinics," International Journal of Hydrogen and Energy, 2009, Vol. 34, pp. 8670-8680.

29. Stillwater, T., P. Mokhtarian and S. Shaheen, "Carsharing and the Built Environment: A GIS-Based Study of One U.S. Operator," Transportation Research Record, January 2009, Vol. 2110, pp. 27-34.

30. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and M. Chung, "North American Carsharing: A Ten-Year Retrospective," Transportation Research Record, January 2009, No. 2110, pp. 35-44.

31. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, "Demand for Carsharing Services in Beijing, China: An Exploratory Study," International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, January 2010, Vol. 4, pp. 41-55.

32. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, "Transit-Based Smart Parking: An Evaluation of the San Francisco Bay Area Field Test," Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies, January 2010, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 225-233.

33. Shaheen, S., D. Allen and J. Liu, "Public Transit Training: A Mechanism to Increase Ridership Among Older Adults," Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, January 2010, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 7-28.

34. Lidicker, J., T. Lipman and S. Shaheen, "Economic Assessment of Electric-Drive Vehicle Operation in California and the United States," Transportation Research Record, January 2010, No. 2191, pp. 50-58.
(Contribution: 25%)

35. Martin, E., S. Shaheen and J. Lidicker, "Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey," Transportation Research Record, January 2010, No. 2143, pp. 150-158. Note paper received TRB public transportation award for best paper in 2010.
(Contribution: 40%)

36. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and E. Martin, "Carsharing Parking Policy: A Review of North American Practices and San Francisco, California Bay Area Case Study," Transportation Research Record, January 2010, No. 2187, pp. 146-156.
(Contribution: 60%)

37. Shaheen, S., S. Guzman and A. Zhang, "Bikesharing in Europe, The Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future," Transportation Research Record, January 2010, No. 2143, pp. 159-167.

38. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen, "The Impact of Carsharing on Public Transit and Non-Motorized Travel: An Exploration of North American Carsharing Survey Data," Energies, January 2011, Vol. 4, pp. 2094-2114, doi: 10.3390/en4112094.

39. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen, "Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, January 2011, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 1074-1086.

40. Shaheen, S., H. Zhang, E. Martin and S. Guzman, "Hangzhou Public Bicycle: Understanding Early Adoption and Behavioral Response to Bikesharing in Hangzhou, China," Transportation Research Record, January 2011, No. 2247, pp. 34-41.
(Contribution: 50%)

41. Chan, N.D. and S. Shaheen, "Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future," Transport Reviews, January 2012, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 93-112.
(Contribution: 45%)

42. Shaheen, S., M. Mallery and K. Kingsley, "Personal Vehicle Sharing Services in North America," Research in Transportation Business & Management, January 2012, doi: 10.10.16/j.rtbm.2012.04.005.
(Contribution: 60%)

43. Wang, M., E. Martin and S. Shaheen, "Carsharing in Shanghai, China: Analysis of Behavioral Response to Local Survey and Potential Competition," Transportation Research Record, December 2012, Vol. 2319, pp. 86-95.

44. Martin, E., N. Chan and S. Shaheen, "How Public Education on Ecodriving Can Reduce Both Duel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions," Transportation Research Record, December 2012, Vol. 2287, pp. 163-173.
(Contribution: 45%)

45. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Carsharing and Personal Vehicle Services: Worldwide Market Developments and Emerging Trends," International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, January 2013, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 5-34.
(Contribution: 70%)

46. Parkes, S., G. Mardsen, S. Shaheen, and A. Cohen (2013). “Understanding the Diffusion of Public Bikesharing Systems: Evidence from Europe and North America,” Journal of Transport Geography, 31: 94-103. (Contribution: 30%)

47. Zhang, H., S. Shaheen, K. Chen (2013). “Bicycle Evolution in China: From the 1990s to Present.” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2012.699999. (Contribution: 40%)

48. Shaheen, S.A., A.P. Cohen and E.W. Martin, "Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator Understanding and Emerging Trends," Transportation Research Record, March 2013, Vol. 2387, pp. 83-92, doi: 10.3141/2387-10.

49. Shaheen, S.A., E.W. Martin and A.P. Cohen, "Public Bikesharing and Modal Shift Behavior: A Comparative Study of Early Bikesharing Systems in North America," International Journal of Transportation, December 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 35-53. 

50. Shaheen, S.A., M.L. Camel and K. Lee, "U.S. Integrated Transportation Systems in the Future, 2030 to 2050: Application of a Scenario Planning Tool," Transportation Research Record, 2013, Vol. 2380, pp. 99-107.

51. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, T. Lipman and M. Camel, "Evaluating the Public Perception of a Feebate Policy in California Through the Estimation and Cross-Validation of an Ordinal Regression Model," Transport Policy, May 2014, Vol. 33, pp. 144-153.

52. Martin, E.W. and S.A. Shaheen, "Evaluating Public Transit Modal Shift Dynamics in Response to Bikesharing: A Tale of Two Cities," Journal of Transport Geography, December 2014, Vol. 41, pp. 315-324. 

53. Ballús-Armet, I., S.A. Shaheen, K. Clonts and D. Weinzimmer, "Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area, California," Transportation Research Record, December 2014, Vol. 2416, pp. 27-36. 

54. Shaheen, S., L. Cano, and M. Camel, "Exploring Electric Vehicle Carsharing as a Mobility Option for Older Adults: A Case Study of a Senior Adult Community in the San Francisco Bay Area," International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, January 2015, doi: 10.1080/15568318.2014.962675.

55. Shaheen, S.A., N.D. Chan and H. Micheaux, "One-Way Carsharing’s Evolution and Operator Perspectives from the Americas," Transportation, May 2015, Vol. 42, pp. 519-536.

56. Greenblatt, J. and S. Shaheen, "Automated Vehicles, On-Demand Mobility, and Environmental Impacts," Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, September 2015, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 74-81, doi: 10.1007/s40518-015-0038-5.

57. Rayle, L., D. Dai, N. Chan, R. Cervero and S. Shaheen, "Just a Better Taxi? A Survey-Based Comparison of Taxis, Transit, and Ridesourcing Services in San Francisco," Transport Policy, January 2016, Vol. 45, pp. 168-178, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.004. Note paper received most influential paper award in 2018 from the World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS) (awarded every three years for top journal article in Transport Policy).

58. Shaheen, S., D. Shen and E. Martin, "Understanding Carsharing Risk and Insurance Claims in the United States," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, January 2016, Vol. 2542, pp. 84-91, doi: 10.3141%2F2542-10.

59. Firnkorn, J. and S. Shaheen, "Generic Time- and Method-Interdependencies of Empirical Impact-Measurements: A Generalizable Model of Adaptation-Processes of Carsharing-Users' Mobility-Behavior Over Time," Journal of Cleaner Production, February 2016, Vol. 113, pp. 897-909, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.09.115.

60. Terrien, C., R. Maniak, B. Chen and S. Shaheen, "Good Practices for Advancing Urban Mobility Innovation: A Case Study of One-Way Carsharing," Research in Transportation Business & Management, September 2016, Vol. 20, pp. 20-32, doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2016.08.001.

61. Shaheen, S., N. Chan and T. Gaynor, "Casual Carpooling in the San Francisco Bay Area: Understanding User Characteristics, Behaviors, and Motivations," Transport Policy, October 2016, Vol. 51, pp. 165-173, doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2016.01.003.

62. Shaheen, S. and N. Chan, "Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Potential to Facilitate the First- and Last-Mile Public Transit Connections," Built Environment, December 2016, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 573-588, doi: 10.2148/benv.42.4.573.

63. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Is It Time for a Public Transit Renaissance?: Navigating Travel Behavior, Technology, and Business Model Shifts in a Brave New World," Journal of Public Transportation, March 2018, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 67-81, doi: 10.5038/2375-0901.21.1.8.

64. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Shared Ride Services in North America: Definitions, Impacts, and the Future of Pooling, “Transport Reviews, pp. 427-442.

65. Shaheen, S. and M. A. Bouzaghrane (2019). “Mobility and Energy Impacts of Shared Automated Vehicles: A Review of Recent Literature,” Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports., 7 pages.

66. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and M. Hoffman-Stapleton (2019). “Shared Mobility and Urban Form Impacts: A Case Study of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Carsharing in the U.S.,” Journal Urbanism Design., 17 pages.(partially derived from report)

67. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and H. Totte (2020). “Impacts of Zero-Emission Vehicle Exposure Within U.S. Carsharing Fleets and Impacts on Sentiment Toward Electric-Drive Vehicles,” Transport Policy, No. 85, pp. A23-A-32.

68. Wong, S., A. Pel, S. Shaheen, and C. Chorus (2020). “Fleeing from Hurricane Irma: Empirical Analysis of Evacuation Behavior Using Discrete Choice Theory,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Volume 79, February, 102227.

69. Lucken, E., K. Trapenberg Frick, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Three Ps in a MOD: Role for Mobility on Demand (MOD) Public-Private Partnerships in Public Transit Provision,” Research in Transportation Business & Management. Volume 32, September, 100433. 10 pages.

70. Lazarus, J., J. C. Pourquier, F. Feng, H. Hammel, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Micromobility Evolution and Expansion: Understanding How Docked and Dockless Bikesharing Models Complement and Compete – A Case Study of San Francisco,” Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 84, 12 pages. (derived from conference paper)

71. Wong, S., J. Walker, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Bridging the Gap Between Evacuations and the Sharing Economy,” Transportation, 50 pages. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-020-10101-3. (derived from conference paper)

72. Wong, S., C. Chorus, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker (2020). "A Revealed Preference Methodology to Evaluate Regret Minimization with Challenging Choice Sets: A Wildfire Evacuation Case Study." Travel Behaviour and Society. Volume 20, 331-347. (derived from conference paper)

73. Bauer, G., C. Zheng, J. B. Greenblatt, S. Shaheen, D. Kammen (2020). “On-Demand Automotive Fleet Electrification Can Catalyze Global Transportation Decarbonization and Smart Urban Mobility,” Environmental Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c01609, 7 pages.

