Paul Waddell
326A Wurster Hall #1850

Paul Waddell is an Affiliated Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. Waddell’s research focuses on the assessment of the impacts of land use regulations and transportation investments on outcomes such as spatial patterns of real estate development and prices, travel behavior, emissions, and resource consumption. He is also working on ways to engage public participation in making complex policy choices. Waddell teaches and conducts research on modeling and planning in the domains of land use, housing, economic geography, transportation, and the environment. He has led the development of the UrbanSim model of urban development, now used by Metropolitan Planning Organizations and other local and regional agencies for operational planning purposes in a variety of U.S. metropolitan areas such as Detroit, Houston, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Seattle, as well as internationally in a growing list of cities in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Waddell has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Planning Association, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Journal of Transport and Land Use, Transportation Letters, Applied Spatial Analysis and Planning, and International Journal of Microsimulation. His research is published broadly in journals in planning, geography, transportation, and urban economics.
Ph.D., Political Economy, University of Texas at Dallas, 1989
M.S., Human Ecology, University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston, 1981
B.S., Marine Sciences, Texas A&M University, 1979
Waddell’s research focuses on modeling and planning in the domains of land use, housing, economic geography, transportation, and the environment. His current research focuses on the assessment of the impacts of land use regulations and transportation investments on outcomes such as spatial patterns of real estate development and prices, travel behavior, emissions, and resource consumption. He is also working on ways to engage public participation in making complex policy choices, including the creation of interactive systems for scenario planning and 3D visualization.
Over the past five years, Waddell has served as PI or Co-PI on numerous research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Highway Administration, and state and local governments. He is also active in providing consulting for local governments in developing and applying analytic tools for decision support and began his professional career working as a regional planner with the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
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