Eleanor Allen

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Eleanor Allen
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Academy Induction Date
M.S., P.E., BCEE, N.A.E.

Eleanor Allen received her M.S. (1997) degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and her B.S. (1992) degree in Civil Engineering and Environmental Science from Tufts University. She also completed Executive Programs at London Business School (2011) and Northwestern University - Kellogg (2014). Currently Eleanor is the CEO of Water For People (WFP). Prior to WFP she was the Global Director of Water at ARCADIS. She also held various positions at CH2M over 16 years where she rose to Latin America Director of Water and Senior VP. Ms. Allen served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic.

As the CEO of WFP, Ms. Allen leads one of the top 100 global non- profits. WFP is recognized as a leader in innovation and change in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector through its sustainable approach to development called Everyone Forever (EF). EF brings together local entrepreneurs, technology, governments, and communities to create sustainable water systems and sanitation for Everyone (every family, school, and clinic), Forever. WFP is in 30 districts in 9 countries in Africa, Latin America, and India.

As the Global Director of Water, Ms. Allen had responsibility for a $450M water engineering consultancy covering 7 regions of the world. She is experienced in leading multi-cultural teams in delivering large infrastructure programs and projects. Ms. Allen is a highly regarded business leader and program manager with a technical focus in wastewater treatment/odor control. She is also known as an inspirational and ethical leader and a champion for diversity and inclusion. Her notable experience includes: Rio 2016 Olympics Infrastructure Program bid, Guanabara Bay Sewer Program (Rio de Janeiro); Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) Capital Improvements and Non-Revenue Water Reduction Programs, Brightwater Wastewater Treatment Plant and Cedar Water Treatment Plant (Seattle, WA).

Ms. Allen was the founder of the ARCADIS Global Diversity and Inclusion Program. At ARCADIS she was the Board Liaison for the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME) and is on the Board of US-Brazil Connect. Ms. Allen is a member of various professional associations (IWA, AWWA and WEF). Ms. Allen has been an active recruiter of Cal CEE graduates throughout her career. She is registered P.E. in CA, WA and PR (lapsed) and a BCEE, and was a 2015 finalist for Denver Outstanding Women in Business (Denver Business Journal). Ms. Allen was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2020.