74. Sadek, B., E. Martin, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Online Truck Parking Forecasting Using Fourier Transformations,” Journal of Transportation Engineering. Part A: Systems, 146(8), paper: 05020006. DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000397. (derived from conference paper)

75. Wong, S., J. Broader, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Can Sharing Economy Platforms Increase Social Equity Impacts for Vulnerable Populations in Disaster Response and Relief? A Case Study of the 2017 and 2018 California Wildfires.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP) 5 (2020), paper: 100131. DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2020.100131.

76. Wong, S. D., J. L. Walker, and S. A. Shaheen (2020). “Trust and Compassion in Willingness to Share Mobility and Sheltering Resources in Evacuations: A Case Study of the 2017 and 2018 California Wildfires,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 52, 19 pages. DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101900.

77. Lazarus, J. R., J. D. Cacideo, A. M. Bayen, and S. A. Shaheen (2021). “To Pool or Not to Pool? Understanding Opportunities, Challenges, and Equity Considerations to Expand the Market for Pooling?” Transportation Research, Part A, Volume 148, pages 199-222. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2020.10.007 

78. Cohen, A. C., S. A. Shaheen, E. M. Farrar (2021). “Urban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14 pages. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3082767

79. Bauer, G., C. Zheng, S. Shaheen, and D. Kammen (2021). “Leveraging Big Data and Coordinated Charging for Effective Taxi Fleet Electrification: The 100% EV Conversion of Shenzhen, China,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12 pages. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3092276.

80. Tahlyan, D., M. Said, H. Mahmassani, A. Stathopoulos, J. Walker, S. Shaheen (2022). “For Whom Did Telework Not Work During the Pandemic? Understanding the Factors Impacting Telework Satisfaction in the US Using A Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause (MIMIC) Model,” Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice, 155(2): 387-402. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2021.11.025.

81. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, J. Broader (2021). “What's the Big Deal with Shared Micromobility? Evolution, Curb Policy, and Potential Developments in North America,” Built Environment, Vol. 47(4), pp. 499-514. DOI: 10.2148/benv.47.4.499.

82. Wong, S., M. Yu, A. Kuncheria, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker (2022). “Understanding the Willingness to Share Resources in Hurricane Irma Evacuation: A Multi-Modeling Approach.” Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, pp 1-36. DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2021.2017064.

83. Wong, S. D., J. C. Broader, and S. A. Shaheen (2022). “Power Trips: Early Understanding of Preparedness and Travel Behavior During California Public Safety Power Shutoff Events,” Transportation Research Record, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.1177/03611981221078569.

84. Wong, S. D., J. C. Broader, J. L. Walker, and S. A. Shaheen (2022). “Understanding California Wildfire Evacuee Behavior and Joint Choice Making,” Transportation, pp. 1-47.

85. Pan, A., E. W. Martin, and S. A. Shaheen (2022). “Is Access Enough? A Spatial and Demographic Analysis of One-Way Carsharing Policies and Practice,” Transport Policy. 127: 103-115. doi:

86. Said, M., D. Tahlyan, A. Stathopoulos, H. Mahmassani, J. Walker, and S. Shaheen (2023). “In-Person or Pick Up Delivery? Evolving Patterns of Household Spending Behavior Through The Early Reopening Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Travel Behaviour and Society. 31: 295-311.

87. Luo, Q., T. Forscher, S. Shaheen, E. Deakin, and J. Walker (2023). “Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Generational Heterogeneity on Ecommerce Shopping Styles – A Case Study of Sacramento, California,” Communications in Transportation Research. Volume 3, pp. 1-9.

88. Wong, S., S. Shaheen, E. Martin, and R. Uyeki (2023). “Do Incentives Make a Difference? Understanding Smart Charging Program Adoption for Electric Vehicles,” Transportation Research Part C. 151. 22 pages.

89. Darling, W., J. Broader,A. Cohen, and S. Shaheen (2023). “Understanding Curb Management and Incentive Policies to Increase Pooling Service Use and Public Transit Linkages in the San Francisco Bay Area,” Sustainability. Volume 15, 13964. September. 20 pages.

90. Pan, A. Q., E. Deakin, S. A. Shaheen (2023). “Crabgrass Confinement: Housing and Transportation Challenges of Low- and Moderate-Income Suburban Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area,” Case Studies on Transport Policy. 28 pages. doi:

91. Yassine, Z., E.W. Martin, and S. Shaheen (2024). “Can Electric Vehicles Bridge the Green Divide? A Study of BlueLA’s Environmental Impacts Among Underserved Communities and the Broader Population,” Energies, Volume 17, 356, January. 18 pages. file:///Users/sashaheen/Downloads/energies-17-00356-v2.pdf

92. Ju, M., E. W. Martin, and S. A. Shaheen (2024). “What Is the Connection? Understanding Shared Micromobility Links to Rail Public Transit Systems in Major California Cities,” Sustainability, Vol. 16, 555, January, 18 pages. file:///Users/sashaheen/Downloads/sustainability-16-00555%20(1).pdf

B. Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Shaheen, S., D. Sperling and C. Wagner, "Carsharing and Partnership Management: An International Perspective," 78th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 1999.

2. Shaheen, S. "CarLink: A Smart Carsharing System - A Study of Behavioral Adaptation," 79th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 1999.

3. Shaheen, S., "Commuter-Based Carsharing: Market Niche Potential," 80th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2001.

4. Shaheen, S. and J. Wright, "The CarLink II Pilot Program: Testing A Commuter-Based Carsharing Model," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oakland, California, August 2001, pp. 1067-1072.

5. Barth, M. and S. Shaheen, Shared-Use Vehicle Systems: A Framework for Classifying Carsharing, Station Cars, and Combined Approaches, 81st Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2002. 

6. Shaheen, S., J. Wright and D. Sperling, "California's Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate - Linking Clean Fuel Cars, Carsharing, and Station Car Strategies," 81st Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2002.

7. Barth, M., M. Todd, and S. Shaheen, Examining Intelligent Transportation Technology Elements and Operational Methodologies for Shared-Use Vehicle Systems, 82nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2003. 

8. Shaheen, S., M.A. Meyn, and K. Wipyewski, U.S. Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth, 82nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting. Washington, D.C., January 2003.

9. Shaheen, S. and R. Finson, Bridging the Last Mile: Study of Behavioral, Institutional, and Economic Potential of Segway Human Transporter, Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Paper No. 03-4470, January 2003.

10. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and S. Chung, Unsafe at Any Speed?: What the Literature Says About Low-Speed Modes, Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2003.

11. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, Carsharing and Carfree Housing: Predicted Travel, Emission, and Economic Benefits. A Case Study of the Sacramento, California Region, Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2003. 

12. Shaheen, S., A. Schwartz, and K. Wipyewski, Policy Considerations for Carsharing & Station Cars: Monitoring Growth, Trends, and Overall Impacts, 83rd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2004. 

13. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, and A. Eaken, Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low-Speed Mobility Devices, 84th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2005.

14. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, Travel Effects of A Suburban Commuter Carsharing Service: A CarLink Case Study, 84th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2005.

15. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and A. Eaken, Transit-Based Smart Parking in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Assessment of User Demand and Behavioral Effects, 84th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2005.

16. Shaheen, S. and L. Novick, Framework for Testing Innovative Transportation Solutions: Case Study of CarLink, A Commuter Carsharing Program, 84th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2005.

17. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, "Transit-Based Smart Parking: Early Field Test Results, 85th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2006.

18. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and J. D. Roberts, Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential, 85th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2006.

19. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at Transit Oriented Developments, 85th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2006.

20. Barth, M. and S. Shaheen, Policy and Behavioral Research at California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), 9th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2006), Toronto, Canada, September 2006, 6 pp.

21. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Possible Technology-Based Solutions, 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2007.

22. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and E. Cavanagh, Automated Speed Enforcement in the U.S.: A Review of the Literature on Benefits and Implementation, 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2007.

23. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, Assessing Early Market Potential for Carsharing in China: Case Study of Beijing, 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2007.

24. C. Rodier and S. Shaheen, Transit-Based Smart Parking: A Before-and-After Evaluation of Field Test Results, WCTR Conference, Berkeley, California, June 2007.

25. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, Demand for Carsharing Systems in China: An Assessment of Carsharing Market Potential in Beijing, WCTR Conference, Berkeley, California, June 2007.

26. Shaheen, S. and C. Kemmerer, Smart Parking Linked to Transit: Lessons Learned from Field Test in San Francisco Bay Area of California, 87th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.

27. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and T. Lipman, Dynamics in Behavioral Response to Fuel-Cell Vehicle Fleet and Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study, 87th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.

28. Blake, T., C. Rodier, and S. Shaheen, Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California, 87th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.

29. Shaheen, S., D. Allen, and J. Liu, Public Transit Training: A Mechanism to Increase Ridership Among Older Adults, 87th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.

