Transportation Team takes First Place at MidPac


The Cal Transportation team earns first place at Mid-Pac! The Transportation team designs methods of intersection design, pavement design, and traffic engineering in order to solve a practical transportation engineering problem.  

The problem this year was to install a shared bus-bike lane along Santa Clara Street in downtown San Jose. The project's underlying theme is to implement Vision Zero principles along the corridor, in which the team aims to implement design features along Santa Clara Street to eliminate all traffic-related injuries and deaths. 

Student Jasper Lee shared, "Our greatest challenge was being able to incorporate all of our brilliant ideas into the constraints set by the street. We had many ideas that we were excited to try out, and had to figure out how many and which ones we would be able to actually implement into our final design proposal. I am proudest of how hard our team worked, especially as the submission deadline approached, to put together a quality report, and the commitment and will each team member displayed in finishing our project. The greatest thing we learned from this experience was how important it is to build a cooperative team dynamic. We really came together near the end of the project and were churning out deliverables at an incredible speed without much drop in quality, and I believe that is accredited to the trust and familiarity we had built with each other."