Academy of Distinguished Alumni

Shahriar Vahdani Ph.D., P.E.
Inducted to the Academy of Distinguished Alumni on
Dr. Shahriar Vahdani, PE earned a Ph.D. (1983) in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley after earning a B.S. degree (1977) in Civil Engineering from Tehran University and a M.S. degree (1978) in Structural Engineering from the University of Southern California. After post-academic positions with Bechtel/PMB Systems Engineering, Harding Lawson/Treadwell & Rollo, Golder Associates, and Fugro Consultants, Dr. Vahdani is currently President of Applied GeoDynamics, Inc., which he founded in January 2013.
Dr. Vahdani is a preeminent leader in the fields of geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil-structure interaction studies. He has advanced the state of the art of seismic and geotechnical earthquake engineering with his research and through his contributions to numerous iconic public and private projects around the world. In addition to being a leader and innovator, Dr. Vahdani is a mentor to countless leading practitioners, academics, and experts.
Throughout his 40-year career, Dr. Vahdani has led the profession in analytical methods for ground-motion evaluation, site-response analysis, seismic soil-structure interaction studies, dynamic slope stability and deformation analysis, and evaluation / mitigation of soil liquefaction-related ground failure. His projects include major transportation structures, high-rise buildings, LNG facilities, mining facilities, schools, hospitals, and landfills. He is skilled in geotechnical computer analyses and is the co-author of the computer code SASSI (a System for Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction problems).
Dr. Vahdani is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Structural Engineers Association of California. He maintains a close relationship with many Berkeley CEE graduates and faculty members, including working with CEE faculty members on many projects requiring complex analysis and new methodologies, and forensic projects requiring experience and advanced analytics.