30. Stillwater, T., P. Mokhtarian, and S. Shaheen, Carsharing and the Built Environment: A GIS-Based Study of One U.S. Operator, 88th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
(Contribution: 25%)

31. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and M. Chung, North American Carsharing: A Ten-Year Retrospective, 88th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2009.
(Contribution: 60%)

32. Lidicker, J., T. Lipman, and S. Shaheen, Economic Assessment of Electric-Drive Vehicle Operation in California and the United States, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
(Contribution: 25%)

33. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, and J. Lidicker, Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
(Contribution: 40%)

34. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and E. Martin, Carsharing Parking Policy: A Review of North American Practices and San Francisco, California Bay Area Case Study, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
(Contribution: 60%)

35. Shaheen, S., S. Guzman, and A. Zhang, Bikesharing in Europe, The Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
(Contribution: 60%) 

36. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, T. Lipman, and M. Camel, Public Perception of A Feebate Policy in California: 2009 Statewide Telephone Survey and Focus Group Results, 90th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
(Contribution: 40%)

37. Chan, N. and S. Shaheen, Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future, 90th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
(Contribution: 45%)

38. Shaheen, S., H. Zhang, E. Martin, and S. Guzman, Hangzhou Public Bicycle: Understanding Early Adoption and Behavioral Response to Bikesharing in Hangzhou, China, 90th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2011.
(Contribution: 50%)

39. Shaheen, S., M. Camel, and K. Lee, "Integrated Active Transportation System: A Roadmap for Developing ITS in the 21st Century," 18th ITS World Congress, Orlando, Florida, October 2011, 14 pp.

40. Wang, M., E. Martin, and S. Shaheen, Carsharing in Shanghai, China: Analysis of Behavioral Response to Local Survey and Potential Competition, 91st Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2012.

41. Martin, E., N. Chan, and S. Shaheen, Understanding How Ecodriving Public Education Can Result in Reduced Fuel Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 91st Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2012.

42. Shaheen, S.A, A.P. Cohen and E.W. Martin, "Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator Understanding and Emerging Trends," 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2013.

43. Shaheen, S., M. Camel and K. Lee, "Exploring the Future of Integrated Transportation Systems in the United States from 2030 to 2050: Application of a Scenario Planning Tool," 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2013.

44. Shaheen, S.A., L.A. Cano, and M.L. Camel, "Electric Vehicle Carsharing in a Senior Adult Community in the San Francisco Bay Area," 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2013.

45. Martin, E.W. and S.A. Shaheen, "Truck Parking and Traffic on I-5 in California: Analysis of a Clipboard Survey and Annual Average Daily Traffic Data," 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2013.

46. Martin, E.W., K. Boriboonsomsin, N.D. Chan, N. Williams, S.A. Shaheen, and M. Barth, "Dynamic Ecodriving in Northern California: A Study of Survey and Vehicle Operations Data from an Ecodriving Feedback Device," 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2013.

47. Shaheen, S., M. Camel and W. Ullom, "Survey of U.S. Transportation Officials on the Future of Integrated and Active Transportation Systems," 93rd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2014.        

48. Shaheen, S.A., M.L. Camel and W.M. Ullom, "Regional and Land Use Analysis of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Future Deployment Potential: A Survey of U.S. Transportation Professionals," 93rd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2014.

49. Ballús-Armet, I., S.A. Shaheen, K. Clonts and D. Weinzimmer, "Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Carsharing: Exploring Public Perception and Market Characteristics in the San Francisco Bay Area," 93rd Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2014.

50. Rayle, L., S. Shaheen, N. Chan, D. Dai and R. Cervero, "App-Based, On-Demand Ride Services: Comparing Taxi and Ridesourcing Trips and User Characteristics in San Francisco," 2015 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2015.

51. Shaheen, S., D. Shen and E. Martin, "Understanding Carsharing Risk and Insurance Claims in the United States," 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2016, Washington, D.C., doi: 10.3141/2542-10.

52. Mundler, M., A. Stocker and S. Shaheen, "Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices—A Study of BlaBlaCar," 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, July 2016, Washington, D.C., doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-51602-8_12.

53. Wong, S., J. Walker and S. Shaheen, "Bridging Troubled Water: Evacuations and the Sharing Economy," 2018 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2018, Washington, D.C.

54. Sadek, B.A., E.W. Martin and S.A. Shaheen, "Truck Parking Forecasting and Error Correction Using a Fourier Method: A Case Study of the I-5 in California," 2018 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2018, Washington, D.C.

55. Lazarus, J., J. C. Pourquier, F. Feng, H. Hammel, and S. Shaheen (2019). “Bikesharing Evolution and Expansion: Understanding How Docked and Dockless Models Complement and Compete – A Case Study of San Francisco,” 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

56. Wong, S., J. Walker, and S. Shaheen (2019). “Assessing the Feasibility and Equity Impacts of the Sharing Economy in Evacuations: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma,” 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

57. Bauer, G., C. Zheng, S. Shaheen, and D. Kammen (2020). “Leveraging Big Data and Charging Coordination for Effective Taxi Fleet Electrification: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China,” 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

58. Pan, A., E. Martin, and S. Shaheen (2020). “Adoption and Use of One-Way Carsharing in Oakland, California: A Spatial, Demographic, and Equity Analysis,” 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

59. Wong, S., C. Chorus, S. Shaheen, J. Walker (2020). “A Revealed Preference Methodology to Evaluate Regret Minimization and Challenging Choice Sets: A Wildfire Evacuation Case Study,” 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

60. Wong, S., M. Yu, A. Kuncheria, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker (2021). “Understanding the Willingness to Share Resources in Hurricane Irma Evacuation: A Multi-Modeling Approach,” 2021 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

61. Pan, A. and S. Shaheen (2022). “Rent Burdened and Living a Multimodal Life: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Social Equity in Shared Mobility,” TRBAM-22-00392. Poster Session 1068. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 10, 2022.

62. Darling, W., J. Broader, A. Cohen, and S. Shaheen (2022). “Going My Way?: Understanding Curb Management and Incentive Policies to Increase Pooling Service Use and Public Transit Linkages in the San Francisco Bay Area,” TRBAM-22-01326. Poster Session 1104. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 10, 2022.

63. Lucken, E., J. Lazarus, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker (2022). “Including Public Microtransit in Mode Choice Models to Understand Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” TRBAM-22-00392. Poster Session 1221. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 11, 2022.

64. Luo, Q., T. Forscher, S. Shaheen, E.Deakin, and J. Walker (2022). “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Generational Heterogeneity on E-Commerce Shopping Styles: A Case Study of Sacramento,” TRBAM-22-01620. Poster Session 1374. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 11, 2022.

65. Wong, S., J. Broader, and S.Shaheen (2022). “Power Trips: Early Understanding of Preparedness and Travel Behavior During California Public Safety Power Shut Off Events,” TRBAM-22-00459. Poster Session 1387. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12, 2022.

66. Tahlyan, D., M. Said, H. Mahmassani, A. Stathopoulos, J. Walker, and S. Shaheen. “For Whom Did Telework Not Work During the Pandemic? Understanding the Factors Impacting Telework Satisfaction Using a Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause Model,” TRBAM-22-03111. Lectern Session 1396. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12, 2022.

67. Ju, M., E. Martin, and S. Shaheen (2022). “Understanding Shared Micromobility Links to Rail Public Transit Systems: A Methodology and Insights from Activity Data Analysis,” TRBAM-22-04396. Lectern Session 1404. 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 12, 2022.

II. Non-Refereed Publications

A. Technical Reports

1. Chang, D., K. Dougherty, B. Drumheller, and S. Shaheen, Preliminary Assessment of Possible Changes to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone and Particulate Matter, Important Issues, Implications, and Impacts for California's Transportation Community, Davis, California, 1997.

2. Guensler, R., S. Shaheen, F. Mar, and C. Yee, Conformity Policy: Air Quality Impact Assessment for Local Transportation Policy, UCD-ITS-RR-98-2, Davis, California, March 1998, 149 pp.

3. Shaheen, S., T. Young, D. Sperling, D. Jordan, and T. Horan, Identification and Prioritization of Environmentally Beneficial Intelligent Transportation Technologies, Year Two Final Report, UCD-ITS-RR-98-1, Davis, California, March 1998, 301 pp.

4. Shaheen, S., Dynamics in Behavioral Adaptation to a Transportation Innovation: A Case Study of CarLink-A Smart Carsharing System, UCD-ITS-RR-99-16, Davis, California, October 1999, 232 pp.

5. Young, T., D. Sperling, and S. Shaheen, Identification and Prioritization of Environmentally Beneficial Intelligent Transportation Technologies: Modeling Effort, UCB-ITS-PWP-99-20, Berkeley, California, December 1999, 26 pp.

6. Shaheen, S., J. Wright, D. Dick, and L. Novick, CarLink - A Smart Carsharing System Field Test Report, UCD-ITS-RR-00-4, Davis, California, May 2000, 182 pp.

7. Finson, R. and S. Shaheen, Evaluation of UC Davis Long Range Transportation, Land Use, and Housing Plans: Examining the Potential for Innovative Mobility Pilot Projects, UCB-ITS-PWP-2001-18, Berkeley, California, December 2001, 16 pp.

8. Shaheen, S. and J. Wright, CarLink II: Research Approach and Early Findings, UCB-ITS-PRR-2001-39, Berkeley, California, December 2001, 27 pp.

9. Shaheen, S. and R. Finson, Davis Smart Mobility Model: Initial Scoping and Planning Study, UCB-ITS-PRR-2003-21, Berkeley, California, June 2003, 36 pp.

10. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, and R. Finson, University of California, Davis Long-Range Development Plan: A Davis Smart Mobility Model, UCB-ITS-PRR-2003-28, Berkeley, California, October 2003, 184 pp.

11. C. Rodier, S. Shaheen, and L. Novick, Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low Speed Mobility Devices, UCB-ITS-PRR-2004-27, Berkeley, California, August 2004, 77 pp.

12. Shaheen, S., K. Wipyewski, C. Rodier, L. Novick, M.A. Meyn, and J. Wright, CarLink II: A Commuter Carsharing Pilot Program Final Report, UCB-ITS-PRR-2004-23, Berkeley, California, August 2004, 163 pp.

13. Finson, R., S. Shaheen, and C. McCormick, Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress, UCB-ITS-PWP-2004-09, Berkeley, California, November 2004, 70 pp.

14. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, and A. Eaken, Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration - Phase One Final Report, UCB-ITS-PRR-2005-05, Berkeley, California, 2005, 124 pp.

15. Lipman, T. and S. Shaheen, Integrated Hydrogen and Intelligent Transportation Systems Evaluation for the California Department of Transportation, UCB-ITS-PRR-2005-34, Berkeley, California, November 2005, 63 pp.

16. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and E. Cavanagh, Virtual Commercial Vehicle Control Stations for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues, UCB-ITS-PRR-2005-33, Berkeley, California, November 2005, 21 pp.

17. Todd, M., M. Barth, M. Eichler, C. Daganzo, and S. Shaheen, Enhanced Transit Strategies: Bus Lanes with Intermittent Priority and ITS Technology Architectures for TOD Enhancements, UCB-ITS-PRR-2006-02, Berkeley, California, February 2006, 108 pp.

18. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project, UCB-PWP-2006-7, Berkeley, California, July 2006, 15 pp.

19. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration Interim Report, UCB-ITS-PWP-2006-10, Berkeley, California, August 2006, 82 pp.

20. Finson, R., C. McCormick, and S. Shaheen, Innovative Corridors Initiative: Call for Submission Process and Evaluation, UCB-CWP-2007-10, Berkeley, California, March 2007, 84 pp.

21. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, Video Transit Training for Older Travelers: A Case Study of the Rossmoor Senior Adult Community, California, MTI Report 06-04, San Jose, California, March 2007, 65 pp.

22. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Possible Technology-Based Solutions, UCB-ITS-PRR-2007-11, Berkeley, California, August 2007, 18 pp.

23. Finson, R., V. Lingham, and S. Shaheen, Innovative Corridors Initiative: Business Model Analysis, UCB-ITS-CWP-2007-13, Berkeley, California, September 2007, 63 pp.

24. Blumenberg, E., M. Donahue, S. Handy, K. Lovejoy, C. Rodier, S. Shaheen, and J. Volker, Travel of Diverse Populations: Literature Review, UCB-ITS-PWP-2007-05, Berkeley, California, September 2007, 105 pp.

25. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and E. Cavanagh, Automated Speed Enforcement for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues, UCB-ITS-PRR-2007-14, Berkeley, California, September 2007, 39 pp.

26. Karash, K. H., M. A. Coogan, T. Adler, C. Cluett, S. Shaheen, I. Aizen, and M. Simon, Understanding How Individuals Make Travel and Location Decisions: Implications for Public Transportation, TCRP Report 123, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2008.

27. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and C. Kemmerer, Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration Final Report, UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-5, Berkeley, California, June 2008, 46 pp.

28. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project, UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-17, Berkeley, California, October 2008, 72 pp.

29. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Public Transit Field Test Results, UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-17, Berkeley, California, October 2008, 72 pp.

30. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, T. Lipman, and J. Lidicker, Exploratory Field Test of Early Fleet Niches for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure, UCD-ITS-PRR-2009-26, Berkeley, California, April 2009, 44 pp.

31. Dorinson, D., D. Gay, P. Minett, and S. Shaheen, Flexible Carpooling: Exploratory Study, UCD-ITS-RR-09-37, Davis, California, September 2009, 83 pp.

32. Shaheen, S., J. Benjamin-Chung, D. Allen, and L. Howe-Steiger, Achieving California's Land Use and Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets Under AB 32: An Exploration of Potential Policy Processes and Mechanisms, UCD-ITS-RR-09-38, Davis, California, October 2009, 116 pp.

33. Zimmerman, C., G. Shao, K. Balke, E. Schreffler, C. Rodier, S. Shaheen, and L. Munich, San Francisco Urban Partnership Agreement National Evaluation Plan, FHWA-JPO-10-022, Washington, D.C., December 2009, 92 pp.

34. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and T. Blake, Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California, UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-11, Berkeley, California, March 2010, 83 pages.

35. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, D. Allen, and B. Dix, Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Solutions, UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-04, Berkeley, California, March 2010, 29 pages.

36. Rodier, C., R. Finson, J. Lidicker, and S. Shaheen, An Evaluation of the Consequences and Effectiveness of Using Highway Changeable Message Signs for Safety Campaigns, UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-03, Berkeley, California, March 2010, 97 pages.

37. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, T. Blake, J. Lidicker, and E. Martin, EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at the Pleasant Hill BART Transit Oriented Development, UCB-ITS-PRR-2010-02, Berkeley, California. March 2010, 136 pages.

38. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, G. Murray, A. Cohen, and E. Martin, Carsharing and Public Parking Policies: Assessing Benefits, Costs, and Best Practices in North America, MTI-09-09, San Jose, California, June 2010, 80 pp.

39. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen, Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America, MTI-09-11, San Jose, California, June 2010, 128 pp.

40. Bunch, D., D. Greene, T. Lipman, E. Martin, and S. Shaheen, Potential Design, Implementation, and Benefits of a Feebate Program for New Passenger Vehicles in California, ITS-Davis, Davis, California, February 2011, 209 pp.

41. Shaheen, S., M. Camel, and M. Velu, California Department of Transportation, District 4 Employee Bikesharing Pilot Program Evaluation, Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), Berkeley, California, February 2011, pp. 44.
(Contribution: 60%)

42. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, Smart Parking Value Pricing Pilot Project (VPPP) on the COASTER Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California, Institute of Transportation Studies-Berkeley, Berkeley, California, March 2012, 104 pp.
(Contribution: 50%)

43. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and R. Finson, Ecodriving and Carbon Footprinting: Understanding How Public Education Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Use, MTI-11-11, San Jose, California, April 2012, 167 pp.
(Contribution: 50%)

44. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, A. Cohen, and R. Finson, Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator and User Understanding, MTI-11-26, San Jose, California, June 2012, 138 pp.

45. Andrews, S., S. Shaheen, W. Ullom, and M. Camel, Integrated Active Transportation System Operational Vision and Implementation Research Plan, December 2012, Berkeley, CA, 91 pp.

46. Shaheen, S. and M. Christensen, Shared-Use Mobility Summit: Retrospective on North America’s First Gathering on Shared-Use Mobility, Prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation, UC Berkeley’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center, Berkeley, California, June 2014.

47. Shaheen, S.A., E.W. Martin, N.D. Chan, A.P. Cohen and M. Pogodzinski, Public Bikesharing in North America During A Period of Rapid Expansion: Understanding Business Models, Industry Trends and User Impacts, Mineta Transportation Institute Report 12-29, San Jose, CA, October 2014.

48. Zimmerman, C., R. Klein, J. Schroeder, K. Turbnull, K. Balke, M. Burris, E. Saunoi-Sandgren, E. Martin, S. Shaheen, C. Rodier, E. Schreffler and B. Joy, San Francisco Urban Partnership Agreement: National Evaluation Report, FHWA-JPO-14-128 FHWA, Washington, D.C., November 2014.

49. Rayle, L., S. Shaheen, N. Chan, D. Dai and R. Cervero, App-Based, On-Demand Ride Services: Comparing Taxi and Ridesourcing Trips and User Characteristics in San Francisco, Working White Paper, University of California Transportation Center, Berkeley, California, November 2014.

50. Shaheen, S., M. Christensen and I. Viegas de Lima, Bay Area Bike Share Casual Users Survey Report: A Comparative Analysis of Existing and Potential Bikesharing Users, UC Berkeley’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, April 2015.

51. Shaheen, S., A. Stocker and A. Bansal, Shared Mobility: Retrospective from Caltrans Shared Mobility Workshop, Prepared for California Department of Transportation Workshop, September 2015.

52. Shaheen, S., E. Martin and A. Bansal, Zero- and Low-Emission Vehicles in U.S. Carsharing Fleets: Impacts of Exposure on Member Perceptions, October 2015.

53. Shaheen, S., N. Chan, A. Bansal and A. Cohen, Shared Mobility: Definitions, Industry Developments, and Early Understanding, Paper prepared for California Department of Transportation Workshop, November 2015.

54. Shaheen, S. (Co-Author among other panel members), Between Public and Private Mobility: Examining the Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation Services, Transportation Research Board, SR 319, January 2016, doi: 10.17226/21875.

55. Martin, E., A. Cohen, J. Botha and S. Shaheen, Bikesharing and Bicycle Safety, CA-MTI-15-1204, March 2016.

56. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, I. Zohdy and B. Kock, Smartphone Applications To Influence Travel Choices: Practices and Policies, U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA-HOP-16-023, April 2016.

57. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and I. Zohdy, Shared Mobility: Current Practices and Guiding Principles, U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA-HOP-16-022, April 2016.

58. Martin, E. S. Shaheen, I. Zohdy, N. Chan, A. Bansal, A. Bhattacharyya, A. Tawfik, B. Yelchuru, R. Finson and C. Yeung Yam Wah, Understanding Travel Behavior Research Scan, U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA-PL 17-025, July 2016.

59. Shaheen, S., A. Stocker and A. Bhattacharyya, Multimobility and Sharing Economy: Shaping the Future Market Through Policy and Research, Transportation Research Circular E-C210, July 2016.

60. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen, Planning for Shared Mobility, PAS Report 583, American Planning Association, July 2016.

61. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen, Impacts of Cars2Go on Vehicle Ownership. Modal Shift, Vehicle Miles Traveled, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Analysis of Five North American Cities, Working Paper, UC Berkeley, July 2016.

62. Shaheen, S., R. Finson, A. Bhattacharyya and M. Jaffe, Moving Toward a Sustainable California: Exploring Livability, Accessibility, and Prosperity, Synopsis prepared for California Department of Transportation Workshop, October 2016.

63. Shaheen, S., R. Finson, A. Bhattacharyya and M. Jaffe, Moving Toward a Sustainable California: Exploring Livability, Accessibility, and Prosperity, White paper prepared for California Department of Transportation Workshop, October 2016.

64. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, A. Cohen, A. Munsuri and A. Bhattacharyya, Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and A Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information, UCCONNECT, October 2016.

65. Stocker, A. and S. Shaheen, Shared Automated Vehicles: Review of Business Models, Discussion Paper for Roundtable on Cooperative Mobility Systems and Automated Driving, December 2016.

66. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and E. Martin, The U.S. Department of Transportation's Smart City Challenge and the Federal Transit Administration's Mobility on Demand Sandbox: Advancing Multimodal Mobility and Best Practices Workshop, Transportation Research Circular E-C219, January 2017.

67. Shaheen, S., C. Bell, A. Cohen and B. Yelchuru, Travel Behavior: Shared Mobility and Transportation Equity, U.S. Department of Transportation, Report PL-18-007, August 2017.

68. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, B. Yelchuru and S. Sarkhili, Mobility on Demand: Operational Concept Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA-JPO-18-611, September 2017.

69. Shaheen, S., H. Totte and A. Stocker, Future of Mobility White Paper, California Department of Transportation, January 2018, doi: 10.7922/G2WH2N5D.

70. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and E. Martin, U.S. Department of Transportation's Mobility on Demand Initiative: Moving the Economy with Innovation and Understanding, Transportation Research Circular E-C231, March 2018.

71. Shaheen, S., E. Martin and A. Bansal, Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Carsharing: Understanding Early Markets, Social Dynamics, and Behavioral Impacts, University of California Transportation Center, March 2018, doi: 10.7922/G2FN14BD.

72. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, M. Hoffman-Stapleton and P. Slowik, Understanding How Cities Can Link Smart Mobility Priorities Through Data, UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center, April 2018.

73. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, and E. Martin. MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program Evaluation Plan, April 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

74. Reiche, C., R. Goyal, A. Cohen, J. Serrao, S. Kimmel, C. Fernando, and S. Shaheen. Urban Air Mobility Market Study. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018. DOI: 10.7922/G2ZS2TRG

75. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and E. Farrar. The Potential Societal Barriers of Urban Air Mobility. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018. DOI: 10.7922/G28C9TFR

76. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and A. Bayen. The Benefits of Carpooling. Berkeley, California, 2018.

77. Wong, S., J. Walker, and S. Shaheen. Understanding Evacuee Behavior: A Case Study of Hurricane Irma, Berkeley, California, 2018.

78. Cordahi, G. and S. A. Shaheen. MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) – First and Last Mile Solution Evaluation Plan. Washington, DC: FHWA, June 2018. FHWA-JPO-18-677.

79. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, and E. Martin. MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Pierce Transit Limited Access Connections Evaluation Plan, June 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

80. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, Shaheen, and E. Martin. MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) OpenTripPlanner Evaluation Plan, June 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

81. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, and E. Martin. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) – Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) of Pima County Adaptive Mobility with Reliability and Efficiency (AMORE) Project Evaluation Plan, August 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

82. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, and E. Martin. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE)-Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA)-Public Private-Partnership for Paratransit Mobility on Demand Demonstration (P4MOD) Evaluation Plan, October 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

83. Cordahi, G., S. Shaheen, and E. Martin. MOD Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) Tri-County Metropolitan (TriMet) Transportation District of Oregon—OpenTripPlanner Shared-Use Mobility (OTP SUM) Evaluation Plan, October 2018. U.S. Department of Transportation.

84. Cordahi, G., S. A. Shaheen, and E. W. Martin. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE)-Valley Metro Mobility Platform Project Evaluation Plan. Washington, DC: FHWA, November 2018. FHWA-JPO-18-681.

85. Cordhai, G. and S. A. Shaheen. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) – Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Integrated Fare Systems From Transit Fare to Bike Share Project Evaluation Plan, December 2018. Washington, DC: FHWA-JPO-18-696.

86. Cordahi, G., S. A. Shaheen, E. W. Martin, and M. Hoffman-Stapleton. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE)-City of Palo Alto and Prospect Silicon Valley Bay Area Fair Value Commuting (FVC) Demonstration Project Evaluation Plan. Washington, DC: FHWA, December 2018. FHWA-JPO-18-697.

87. Cordahi, G. and S. Shaheen. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations Independent Evaluation (IE) - Los Angeles County and Puget Sound MOD First and Last Mile Partnership with Via Evaluation Plan, December 2018. Washington, DC: FHWA. FHWA-JPO-18-698.

88. Bayen, A., Shaheen, S., Forscher, E., and Lazarus, J. An Equitable and Integrated Approach to Paying for Roads in a Time of Rapid Change. University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2019. DOI:10.7922/G2PR7T5X

89. Wong, S. and Susan Shaheen. Current State of the Sharing Economy and Evacuations: Lessons from California, UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2019. DOI: 10.7922/G2WW7FVK

90. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. Shared Micromobility Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing, Transportation Sustainability Research Center, 2019. DOI: 10.7922/G2TH8JW7

91. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, J. Broader, R. Davis, L. Brown, R. Neelakantan, and D. Gopalakrishna. Mobility on Demand Planning and Implementation: Current Practices, Innovations, and Emerging Mobility Futures. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, March 2020, 182 pages.

92. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, M. Dowd, and R. Davis. A Framework for Integrating Transportation into Smart Cities, DOI: 10.31979/mti.2019.1705. MTI-19-29. San Jose, CA. October 2019, 102 pages.

93. Shaheen, S., A. Stocker, and R. Meza. Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies, DOI: 10.7922/G2IQ0Z8P. CARB Report. Sacramento, CA. December 2019, 54 pages.

94. Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., Randolph, M., Farrar, E., Davis, R., & Nichols, A. Shared Mobility Policy Playbook. DOI:10.7922/G2QC01RW. Caltrans Report, Sacramento, CA. December 2019, 222 pages.

95. Wong, S. and S. Shaheen. Synthesis of State-Level Planning and Strategic Actions on Automated Vehicles: Lessons and Policy Guidance for California. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2020. Retrieved from:

96. Martin, E., A. Cohen, Z. Yassine, L. Brown, and S. Shaheen. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Bay Area Rapid Transit Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program Evaluation. FTA Report No. 0156. Washington, DC, February 2020, 83 pages.

97. Martin, E., A. Stocker, A. Nichols, and S. Shaheen. Roundtrip Carsharing in New York City: An Evaluation of a Pilot Program and System Impacts. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, February 2021. Retrieved from

98. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, J. Broader, R. Davis, L. Brown, R. Neelakantan, and D. Gopalakrishna (2020). Mobility on Demand Planning and Implementation: Current Practices, Innovations, and Emerging Mobility Futures. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, March, 182 pages.

99. Martin, E8, Z. Yassine, A. Cohen, S. Shaheen, and L. Brown (2020). Mobility on Demand (MOD) Demonstration: Valley Metro Mobility Platform Evaluation Report. Washington, DC: FTA, November. FTA-0175.

100. Martin, E., A. Nichols, A. Cohen, S. Shaheen, and L. Brown (2021). Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstration: Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) OpenTrip Planner Evaluation Planner. Washington, DC: Federal Transit Administration Report No. 0185. February.

101. Shaheen, S. and S. Wong (2021). Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from

102. Shaheen, S., J. Lazarus, J. Caicedo, and A. Bayen (2021). To Pool or Not to Pool? Understanding the Time and Price Tradeoffs of On-Demand Ride Users – Opportunities, Challenges, and Social Equity Considerations for Policies to Promote Shared-Ride Services. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from

103. Pan, A. and S. Shaheen (2021). Strategies to Overcome Transportation Barriers for Rent Burdened Oakland Residents. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center. Retrieved from

104. Lazarus, J., G. Bauer, J. Greenblatt, and S. Shaheen. Bridging the Income and Digital Divide with Shared Automated Electric Vehicles. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, 2021. Retrieved from

105. Brown, A., L., D. Sperling, JR DeShazo, T. Lipman, Susan Shaheen, et al. Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2021. Retrieved from

106. Wong, S., J. Broader, A. Cohen, and S. Shaheen. Double the Trouble: A Playbook for COVID-19 and Evacuations. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2021. Retrieved from

107. Martin, E., Z. Yassine, A. Cohen, S. Shaheen, and L. Brown. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Demonstration: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) First and Last Mile Solution Evaluation Report. Washington, DC: FTA. FTA-0195, June 2021.

108. Cohen, A., S. Shaheen, J. Broader, E. Martin, and L. Brown. Mobility on Demand (MOD) Demonstration: Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Ventra-Divvy Integration Case Study. Washington, DC: FTA, June 2021. FTA-0196.

109. D’Agostino, M. C., J. Francisco, S. Shaheen, and D. Sperling. California Automated Vehicle Policy Strategies, Issue Paper, UC Davis: Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy, 2021. Retrieved from

110. Forscher, T., E. Deakin, J. Walker, and S. Shaheen. Who Has Access to E-Commerce During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Sacramento Region? Implications for Future E-Commerce and Shopping Tripmaking. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, 2021. Retrieved from

111. Shaheen, S., W. Darling, J. Broader, and A. Cohen. Understanding Curb Management and Targeted Incentive Policies to Increase Transportation Network Company Pooling and Public Transit Linkages. National Institute for Congestion Reduction, August 2021. Research Reports 3. Retrieved from

112. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, J. Broader. Mobility on Demand: State of the Industry Practitioner Census. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, Fall 2021. Retrieved from

113. Martin, E., S. Shaheen, and A. Stocker. Impacts of Transportation Network Companies on Vehicle Miles Traveled, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Travel Behavior Analysis from the Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco Markets. UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center, 2021. 200 pages. Retrieved from

114. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, A. Cohen, J. Broader, and R. DavisManaging the Curb: Understanding the Impacts of On-Demand Mobility on Public Transit, Micromobility, and Pedestrians. San Jose: Mineta Transportation Institute, July 2021. CA-MTI-1904. Report number: 22-09. DOI: 10.31979/mti.2022.1904. 138 pages.

