Nazaroff wins Haagen-Smit Prize for outstanding paper in Atmospheric Environment Journal


William Nazaroff, the Daniel Tellep Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was awarded the 2017 Haagen-Smit Prize for his paper, Cleaning products and air fresheners: exposure to primary and secondary air pollutantspublished in Atmospheric Environment Journal (vol. 2004, 38, pps. 2841–2865).

The co-author on the paper was Professor Charles J. Weschler of Rutgers University.

The selection is made by an international committee of eminent scientists. Nazaroff's contributions were recognized as truly seminal and recognized as such by his peers.

The prize is given annually to a maximum of two outstanding papers in Atmospheric Environment Journal.  

See Haagen-Smit Prize 2017 Winners Announcement (Atmospheric Environment