External Job - Thu, 11/01/2018 - 12:00

Submitted by katmaebal on
External Job
End Date

As part of a strategic initiative in the area of Urban Engineering, Northeastern University seeks faculty candidates for tenured or tenure-track appointments at the assistant, associate, or full professor level in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the area of Automation in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Interested candidates may be considered for joint appointments with other departments commensurate with their areas of expertise. The department is in the midst of a significant, multi-year expansion in size and scope, including faculty, facilities, and programs within several disciplines and across disciplinary boundaries.

Advances in automation technologies, fueled by developments in sensors and actuators, IoT, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and information theory, have the potential to significantly impact the planning, design, operations, and control of Civil and Environmental Systems. We are looking for individuals with the passion to develop a research and educational program in this emerging area. Examples of application domains of interest include autonomous mobility systems and services; construction automation (e.g., robotic assembly, maintenance/repair of the built environment); robotic/swarm mapping for environmental site assessment; and AI-based process automation and context aware computing (e.g., for tasks undertaken in risky or hazardous environments). Applicants should have a broad background in fields such as sensors, robotics, intelligent control, data analytics, AI, and machine learning, applied to areas in the Civil and Environmental Engineering domain.

Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate a proven ability to develop and sustain a research program with emphasis on interdisciplinary and translational research, teach both undergraduate and graduate classes, and be active, recognized leaders in their discipline.

Candidates should be committed to fostering diverse and inclusive environments as well as to promoting experiential learning, which are central to a Northeastern University education.

For further information see: http://www.civ.neu.edu/civ/search.