External Job - Tue, 05/01/2018 - 12:00

Submitted by katmaebal on
External Job
End Date

Envitonmental Science Associates (ESA) is seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic civil engineer/hydrologist to work with their existing team of hydrologists, geomorphologists, and engineers in the Bay Area (Sacramento or Oakland office preferred). Responsibilities of this position include hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, engineering design for creek and wetland restoration, and report writing.  Typical tasks may include: setting up a hydraulic model to evaluate flood risk; using GIS and rainfall-runoff analyses to evaluate development impacts; developing design drawings for stream bank stabilization; helping to collect field data for a geomorphic assessment, writing a report describing hydraulic analysis results. This position will lead to project management experience over time.

Please feel free to contact Annika Sullivan at ASullivan@esassoc.com about the position.