
Course planning tools

Required courses (Plan I and II)

Take three of:

  • CE 218A Air Quality Engineering (3 units; Fall semester)
  • CE 256 Transportation Sustainability (3 units; Fall semester)
  • CE 268E Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (3 units; Fall semester)
  • CE 295 Data Science in Energy (3 units; Spring semester)


If ECIC students are interested in a seminar series, the CE 298-006 Energy Engineering Seminar is recommended. Fall only; room-shared with E 93 Energy Engineering Seminar; Wednesdays 12-1 pm; 1 unit.

Courses from Core Areas (Plan I and II)

Take at least 9 units from the 3 core areas below (a course is typically 3 units), but no more than 6-7 units in any one area. The courses are either offered in the fall or the spring semester, but not both.

Area 1. Environmental science and engineering

  • CE 107 Climate Change Mitigation (Spring)
  • ENERES 131 Data, Environment and Society (Fall)
  • EPS 230 Radiations and Its Interaction with the Climate (Fall)

Area 2. Civil infrastructure

  • ARCH 246 Building Energy Simulations (Fall)
  • ER 254 Electric Power Systems (Spring)
  • ELENG 108 Introduction to Electric Power and Renewable Energy (Spring)
  • CE 264 Behavioral Modeling for Engineering, Planning, and Policy Analysis (Spring)
  • CE 268S Buildings and Sustainability (Spring)
  • CE 110 Water Systems of the Future (Spring)
  • CE 186 Design of Internet of Things for Smart Cities (Spring)
  • CE 257 Sustainable Aviation and Infrastructure (Spring)
  • CE 259 Public Transportation Systems (Spring)
  • CE 290 Inclusive Infrastructure (Fall)
  • CE 292B Climate Resilient Infrastructure Design (Fall)
  • ARCH 241 Research Methods in Building Sciences (Fall) (not offered in 2024-25)
  • ARCH 244 Mechanical Systems Design for Sustainable Buildings (Fall) (not offered in 2024-25)

Area 3. Economics and policy

  • PUBPOL 259 How to Conduct Benefit-Cost Analysis (Fall)
  • ENERES 276 Climate Change Economics (Fall)
  • ENERES 200 Energy and Society (Fall)
  • CE 252 Systems Analysis in Transportation (Fall)
  • ENVECON 101 Environmental Economics (Fall)
  • MBA 212 Energy and Environmental Markets (Spring)
  • Law 271 Environmental Law and Policy (Fall and Spring)
  • Law 270.6 Energy Law and Policy (Spring)
  • Law 270.65 Energy Project Development & Finance (Spring)
  • Law 270.7 Renewable Energy Law and Policy (Spring)
  • Law 272.1 Water Law (Spring)
  • Law 272.3 Climate Change and the Law (Spring)