External Job - Fri, 03/30/2018 - 12:00

Submitted by katmaebal on
External Job
End Date

As Engineering Program Associate, you will be a key supplement to the Build Change Engineering Program by providing expertise, mentorship and quality assurance to programs and projects globally. You will be able to work directly with the engineering teams which are composed of national and international staff, travel to program offices and new project locations, and apply your experience and knowledge in structural engineering to new contexts and systems which may not already have well-established standards. You will be able to support multiple facets of Build Change’s work: mitigation and reduction of risk from the next disaster through optimizing solutions for proactive retrofitting of housing and schools at scale; ensuring communities are empowered to reconstruct to disaster-resistant standards through developing and teaching cost-effective, locally appropriate, and clear guidelines for design and construction of houses and schools; and helping to make solutions permanent and sustainable by working with local professionals and governments to institutionalize them.