115. Pan, A. and S. Shaheen. Future of Work: Scenario Planning for COVID-19 Recovery. Telemobility University Transportation Center. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, November 2022. Telemobility-TR-2022-1. DOI: 10.7922/G2PV6HPK. 28 pages.

116. Lazarus, J., J. Broader, A. Cohen, A. Bayen, and S. Shaheen. Advancing Road User Charge (RUC) Models in California: Understanding Social Equity and Travel Behavior ImpactsUC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, December 2022. 85 pages. Retrieved from

117. Shaheen, S., K. Gosselin, J. Broader, and A. Cohen. Advancing Social Equity and Congestion Relief: Understanding the Travel Needs of Underserved Populations That Rely on Transportation Network Companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, November 2022. Retrieved from

118. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, J. Broader, S. Hoban, A. Auer, G. Cordahi, and S. Kimmel. Shared Automated Vehicle Toolkit: Policies and Planning Considerations for Implementation. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, December 2022. Report 1009. DOI: 10.17226/26821. 106 pages. Retrieved from

119. Tahlyan, D., N. Hamad, M. Said, H. Mahmassani, A. Stathopoulos, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker. Analysis of Teleworkers’ Experiences, Adoption Evolution, and Activity Patterns Through The Pandemic. Telemobility University Transportation Center. Northwestern: Northwestern Transportation Center, December 2022. Telemobility-TR-2022-4. 83 pages. Retrieved from

120. Tahlyan, D., M. Said, H. Mahmassani, A. Stathopoulos, S. Shaheen, and J. Walker. Longitudinal Tracking Survey to Understand Changes in Consumer Spending, Telework, and Mobility Patterns through the Pandemic. Telemobility University Transportation Center, December 2022. Northwestern: Northwestern Transportation Center. Telemobility-TR-2022-5. 49 pages. Retrieved from

121. Martin, E., A. Cohen, S. Shaheen, and L. Brown. Synthesis Report: Findings and Lessons Learned from the Independent Evaluation of the Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Demonstrations. Federal Transit Administration (FTA), February 2023. FTA Report No. 0242. 65 pages. Retrieved from

122. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen. Future of Aviation: Advancing Aerial Mobility through Technology, Sustainability, and On-Demand Flight. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center, March 2023. 40 pages. Retrieved from

123. Cohen, A., and S. Shaheen. Advanced Air Mobility: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Needs for the State of California (2023-2030). UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, February 2024. 48 pages. Retrieved from

124. Cohen, A., S. Shaheen, and Y. Wulff (2024). Planning for Advanced Air Mobility. Planning Advisory Service (PAS) Report 606. March 2024. American Planning Association and Mineta Transportation Institute. 96 pages. ISBN: 978-1-61190-214-3. Retrieved from

125. Pan, A., E. Deakin, and S. Shaheen (2024). Low-Income Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area Face Significant Housing and Transportation Issues. June. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from

B. Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Shaheen, S., D. Sperling, and V. Nerenberg, Smart Car Linking in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Market Evaluation,8th Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Detroit, Michigan, May 1998, 12 pp.

2. Sperling, D. and S. Shaheen, Carsharing: Niche Market or New Pathway, Prepared for the ECMT/OECD Workshop on Managing Car Use for Sustainable Urban Travel, Dublin, Ireland, December 1999, 25 pp.

3. Shaheen, S. and R. Uyeki, CarLink Economics: An Empirically-Based Scenario Analysis, 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Turin, Italy, November 2000, 8 pp. 

4. Shaheen, S. and J. Wright, The CarLink II Pilot Program: Examining the Viability of Transit-Based Carsharing, ITS America Conference Proceedings, Miami, Florida, May 2001, 11 pp.

5. Shaheen, S., Carsharing in the United States: Examining Market Potential, 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sydney, Australia, October 2001, 12 pp.

6. Shaheen, S. and M.A. Meyn, Shared-Use Vehicle Services: A Survey of North American Market Developments, 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Chicago, Illinois, October 2002, 12 pp.

7. Shaheen, S. and K. Wipyewski, Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Carsharing System Management: A CarLink Case Study, 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Madrid, Spain, November 2003, 11 pp.

8. Finson, R., S. Shaheen, and C. McCormick, Accelerating Deployment and Commercialization of ITS Technologies: California's Innovative Corridors Initiative, 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Nagoya, Japan, October 2004, 8 pp.

9. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, and A. Eaken, Applying Integrated ITS Technologies to Parking Management Systems: A Transit-Based Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area, 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Nagoya, Japan, October 2004, 10 pp.

10. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, Smart Parking: Early Field Test Results, 12th ITS World Congress, San Francisco, California, November 2005, 9 pp.

11. Rodier, C. and S. Shaheen, Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations for California: A Review of Legal and Institutional Barriers, 12th ITS World Congress, San Francisco, California, November 2005, 14 pp.

12. Shaheen, S., C. Rodier, and J. Seelig, EasyConnect II: Integrating Transportation, Information, and Energy Technologies at Transit Oriented Developments, 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, California, November 2005, 10 pp.

13. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and D. Roberts, Carsharing in North America: Market Growth, Current Developments, and Future Potential, 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, California, November 2005, 12 pp.

14. Rodier, C., S. Shaheen, and M. Smirti, Transit-Based Smart Parking in the U.S.: Behavioral Analysis of San Francisco Bay Area Field Test, 13th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, London, England, October 2006, 8 pp.

15. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, Carsharing Market Potential in China: A Case Study of Beijing, 13th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, London, England, October 2006, 8 pp.

16. Blake, T., C. Rodier, and S. Shaheen (2008). Smart Parking Pilot on the Coaster Commuter Rail Line in San Diego, California, 15th ITS World Congress, New York, New York, November 2008, 12 pp.

17. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing: Theory, Methodology, and Preliminary Insights, 15th ITS World Congress, New York, New York, November 2008, 12 pp.

18. Shaheen, S., M. Camel, and K. Lee, "Integrated Active Transportation System: A Roadmap for Developing ITS in the 21st Century," 18th ITS World Congress, Orlando, Florida, October 2011, 14 pp.

C. Articles in Nonarchival Magazines or Journals

1. Shaheen, S., "Pooled Cars," Access, 1999, Vol. 15, pp. 20-25.

2. Shaheen, S. and C. Rodier, "Smart Parking Management Linked to Transit," Research Pays Off, TR News, July 2007, Vol. 251, pp. 30-31.

3. Shaheen, S. and C. Kemmerer, "Smarter Parking at Transit Stations," Access, 2007, Vol. 31, pp. 27-33.

4. Cohen, A., S. Shaheen and R. McKenzie, "Carsharing: A Guide for Local Planners," American Planning Association PAS Memo, May 2008, 11 pp.

5. Shaheen, S., "Careful Drivers," Traffic Technology International, January 2009, pp. 43-44.

6. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen, "The Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Ownership," Access, 2011, Vol. 38, pp. 22-27.

7. Shaheen, S. and S. Guzman, "Worldwide Bikesharing," Access, 2011, Vol. 39, pp. 22-27.

8. Shaheen, S., and A. Cohen, "Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook," Transportation Sustainability Research Center, December 2012.

9. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook," Transportation Sustainability Research Center, June 2013.

10. Shaheen, S.A. and R. Finson, "Intelligent Transportation Systems," Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2013, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.01108-8.

11. Shaheen, S., E. Martin and N. Chan, "Ecodriving," McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, New York: McGraw Hill, May 2013, pp. 96-97.

12. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook," Transportation Sustainability Research Center, August 2013.

13. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook," Transportation Sustainability Research Center, August 2014.

14. Shaheen, S.A. and A.P. Cohen, "Bicycle Sharing," in M. Garrett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 271-275, doi: 10.4135/9781483346526.n100.

15. Shaheen, S.A. and A.P. Cohen, "Carsharing," in M. Garrett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 349-353, doi: 10.4135/9781483346526.n131.

16. Shaheen, S.A. and N.D. Chan, "Carpool Programs and Ridesharing," in M. Garrett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 357-360, doi: 10.4135/9781483346526.n131.

17. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook," Transportation Sustainability Research Center, November 2014.

18. Shaheen, S.A. and A. Bansal, "Perceptions of Peer-to-Peer Carsharing in the San Francisco Bay Area," ITE Journal, May 2015, pp. 39-42.

19. Shaheen, S. and E. Martin, "Unraveling the Modal Impacts of Bikesharing," Access, 2015, No. 47, pp. 8-15.

20. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Shared Mobility and Smartphone Applications: Expanding Choice and Facilitating Multi-Modal Connections," Routes et Transports, 2016, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 77-79.

21. Shaheen, S. and R. Finson, "Intelligent Transportation Systems," Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, July 2016, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548- 9.01108-8.

22. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen, "Ridesourcing in Europe: Service Characteristics and Current Developments," Nouvelles Mobilites Urbaines, July 2016, pp. 17-19.

23. Shaheen, S., N. Chan and L. Rayle, "Ridesourcing’s Impact and Role in Urban Transportation," Access, 2017.

24. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. (2020). Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends – North American Carsharing Update. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center. doi:10.7922/G2BK19MF. Retrieved from, March 2, 2020.

25. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. (2020). Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends – Worldwide Carsharing Update. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center. doi: 10.7922/G2125QWJ. Retrieved from, March 26, 2020.

26. Shaheen, S. (2020). “Going My Way? The Evolution of Shared Ride and Pooling Services.” Transfers Magazine, Issue 5, Spring 2020., May 28, 2020.

27. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and M. Dowd (2020). “Smart Cities and Transportation: 4 Common Typologies and Pilot Project Approaches,” Metro Magazine., June 9, 2020.

28. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2020). “Similarities and Differences of Mobility on Demand and Mobility as a Service,” ITE Journal. June, pp. 29-35.

29. Shaheen, Susan and Adam Cohen (2021). “Mobility on Demand (MOD) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Similarities, Differences, and Potential Implications for Transportation in the Developing World,” Mobility and Development: Innovations, Policies and Practices. Washington, DC: The World Bank. Fall 2021 Edition. (pp. 10-21).

30. Lazarus, J. and S. Shaheen (2021). “To Pool or Not to Pool?” Transfers. Issue 8, December. pages 1-6.

31. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and J. Broader (2023). Shared Mobility in Low- and High-Income Regions. Think Piece. Berkeley, CA, September. 35 pages. https://doi:10.7922/G2BC3WWR Retrieved from

32. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2023). “Advanced Air Mobility: Driving the Industry Forward with An Emphasis on the Social and Environmental Benefits,” January 25. Future of Mobility Series, University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies.

D. Book Reviews

1. Vanek, F., L. Angenent, J. Banks, R. Daziano and M. Turnquist, Sustainable Transportation Systems Engineering: Evaluation & Implementation, 2014.

2. Shaheen, S. (2019). Book Review: Parking and the City by Don Shoup. Transport Reviews, pp. 826-827. May 8.

III. Books or Chapters in Books

1. Sperling, D. and S. Shaheen, Energy Strategies for a Sustainable Transportation System, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C., 1995, 305 pp. 

2. Shaheen, S., "Introduction," in Cool Careers for Girls as Environmentalists, by C. Pasternak, Impact Publications, Manassas Park, VA, 2001, 129 pp.

3. Shaheen, S., "Carsharing Continues to Gain Momentum", in Vital Signs 2006-2007, Worldwatch Institute, New York, New York, 2007, ISBN 0-393-32872-4. 

4. Shaheen, S., "Chapter 7: Innovative Mobility Services and Technologies: A Pathway Towards Transit Flexibility, Convenience, and Choice", in Aging America and Transportation: Personal Choices and Public Policy, J. Coughlin and L.A. D'Ambrosio, eds., Springer Publishing Company, New York, New York, 2012, pp. 95-116. 

5. Shaheen, S., S. Guzman, and H. Zhang, "Chapter 9: Bikesharing Across the Globe," in City Cycling, J. Pucher and R. Buehler, eds., MIT Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.

6. Shaheen, S.A. and N.D. Chan, "Evolution of E-Mobility in Carsharing Business Models," in Electric Vehicle Business Models, eds. David Beeton and Gereon Meyer, Springer, 2015, Vol. 8, pp. 169-178.

7. Shaheen, S., A. Bansal, N. Chan and A. Cohen, "Chapter 10: Mobility and The Sharing Economy: Industry Developments and Early Understanding," in Low Carbon Mobility for Future Cities, 2017, pp. 213-240.

8. Meyer, G. and S. Shaheen, Disrupting Mobility - Impacts of Sharing Economy and Innovative Transportation on Cities, Springer, January 2017, doi: 1007/978-3-319-51602-8.

9. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen and E. Martin, "Smartphone App Evolution and Early Understanding from a Multimodal App User Survey", in Disrupting Mobility, Springer, January 2017, pp. 149-164, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-51602-8_10.

10. Shaheen, S., A. Stocker and M. Mundler, "Online and App-Based Carpooling in France: Analyzing Users and Practices – A Study of BlaBlaCar", in Disrupting Mobility, Springer, January 2017, pp. 181-196, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-51602-8_12.

11. Stocker, A. and S. Shaheen, "Shared Automated Mobility: Early Exploration and Potential Impacts", in Road Vehicle Automation 4, Springer, June 2017, pp. 125-139, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60934-8_12.

12. Lazarus, J., S. Shaheen, S.E. Young, D. Fagnant, T. Voege, W. Baumgardner, J. Fishelson and J.S. Lott, "Shared Automated Mobility and Public Transport", in Road Vehicle Automation 4, Springer, June 2017, pp. 141-161, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60934-8_13.

13. Shaheen, S., "Shared Mobility: The Potential of Ridehailing and Pooling," in Three Revolutions, Springer, 2018, pp. 55-76, doi: 10.5822/978-1-61091-906-7_3.

14. Shaheen, S., "Create A Bikesharing Network with Depots Located at Key Destinations Approximately 1,000 Feet Apart", in Sustainable Nation, John Wiley & Sons, February 2018, pp. 238-239.

15. Shaheen, S., "Respect That the Current Carsharing Market Is Dynamic and Varies Place by Place," in Sustainable Nation, John Wiley & Sons, February 2018, pp. 240-241.

16. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and E. Farrar (2019). “Chapter Five: Carsharing’s Impact and Future,” in Advances in Transport Policy and Planning, Volume 4. ISSN 2543-0009., pp. 87-120.

17. Stocker, A. and S. Shaheen (2018). “Shared Automated Vehicle (SAV) Pilots and Automated Vehicle Policy,” Road Vehicle Automation 5. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 131-147.

18. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Chapter Three: Mobility on Demand (MOD) and Mobility as a Service: Early Understanding of Shared Mobility Impacts and Public Transit Partnerships,” in Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems: Modeling Adoption, Satisfaction, and Mobility Patterns. ISBN: 9780128150184, pp. 37-59.

19. Shaheen, S., N. Chan, A. Bansal, and A. Cohen (2020). “Chapter 13: Sharing Strategies: Carsharing, Shared Micromobility (Bikesharing and Scooter Sharing), and Innovative Mobility Modes,” in Transportation, Land Use, and Environmental Planning. ISBN 9780128151686, pp. 237-262.

20. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and E. Farrar (2020). “Chapter Six: Mobility on Demand: Evolving and Growing Shared Mobility in Suburbs of Northern Virginia,” in Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Urban and Rural Environments: Emerging Research and Opportunities. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1614-0.ch006, pp. 125-155.

21. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2020). “Mobility on Demand in the United States: From Operational Concepts and Definitions to Early Pilot Projects and Future Automation,” in Analytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-35032-1_14, pp. 227-254.

22. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) and the Future of Public Transportation,” ed. Roger Vickerman. UK: Elsevier Ltd. in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 1, pp. 584-588.

23. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Shared Mobility: An Overview of Definitions, Current Practices, and Its Relationship to Mobility on Demand and Mobility as a Service,” ed. Roger Vickerman. UK: Elsevier Ltd. in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 5, pp. 155-159.

24. Martin, E. and S. Shaheen (2021). “Carsharing Safety and Insurance,” ed. Roger Vickerman. UK: Elsevier Ltd. in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 2, pp.150-156.

25. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen (2021). “Urban Air Mobility: Opportunities and Obstacles,” ed. Roger Vickerman. UK: Elsevier Ltd. in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Vol. 5, pp. 702-709.

26. Fishman, E. and S. Shaheen (2021). “Bikesharing’s Ongoing Evolution and Expansion,” eds. Ralph Buehler and John Pucher in Cycling for Sustainable Cities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, pp. 173-195. ISBN: 9780262542029

27. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Chapter 4: Next Generation Mobility Systems,” ed. Henry Kelly in Energy Efficiency – Innovations: Driving Prosperity, Slashing Emissions. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 155-175.

28. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Chapter 12: Shared Micromobility Policy and Practices in the United States,” eds. Thomas Siegler and Jonathan Corcoran in A Modern Guide to the Urban Sharing Economy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing,. ISBN-978 1 78990 955 5. pp. 166-180.

29. Kahn, A. and S. Shaheen, editors (2021). Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. 520 pp.

30. Shaheen, S. and A. Kahn (2021). “Chapter 1: Introduction,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 1-12.

31. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Chapter 2: Navigating Seismic Shifts in Transportation,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 13-29.

32. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and A. Stocker (2021). “Chapter 3: Policy and Regulatory Environment: Shared Automated Vehicles,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 31-59.

33. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen (2021). “Chapter 5: Shared Mobility: Managing Rights-of-Way, Developer Incentives, and Planning Principles,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 81-97.

34. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Chapter 6: Shared Mobility Services: Prioritizing Social Good,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 99-118.

35. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2021). “Chapter 17: The Impacts of Shared and Automated Mobility,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 363-390.

36. Kahn, A. and S. Shaheen (2021). “Chapter 18: Future Directions: Maximizing the Social and Environmental Benefits of Shared and Automated Mobility Services,” eds. Ata Khan and Susan Shaheen in Shared Mobility and Automated Vehicles: Responding to Socio-Technical Changes and Pandemics. London, England: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-862-8. pp. 391-413.

37. Shaheen, S. and E. Farrar (2022). “Vehicle Electrification in Carsharing and Transportation Network Company (TNC) Fleets: Current and Future Trends,” eds. Kenan Degirmenci, Thomas M. Cerbe, and Wolfgang E. Pfau in Electric Vehicles in Shared Fleets. London, England: World Scientific. ISBN: 978-1-80061-141-2, pp. 5-29.

38. Shaheen, S. and S. Wong (2022). “The Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: Policy Actions and Research Options for COVID-19 Recovery,” Pandemic in the Metropolis: Transportation Impacts and Recovery. Eds. Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, Alexandre M. Bayen, Giovanni Circella, and R. Jayakrishnan. ISBN. 978-3-031-00147-5. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 313-331.

39. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and J. Broader (2022). “Chapter 23: Shared Micromobility Policy, Practices, and Emerging Futures,” Routledge Companion to Cycling. Eds. Glen Norcliffe, Una Brogan, Peter Cox, Boyang Gao, Tony Hadland, Sheila Hanlon, Tim Jones, Nicholas Oddy, Luis Vivanco. DOI: 10.4324/9781003142041-33. London, England: Routledge, pp. 254-262. 

