Community College student, Cesar Martinez, pursues STEM career in Prof. Variano's lab


Cesar Martinez, a first-generation student at Cabrillo College, pursues research at Berkeley via the Transfer-to-Excellence Research Experiences for Undergraduates (TTE REU) program.  He is currently conducting civil and environmental engineering research in Professor Evan Variano's Environmental Engineering and Hydrology Lab.

The TTE program solidified Martinez' interest in transferring to UC Berkeley. 

"I decided to go to community college, and I feel like it prepared me much more to transfer to a four-year university than my high school did. I think what really excited me about this program was getting the college and research experience. We live in dorms on campus and get to work in UC Berkeley laboratories. This place already feels like home,” Martinez said.

See Engineering research entices community college students to pursue STEM careers (Berkeley Engineering, 8.12.19)