Stockton, Students Partner in Fight Against Air Pollution


In spring 2021, Professor Tina Chow taught CE 105: Design for Global Transition, a capstone design course focused on global solutions to environmental problems with a "systems thinking" approach. The course partnered with the City of Stockton to create local design plans to help tackle air quality issues and climate change. Students engaged and attended regular meetings with environmental justice communities in Stockton, who are actively participating in the AB 617 process to improve local air quality.

The students' work is featured in the latest blog post from California Air Resources Board (CARB), the leading agency for climate change programs that oversees all air pollution control efforts in the state. The CARB Environmental Justice Blog highlights the work of Stockton residents and university students and faculty to address air pollution in the surrounding community. Since January 2021, students have analyzed emissions reduction strategies and initiatives from the city's AB 617 Community Emissions Reduction Plan to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.