Professor Emeritus John Dracup delivers climate change talk at American University of Armenia


Professor Emeritus John Dracup gave a public talk on the impact of climate change on the water resources and hydrology of California at the American University of Armenia.  He was invited by another CEE Professor Emeritus, Armen Der Kiureghian, who is now President of AUA.

The focus of Dracup's research has been in the areas of hydrology and water resource systems analysis.
In hydrology, he has conducted stochastic analysis of floods and droughts and the assessment of the impact of climate on hydrologic processes.

In water resources, Dracup's research has been in the simulation and optimization of groundwater systems and large-scale river basin systems.

Dracup has been Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on research grants from the United Nations Development Program, the National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Water Resources Research, the California Air Resources Board, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the UC Water Resources Center, the UC Pacific Rim Research Center and the National Institute for Water Resources Research. Dracup received his PhD in 1966 in Civil Engineering from UC Berkeley.