Academy of Distinguished Alumni
Philip T. Tringale Ph.D., P.E.
Inducted to the Academy of Distinguished Alumni on
Phil Tringale received his M. Eng. (1979) and Ph.D. (1983) degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. His graduate school focus was in geotechnical engineering. He also received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University (1974) and an M.S. in Civil Engineering from Drexel University (1977). Dr. Tringale spent his entire post-academic career working as a geotechnical and environmental engineering consultant throughout California, primarily in the San Francisco Bay Area. After positions with Woodward-Clyde and Geomatrix Consultants, he joined Treadwell and Rollo, Inc. (T&R) in 1992, rising to the position of President and CEO. Dr. Tringale served in that role for eight years until T&R was acquired by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. in 2010. At Langan, Dr. Tringale first served as Director of the Western Region; currently, he continues to support Langan as Chair of the Langan Board of Directors.
Dr. Tringale has had a long and outstanding career in environmental engineering focused on issues and projects related to site cleanup, redevelopment, and environmental restoration. He has directed numerous assessments and remediation programs involving sites and groundwater contaminated by organic solvents, metals, petroleum products, and contaminants of emerging concern. He has experience related to a broad range of remedial actions, including excavation, containment, bioremediation, vacuum extraction, and groundwater treatment. He also helped develop guidelines for selecting remedial action alternatives that were included in the report to the U.S. Congress titled, “Protecting the Nation’s Groundwater from Contamination.” He has provided expert testimony for cases involving National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan compliance, contaminant source identification, magnitude and extent of contamination, remediation cost and effectiveness, and allocation of cost among responsible parties.
Dr. Tringale is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Groundwater Association, and the American College of Forensic Examiners (Fellow). In 2019, he was selected as a distinguished lecturer for the Berkeley CEE GeoSystems Distinguished Lecture Series.
Dr. Tringale has been a tireless supporter of the Berkeley CEE program, personally and professionally. Under his leadership, both T&R and Langan have regularly contributed to the program through CEE scholarship and fellowship support, research symposia, and guest lecturing.