Investing in Resilience during COVID


In this unprecedented year, we are committed to ensuring that every  CEE student has the premier experience we all expect at Berkeley.

Today’s significant challenges require significant investments. CEE’s Academy of Distinguished Alumni is leading the way to ensure excellence, access, and resilience for the department in the face of COVID-19.

Your gift to the Department of CEE Fund will help our faculty create top-quality online courses, supply instructors with needed devices for teaching, equip our classrooms with more and better technology, and create safe teaching spaces.

See announcement [pdf].

Thank you for your partnership in supporting CEE!

Suggested donation levels

All gifts are welcome and much appreciated.  

Our need is great.  If you have the capacity, we suggest the following donation amounts:

Platinum level ($20,000+)

Blue level ($10,000+)

Gold level ($5,000+)

Silver level ($2,500+)

Bronze level ($1,000+)

Ways to give

  • Give online to the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Fund
  • Give by check (payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation). Include a note indicating that your gift is for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Fund. Mail your check to:

    University of California, Berkeley
    Donor & Gift Services
    1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
    Berkeley, CA 94720-1070
  • To make a pledge, a gift of securities, or a wire transfer, contact Karen Holtermann, Engineering College Relations (; 510-725-0580).
  • Will your or your spouse’s employer match this gift? If so, note it online when you send your check, or when you contact us.

Gift acknowledgements

  • You will receive a receipt for your gift from UC Berkeley Donor & Gift Services.
  • All donors will be recognized on this web site (see below).  (If you prefer to remain anonymous, let us know.)
  • The Tax ID number for gifts to the UC Berkeley Foundation is 94-6090626.


We thank these current donors

Platinum level

  • David Friedman & Paulette Meyer
  • Ashraf & Shahida Habibullah

Blue level

  • Rudolph & Anna Bonaparte

Gold level

  • Michael Kavanaugh & Carol James
  • Robin McGuire
  • Larry Russell & Grace Livingston
  • Robert Taylor
  • Philip Tringale
  • Engeo Inc.

Silver level

  • Uri & Cindy Eliahu
  • Richard & Mary Luthy
  • Mason Walters

Bronze level

  • John & Janet Baker
  • Jim Becker & Aber Lynch-Becker
  • David & Lynn Gockel
  • Jefferson Hilliard
  • Susan Leal & Susan Hirsch
  • Adib & Karin Kanafani
  • Faiz & Rima Makdisi
  • Lelio & Sandra Mejia
  • Stephen Monismith & Lani Freeman
  • Balakrishnan Narayanan
  • Iraj & Sally Noorany
  • Farhang Ostadan
  • Loring & Beverly Wyllie

Other amount

  • Anil & Hamida Chopra
  • Gregory Deierlein
  • Reginald & Paula DesRoches
  • Elizabeth Hausler
  • John Hooper
  • Steven Kramer
  • Jon & Nancy Magnusson
  • Jim & Jill Malley
  • Therese & Rodney McMillan