UC Berkeley Student Samuel Bobick Guides Sidewalk Robot Around KTH Royal Institute of Technology

A picture of UC Berkeley student Samuel Bobick behind landscape (Photo Credit: Data 8).
A picture of UC Berkeley student Samuel Bobick behind landscape (Photo Credit: Data 8).
Featured Faculty: Scott Moura

How do you enable robots to share the sidewalk and avoid other pedestrians? That's what Samuel Bobick, a student at UC Berkeley, has been working on at KTH all summer. He is one of six from the San Francisco Bay Area on a research internship exchange between KTH and UC Berkeley.

Samuel Bobick is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a computer science degree at UC Berkeley and is currently working for a summer research internship at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. During his time at Berkeley, Bobick worked on the SlrpEV (Smart Learning Research Pilot for EV Charging Stations) project in CEE Professor Scott Moura's lab. He specifically developed algorithms to forecast charging station power consumption and took E93 - Energy Engineering Seminar the past fall with Moura. 

In this video, Bobick guides a robot around the campus of KTH Royal Institute of Technology and explains the purpose of his research: developing and applying recently designed transformer models to cluster and predict the future motion of pedestrians to improve the mobility of sidewalk robots.
