Eyitayo Opabola Receives 2024 Outstanding Paper Award

Featured Faculty: Eyitayo Ademola Opabola

Congratulations to CEE Assistant Professor Eyitayo Opabola on receiving the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 2024 Outstanding Paper Award!

This award has been awarded to Eyitayo Opabola and Kenneth Elwood for their paper “Seismic design of concrete structures for damage control,” published in Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 40, No. 3 (August 2024). The Outstanding Paper Award recognizes authors of Earthquake Spectra papers judged to be outstanding contributions to earthquake hazard mitigation. Papers must have made a significant impact on the profession, provided a significant advance in the state-of-the-art or understanding of a particular topic, be of exceptional technical quality with concise and informative illustrations, and be well-written for a broad audience.

According to the award citation, “Opabola and Elwood address a critical gap between current building codes and society's expectations for post-earthquake recovery…The paper's approach of simplifying performance-based concepts into design criteria while maintaining technical rigor represents the kind of research needed to advance earthquake-resistant design and meet societal expectations.”

For more information about the Outstanding Paper Award, visit the EERI awards and honors page here.
