Sunni Ivey Receives Chancellor's Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence and Equity

Featured Faculty: Cesunica Ivey

Congratulations to CEE Assistant Professor Sunni Ivey, one of three recipients of the 2024-25 Chancellor's Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence and Equity! This distinguished award includes a $10,000 grant to support her ongoing work advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice.

The selection committee recognized Professor Ivey for her transformative research on air quality and environmental justice, inclusive teaching, curriculum design, and mentorship of underrepresented STEM scholars. The Chancellor's Award recognizes faculty who excel in research, education, and service leadership while promoting an inclusive campus and a just, equitable society.

A special ceremony and reception will be held on April 8th to honor Professor Ivey and co-awardees Professors Justin Davidson and David Harding.
