External Job - Tue, 01/01/2019 - 12:00

Submitted by katmaebal on
External Job
End Date

The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology are seeking applications for a faculty position in the area of space habitat systems. The position is expected to be a joint appointment between both schools. Multidisciplinary collaboration with related research groups and colleges at Georgia Tech is highly encouraged. Appointments at all levels will be considered for qualified candidates.

Exciting challenges await the next generation of research engineers and scientists to create long duration human habitation systems for planetary and deep space exploration. A broad spectrum of challenges is encompassed, such as: space habitat structural design and construction, remote surface vehicles and exploration, in situ resource utilization, and human life support and supply systems. Design of structures in the extreme conditions of deep space provides unique opportunities in terms of new problems for mechanics and new challenges for structural design and engineering. The successful candidate will be an expert in structural engineering and mechanics who will make a connection between civil and aerospace engineering disciplines. We are particularly interested in the design and analysis of novel structures that can withstand the extreme conditions of outer space. The candidate’s potential for career impact, growth, and creativity will be considered in addition to their specific area of expertise. We seek outstanding individuals who will conduct impactful research, teach graduate and undergraduate students, and create and sustain innovative programs to solve modern problems in space exploration. A demonstrated ability to conduct research and a strong commitment to education are required.

The search committee requests that application packages be submitted in one pdf file to ae-facsearch@aerospace.gatech.edu. Application package should be labeled Job ID #SHS18 and include a cover letter, two-page research and teaching statements, a detailed resume including a list of research publications, and the names and contact information of four professional references. Applications will be continuously accepted until the position is filled; however, to receive full consideration please apply by January 1, 2019. Candidates must have received their doctorate in a relevant field by the start of employment. The start date is negotiable but the anticipated start is August 2019.