Arpad Horvath
215B McLaughlin Hall
Spring 2025:
- Wednesdays 11:10-11:40 am in 215 McLaughlin
- Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm on Zoom (see CE11 bCourses for link)
- Fridays 9:30-10:00 am in 215 McLaughlin
Arpad Horvath is the L. E. Peirano Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley (, Head of the Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate Graduate Program, Director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center, and Director of the Engineering and Business for Sustainability Certificate Program.
Arpad Horvath is a member of the U.S National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Construction.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.
His research focuses on life-cycle environmental assessment of products, processes, and services, particularly answering important questions about civil infrastructure systems and the built environment. He has conducted studies on the environmental implications of various products, processes and services, in particular, buildings, transportation systems, water and wastewater systems, concrete and other construction materials, pavements, and biofuels.
Arpad Horvath is an author of 140 peer-reviewed articles in the top international journals. The full list of publications, awards, teaching, and student information can be found here.
Google Scholar profile:
Professor Horvath was a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science Advisory Board (Environmental Engineering Committee) between 2010 and 2015, and a member of the Science Advisory Board's Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards Committee between 2011 and 2016.
He was a Co-Chair of the Environmental Research 2023 Conference as well as the the Environmental Research 2021 Conference, the largest environmental research conferences by attendance to date.
In 2021, he was the Chair of the 2nd Food-Energy-Water Nexus Conference.
He is an Editorial Board member of Environmental Research Letters, Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Industrial Ecology, past Associate Editor of the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, and past Editorial Advisory Board member of Environmental Science & Technology. He was a Council Member of the International Society for Industrial Ecology between 2014 and 2016.
He has been a consultant to more than 70 companies, industry organizations, and government agencies around the world.
In addition to several recent conference organization roles, he was Conference Chair of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology in 2011, the world’s largest conference in sustainability research to that date.
Arpad Horvath is a recipient of the International Society for Industrial Ecology’s Laudise Prize, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, the UC Berkeley Chancellor's Sustainability Award, and the Excellence in Review Award from Environmental Science & Technology. Three of his papers have been voted into the top three papers in Environmental Science & Technology in 2008, 2011, and 2012.
Ph.D. - Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1997
M.S. - Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
Dipl. Eng. (M.S.) - Civil Engineering, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, 1993
Arpad Horvath's research focuses on life-cycle environmental assessment of products, processes, and services, particularly answering important questions about civil infrastructure systems and the built environment. He has conducted studies on the environmental implications of various products, processes and services, in particular, buildings, concrete and other construction materials, transportation systems, food chain, water and wastewater systems, pavements, and biofuels.
Arpad Horvath is an author of 140 peer-reviewed articles in the top international journals. The full list of publications can be found here.
Google Scholar profile:
Arpad Horvath is a member of the U.S National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Construction, recipient of the International Society for Industrial Ecology’s Laudise Prize, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, the UC Berkeley Chancellor's Sustainability Award, and the Excellence in Review Award from Environmental Science & Technology. Three of his papers have been voted into the top three papers in Environmental Science & Technology in 2008, 2011, and 2012.
Mitigating Exposure and Climate Change Impacts from Transportation Projects: Environmental Justice-Centered Decision-Support Framework and Tool - Press release
In the media:
INFEWS Publications:
Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Aubry, C., Gabrielle, B. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Best Practices for Consistent and Reliable Life Cycle Assessments of Urban Agriculture.” J. of Cleaner Production, 419, September 20, 138010,
Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Aubry, C., Gabrielle, B. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Life Cycle Assessment of Eight Urban Farms and Community Gardens in France and California.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 192, 106921, May,
Orner, K., Scown, C., Nordahl, S., Nelson, K. and Horvath A. (2023), “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Managing Nutrients in Digestate Derived from Sewage Sludge and High-Strength Organic Waste.” Environmental Science & Technology, 56(23), 17256-17265,
Bell, E. M., Qin. Y. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Optimal Allocation of Tomato Supply to Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Major U.S. Metropolitan Markets.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188, 106660,January,
Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2022), “What Contributes More to Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Farm Produce: Production, Transportation, Packaging, or Food Loss?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 176, 105945, January,
Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Horvath, A., Aubry, C. and Gabrielle, B. (2021), “Environmental Impacts and Resource Use of Urban Agriculture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), 093002,
Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2021), “Contribution of Food Loss to Greenhouse Gas Assessment of High-Value Agricultural Produce: California Production, U.S. Consumption.” Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014024,
Memarzadeh, M., Moura, S. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Multi-Agent Management of Integrated Food-Energy-Water Systems Using Stochastic Games: From Nash Equilibrium to the Social Optimum.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 0940a4,
Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Use of alternative water sources in irrigation: potential scales, costs, and environmental impacts in California.” Environmental Research Communications, 2(5), 055003,
