Rula A. Deeb

Submitted by halligan on
Rula A. Deeb
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
CEE MS '94, PhD '99
Professional Title
Senior Principal, Geosyntec
Dr. Rula Deeb is a Senior Principal at Geosyntec Consultants (Oakland, CA). She has over 25 years of experience in private practice and academia addressing the cross-media fate and transport of contaminants and the remediation of complex soil and groundwater sites. She served as a member of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board Environmental Engineering Committee between 2016 and 2019. She is the recipient of the 2008 Berkeley Engineering Innovation Young Outstanding Leader Award, the 2010 Industry Recognition Award for outstanding contribution as a member of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council’s Remediation Risk Management team, and the 2019 Association for Women Geoscientists President’s Award. Rula received her doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley and was recently inducted into Berkeley’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni in 2019.