External Job - Sun, 04/10/2022 - 12:00

Submitted by pong on
External Job
End Date

The NHERI SimCenter has internship opportunities for graduate students to execute important tasks in software development and testing. The SimCenter has recently been renewed by the National Science Foundation through 2025 to develop open-source software that aims to provide integrated scientific workflow systems for natural hazards engineering (NHE) researchers. Considered hazards include earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Of importance are the effects of these hazards on isolated structures as well as on large inventories of structures and the communities in the region. This work takes place within the context of supporting efforts to quantify, on a granular basis, current exposures to hazards and to the development of a resilient and sustainable infrastructure. Additional information about the SimCenter can be found at https://simcenter.designsafe-ci.org/.