Course Capture

Course Capture Service Overview

Course Capture allows instructors to record their classroom lectures for later viewing by students. The campus Course Capture service (Kaltura) is offered in 4 CEE managed classrooms: 406 Davis Hall, 502 Davis Hall, 544 Davis Hall, and 212 O'Brien. Course Capture service is also offered in many general assignment classrooms which can be viewed here:

The Course Capture service records the following components:

  • the screen and audio output of the instructor's laptop/tablet (as projected on the screens in the classroom)
  • a ceiling-mounted camera view of the blackboard (the extent of which is marked with pink tape on the blackboard)
  • the instructor's voice through a wireless microphone

The laptop display is recorded independently from the ceiling camera feed, which allows students to select which video stream they see during playback.

Recording starts and stops automatically based on the scheduled meeting time of your course.

Signing Up For Course Capture

You must sign up for Course Capture each semester. If you are teaching in a classroom that offers Course Capture, shortly before the beginning of the semester you will receive an email inviting you to sign up for the service. If you would like your course to be recorded, you must opt in to the service. If you do not follow the emailed invitation link to sign up, your course will not be recorded.

Course Capture Classroom Operation

  1. Retrieve wireless lapel microphone from the charger at the front of the classroom, or from the previous instructor
  2. Turn on the wireless lapel microphone belt pack and clip the foam-covered mic to your clothing in the upper part of your chest
  3. Present your lecture normally using your laptop/tablet or the blackboard
  4. After your lecture, return the wireless microphone to the charger making sure to have the pink tape facing forward

Publishing Your Recordings

After each class is recorded, it takes up to 2 hours for the recoding to be processed and available for publishing. You will need to approve each recording before it is published in your bCourses site.

If you signed up for instructor moderation, please see this page for instructions on how to publish to the Media Gallery from My Media:

If you signed up for GSI/TA Moderation, please see this page for instructions on how instructors and GSIs should approve pending recordings:

Other Resources

Please review the RTL Course Capture service page at, or email for assistance.