Outstanding GSI Award Recognizes 10 CEE Students

Recipients of this year's Outstanding GSI Award from the top left row include CEE students Reese Canfield, Wesley Darling, Alexandre Georges, Hannah Greenwald, Qianhua Luo, Aqshems Nichols, Brittany Russo, Juan Salazar, and Nikolay Velkov.
Recipients of this year's Outstanding GSI Award from the top left row include CEE students Reese Canfield, Wesley Darling, Alexandre Georges, Hannah Greenwald, Qianhua Luo, Aqshems Nichols, Brittany Russo, Juan Salazar, and Nikolay Velkov.

Congratulations to the ten CEE students selected for UC Berkeley's Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!

Reece Canfield

Wesley Darling

Alexandre Georges

Hannah Greenwald

Matthew Hui

Qianhua Luo

Aqshems Nichols

Brittany Russo

Juan Salazar

Nikolay Velkov

These GSIs embody pedagogical excellence and are recognized for their ability to create inclusive learning environments, promote critical thinking, support and motivate students, and their overall effectiveness as instructors.

These awards, sponsored by the Graduate Division's GSI Teaching & Resource Center and the Graduate Council's Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs, acknowledge the outstanding contributions that GSIs make to the educational mission of the University and the faculty's exceptional work in providing mentorship in teaching to GSIs. 

The Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (OGSI) Award honors approximately 350 GSIs who were nominated by their teaching departments for their excellence in teaching undergraduates. See this year's OGSI recipients listed by department. 

We thank each of them and our entire GSI and Reader cohort for all of the fantastic work that they do!
