Coming soon! Graduate & Undergraduate Orientations!



CEE Graduate Orientation is on Monday, August 26.  See complete agenda.

  • Registration: 9-9:50, Bechtel Terrace (bring Cal ID)
  • Departmental orientation: 10-noon, 2050, Valley Life Sciences Bldg.
  • CEE Program break-out sessions: 12-5

Faculty and staff will present on important resources within the Department, in the College of Engineering, and on campus. Box lunches will be available for new students and faculty on the Bechtel Terrace at noon.


  • All Berkeley freshmen and transfer students will attend Golden Bear Orientation (GBO), beginning August 21.  Students will get their full GBO schedule when they meet with their GBO Leader on that day. See entire Golden Bear Orientation.
  • August 22 is the CEE Departmental orientation: 3-5, 277 Cory Hall.  Learn about our curriculum, student organizations and advising opportunities.
  • On Tuesday, August 27, new CEE students are invited to a Welcome BBQ on the Bechtel Terrace. Meet our competition team members and student leaders from our chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.