40. Shaheen, S. A. and A. Pan (2024). “Chapter 18: Behavioral and Sociodemographic Impacts of Carsharing,” Handbook of Travel Behavior. DOI: 10.4337/9781839105746. North Hampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., pp. 339-363.

IV. Policy Briefs

1. Forscher, T., A. Bayen, and S. Shaheen (2018). “Road Usage Charging (RUC).” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(08). Retrieved from

2. Forscher, T. and S. Shaheen (2018). “Pooling Passengers and Services.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(07). Retrieved from

3. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Equity and Shared Mobility.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(06). Retrieved from

4. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Impacts of Shared Mobility: Pooling.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(05). Retrieved from

5. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Smartphone Applications and Data Impacting Transportation.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(04). Retrieved from

6. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Shared Mobility Policies for California.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(03). Retrieved from

7. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Impacts of Shared Mobility.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Brief, 2018(02). Retrieved from

8. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Overview of Shared Mobility.” January. ITS Berkeley Policy Briefs, 2018(01). Retrieved from

9. Wong, S. and S. Shaheen (2019). “Leveraging the Sharing Economy to Expand Shelter and Transportation Resources in California Evacuations.” June. DOI: 10.7922/G2WD3X54. Retrieved from

10. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, M. Dowd, and R. Davis (2019). “A Framework for Integrating Transportation Into Smart Cities.” Project 1705. April. Retrieved from

11. Shaheen, S., A. Stocker, and R. Meza (2019). “Social Equity Impacts of Congestion Management Strategies: Policy Brief.” December. DOI: 10.7922/G2PG1PZJ. CARB Policy Brief. Sacramento, CA.

12. S. Wong, Jacquelyn Broader, and Susan Shaheen (2020). “A Checklist of Immediate Actions for Addressing COVID-19 as Part of Evacuation Planning.” December. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from:

13. Shaheen, S. and S. Wong (2020). “Public Transit and Shared Mobility COVID-19 Recovery: Policy Recommendations and Research Needs.” December. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from:

14. Forscher, T., E. Deakin, J. Walker, and S. Shaheen (2021). “How Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Shifting Retail Purchases and Related Travel in the Sacramento Region?” October. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from:

15. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, A. Cohen, J. Broader, and R. Davis (2022). “Managing the Curb: Understanding the Impacts of On-Demand Mobility on Public Transit, Micromobility, and Pedestrians.” July. San Jose: Mineta Transportation Institute. CA-MTI-1904. Research Brief.

16. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, K. Gosselin, and J. Broader (2022). “Understanding the Travel Needs of Underserved Populations That Rely on Transportation Network Companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.” November. UC Berkeley: Transportation Sustainability Research Center Retrieved from

17. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and A. Stocker (2023). “Transportation Network Companies Might Be Pulling Riders from Public Transit, but This Could Change.” May. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from

18. Shaheen, S., A. Cohen, and J. Broader (2023). “Creative Reallocation of Curbs, Streets, Sidewalks Accelerated by the Pandemic May be Here to Stay.” July. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. DOI: 10.7922/G2RB72ZM Retrieved from

19. Shaheen, S., E. Martin, and A. Cohen (2024). “Local Government Strategies to Improve Shared Micromobility Infrastructure.” April. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. DOI: 10.7922/G28W3BNJ Retrieved from

20. Pan, A., E. Deakin, and S. Shaheen (2024). Low-Income Residents in the San Francisco Bay Area Face Significant Housing and Transportation Issues. June. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from

V. Others

1. Shaheen, S.A., "Shared-Use Mobility and The Future of Urban Transportation," Blog Post, February 2015.

2. Shaheen, S.A., "Mobility and the Sharing Economy," Blog Post, March 2015.

3. Shaheen, S.A., "Making Innovative Mobility Concepts Accessible to All," Blog Post, May 2015.

4. Shaheen, S.A., "Do Bikesharing Services Require New Pricing Structures?" Blog Post, May 2015.

5. Shaheen, S. and M. Christensen. “Five Steps for Growing Accessible and Inclusive Transportation Systems,” Living Cities Website, July 2015.

6. Shaheen, S. and M. Christensen. “No Silver Bullet for Creating More Accessible Transportation Networks,” Living Cities Website, July 2015.

7. Shaheen, S. “Public Bikesharing in North America: Understanding Business Models, Industry Trends, and User Impacts,” Move Forward Website, September 2015.

8. Shaheen, S. “Carsharing Is Increasing Diversity Among Electric Vehicle Users,” Move Forward Website, October 2015.

9. Shaheen, S. “A Holistic Guide to Shared Mobility,” Move Forward Website, December 2015.

10. Shaheen, S. “Disrupting Mobility: The Future of Sustainable Transportation,” Move Forward Website, February 2016.

11. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “The Seismic Shift,” InMotion Website, April 2016.

12. Shaheen, S. “Casual Carpooling is (Quietly) Saving Users Time and Money,” Move Forward Website, May 2016.

13. Shaheen, S. “Why Is Bikesharing So Safe?,” Move Forward Website, May 2016.

14. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen. “Shared Mobility: 8 Guiding Principles for Public Agencies,” InMotion Website, September 2016.

15. Shaheen, S. “Leading Transportation Professionals Discuss the Latest Developments in the Sharing Economy,” Move Forward Website, October 2016.

16. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. "Smartphone Mobility: Directing the Future of Transport;" InMotion Website, November 2016.

17. Cohen, A. and S. Shaheen. “Shared Mobility: Rethinking Rights-of-Way for Seamless Movement,” Move Forward Website, January 2017.

18. Shaheen, S. “College Carsharing is Reducing Current and Future Vehicle Ownership,” Move Forward Website, January 2017.

19. Shaheen, S. “Understanding The Insurance Risk of Carsharing,” Move Forward Website, February 2017.

20. Shaheen, S. “BlaBlaCar and The Rise of Carpooling in France,” Move Forward Website, March 2017.

21. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Mobility Innovations Take Flight: Flying Cars Are On Their Way,” March 2017.

22. Shaheen, S. “Smartphone Apps Are Changing How We Get Around: Three Key Findings,” April 2017.

23. Shaheen, S. “Transportation Leaders Examine the Future of Mobility On-Demand,” Move Forward Website, July 10, 2017.

24. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Big Data, Automation, and Future of Transportation,” Meeting of the Minds Blog, July 25, 2017.

25. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Smart Cities and the Future of Mobility,” Move Forward Website, August 17, 2017.

26. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Smartphone Apps, Real-Time Data, Big Data, and Data Sharing,” Move Forward Website, September 6, 2017.

27. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Planning for Shared Mobility: Incorporating Shared Modes into the Public Rights-of-Way,” Move Forward Website, October 11, 2017.

28. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Planning for Shared Mobility (Part 2): Incorporating Shared Modes into Developer and Zoning Regulations,” Move Forward Website, October 31, 2017.

29. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Impacts of Shared Mobility and Transportation Demand Management,” Move Forward Website, December 14, 2017.

30. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Mobility on Demand: Three Key Components,” Move Forward Website, February 27, 2018.

31. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Mobility on Demand and Transportation Equity,” Move Forward Website, March 15, 2018.

32. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “How Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Is Reshaping Our Relationship with Auto Mobility: Early Understanding and Four Key Findings,” Move Forward Website. April 17, 2018.

33. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Managing the Transition to Shared Automated Vehicles:  Building Today While Designing for Tomorrow,” Meeting of the Minds. May 21, 2018.

34. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “Prioritizing People, Public Transport, and Pooling: Transitioning to Shared Automated Vehicles,” Move Forward Website. May 22, 2018.

35. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen. “How Dockless Bikesharing is Transforming Cities,” Move Forward Website., June 28, 2018.

36. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Impacts of Microtransit: Early Understanding,”, August 28.

37. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Five Strategies to Enhance Transportation Equity in Shared Mobility,”, September 16.

38. Shaheen, S. (2018). “Implications for Shared Urban Mobility for Latin American Countries,”, November 2.

39. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Mobility on Demand Strategies: Re-Imagining Suburban Mobility,”, November 20.

40. Shaheen, S. and A.Cohen (2018). “Carpooling: Benefits to Society, Employers, and Individuals,”, December 6.

41. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Seven Goods Delivery Innovations: Transforming Transportation and Consumer Behavior,”, December 12.

42. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2018). “Convergence of Sharing and Automation: Need for Proactive Public Policy and Research Understanding,”, December 21.

43. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Late-Night Transportation How Two Public Agencies Are Filling Service Gaps Through Mobility on Demand,”, January 10.

44. Shaheen, S. and A.Cohen (2019). "Preparing Public Transportation for the Future: Three Guiding Principles,", January 28.

45. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Mobility on Demand (MOD) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS): How Are They Similar and Different?,”, March 7, 2019.

46. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Understanding Impacts of Incentives on One-Way Electric Vehicle Carsharing: A Case Study of Car2go in San Diego,”, April 24, 2019.

47. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Shared Micromobility Toolkit: Curb and Enforcement Policies and Approaches,”, June 12, 2019.

48. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Urban Air Mobility: A Primer and Taxonomy,”, July 16, 2019.

49. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2019). “Key Takeaways from 2019 U.S. Workshop: Mobility on Demand, Automation, and Equity,”, August 29, 2019.

50. Shaheen, S., S. Wong, and A. Cohen (2019). “Can the Sharing Economy be Leveraged in Disaster Relief?”, September 12, 2019.

51. Shaheen, S. and A. Cohen (2020). “COVID-19 Impacts on Shared Mobility: On-Demand Rides Shifting to Delivery Services,”, April 26, 2020.

52. Wong, S. and Susan Shaheen (2020). “Double the Trouble: Evacuations During COVID-19: Six Key Considerations for Agencies Planning for Evacuations Amidst Simultaneous and Dueling Crises,”, May 7, 2020.