External Job - Sun, 03/31/2019 - 12:00

Submitted by katmaebal on
External Job
End Date

The University of San Francisco College of Arts and Sciences seeks candidates for an open faculty position in its new Engineering Program. Candidates of all ranks are invited to apply. We seek candidates from a broad range of engineering disciplines who are committed to excellence in engineering education. The successful candidate will be an important part of the faculty team developing the new program.

Overview of Engineering at USF

Upon his arrival at USF in 2014, President Fr. Paul Fitzgerald called for the development of a School of Engineering, with the goal of developing an innovative, forward-looking engineering school, grounded with an interdisciplinary undergraduate program and professionally-oriented graduate programs. Since then, we have been working to make this vision a reality and are in the midst of developing an engineering program that is nimble, responsive, and humane, and that develops engineers who are innovative, creative problem solvers with both strong technical skills and the vision, empathy, and humanistic perspective that come with a Jesuit liberal arts education. The San Francisco Bay Area provides a unique location to create such a program. We have been in extended dialogue with local industry and community leaders to be certain we are graduating students with the necessary skills.

We plan to begin by offering a single undergraduate degree in Engineering; currently, we are planning for concentrations in Electrical, Computer, Environmental, and Sustainable Built Environment Engineering. We are constructing a program that heavily emphasizes project-based learning and interdisciplinary team-based experiential education.

We plan to enroll the first class of baccalaureate students in the fall of 2020, with master’s program(s) to be rolled out shortly thereafter.