CBS interviews Alex Bayen on Bay Area traffic


CEE Professor and Institute for Transportation Studies Director, Alexandre Bayen, is interviewed in a CBS KPIX segment on Bay Area Traffic.  

“Demand has risen so much in California, that, in a sense, we have reached capacity. We can’t build more freeway lanes, we can’t build double-deckers, it’s just not possible,” said Bayen.

“Ultimately, one has to regulate traffic,” said Bayen. “The reason people use the road so much is because the road is free.”

That kind of change is the direction California is heading; HOV lanes requiring greater occupancy, more lanes converted to buses only, and possibly a fee for drivers who use highways at peak commute times.


Watch the video on: Driver Fees Could Be Radical Solution For Livermore Valley Gridlock (CBS SF Bay Area 11.12.17)