Bell, E. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Modeling the Carbon Footprint of Fresh Produce: Effects of Transportation, Localness, and Seasonality on U.S. Orange Markets.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(3), 034040,
Memarzadeh, M., Moura, S. and Horvath, A. (2019), “Optimizing Dynamics of Integrated Food-Energy-Water Systems under the Risk of Climate Change.” Environmental Research Letters, 14(7), 074010,
Journal Papers
- 137. Bin Thaneya, A., Gursel, A. P., Kane, S., Miller, S. A. and Horvath A. (2024), “Assessing Uncertainty in Building Material Emissions Using Scenario-Aware Monte Carlo Simulation.” 4(2), 025003, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability,
- 136. Greer, F., Bin Thaneya, A. and Horvath A. (2024), “Environmental Justice and Systems Analysis for Air Quality Planning in the Port of Oakland in California.” Environmental Science & Technology, 58(19), 8135-8148,
- 135. Greer, F., Raftery, P. and Horvath A. (2024), “Considerations for Estimating Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Whole Building Life-cycle Assessments.” Building and Environment, 254, April 15, 111383,
134. Bin Thaneya, A. and Horvath A. (2023), “Exploring Regional Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Exposure Reduction Pathways Using a Traffic Assignment Model.” Environmental Science & Technology, 57(48), 19649-19662,
133. Greer, F., Horvath A., Brager, G. and Raftery, P. (2023), “A Perspective on Tools for Mitigating the Building Sector’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Beyond.” Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 3(4), 043001,
132. Kavvada, I., Horvath A. and Moura, S. (2024), “Distributionally Robust Budget Allocation for Earthquake Risk Mitigation in Buildings: A Case Study of the City of San Francisco.” J. of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10(1), 04023050,
131. Gursel, A. P., Shehabi, A. and Horvath A. (2023), “What are the Energy and Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Repurposing Office Buildings into Apartments?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 198, November, 107143,
130. Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Aubry, C., Gabrielle, B. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Best Practices for Consistent and Reliable Life Cycle Assessments of Urban Agriculture.” J. of Cleaner Production, 419, September 20, 138010,
129. Greer, F. and Horvath A. (2023), “Modular Construction’s Capacity to Reduce Embodied Carbon Emissions in California’s Housing Sector.” Building and Environment, 240, July 15, 110432,
128. Bin Thaneya, A. and Horvath A. (2023), “Exploring Regional Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Exposure Reduction Pathways Using an Optimal Power Flow Model: The Case of the Illinois Power Grid.” Environmental Science & Technology, 57(21), 7989-8001,
127. Martinez, D. M., Horvath A. and Monteiro, P. J. M. (2023), “Comparative Environmental Assessment of Limestone Calcined Clay Cements and Typical Blended Cements in California.” Environmental Research Communications, 5(5), 055002, May,
126. Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Aubry, C., Gabrielle, B. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Life Cycle Assessment of Eight Urban Farms and Community Gardens in France and California.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 192, 106921, May,
125. Gursel, A. P., Shehabi, A. and Horvath A. (2023), “Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends from Major Construction Materials of U.S. Office Buildings Constructed after the Mid-1940s.” Building and Environment, 234, April 15, 110196,
124. Kavvada, I., Horvath A. and Moura, S. (2022), “Aligning Sustainability and Regional Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Planning: Integrating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Vertical Equity.” Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2(4), 045013,
123. Backes, J. G., Traverso, M. and Horvath A. (2022), “Environmental Assessment of a Disruptive Innovation: Comparative Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessments of Carbon-Reinforced Concrete Building Component.” Int. J. of Life Cycle Assessment, November 29, 2022,
122. Orner, K., Scown, C., Nordahl, S., Nelson, K. and Horvath A. (2023), “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Managing Nutrients in Digestate Derived from Sewage Sludge and High-Strength Organic Waste.” Environmental Science & Technology, 51(21), 12061-12071,
121. Bell, E. M., Qin. Y. and Horvath, A. (2023), “Optimal Allocation of Tomato Supply to Minimize Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Major U.S. Metropolitan Markets.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 188, 106660,January,
120. Greer, F., Bin Thaneya, A., Apte, J. and Horvath, A. (2022), “Pavement Resurfacing and Supply Chains Are Significant Contributors to PM2.5 Exposure from Road Transportation: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area.” Environmental Research Letters, 17(12), 124014,
119. Bin Thaneya, A., Apte, J. and Horvath A. (2022), “A Human Exposure-Based Traffic Assignment Model for Minimizing Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Intake from On-Road Vehicle Emissions.” Environmental Research Letters, 17(7), 074034,
118. Greer, F., Rakas, J. and Horvath, A. (2022) “Life-Cycle Approach to Healthy Airport Terminal Buildings: Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Mitigation Strategies for Addressing the Pollutants that Affect Climate Change and Human Health.” Transportation Research Record, June 30,
117. Kavvada, I., Moura, S., Horvath A. and Abrahamson, N. (2022), “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Spatially Distributed Infrastructure Considering the Correlation of Spectral Acceleration Across Spectral Periods.” Earthquake Spectra, 38(2), May 1, pp. 1148-1175,
116. Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2022), “What Contributes More to Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Farm Produce: Production, Transportation, Packaging, or Food Loss?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 176, 105945, January,
115. Landgraf, M. and Horvath, A. (2021), “Embodied Greenhouse Gas Assessment of Railway Infrastructure: The Case of Austria.” Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 1(2), 1040a4,
114. Dorr, E., Goldstein, B. P., Horvath, A., Aubry, C. and Gabrielle, B. (2021), “Environmental Impacts and Resource Use of Urban Agriculture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), 093002,
113. Greer, F., Rakas, J. and Horvath, A. (2021), “Reduce Aviation’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Immediately Feasible and Affordable Gate Electrification.” Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), 054039,
112. Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2021), “Contribution of Food Loss to Greenhouse Gas Assessment of High-Value Agricultural Produce: California Production, U.S. Consumption.” Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), 014024,
111. Habert, G. Miller, S. A., John, V. M., Provis, J. L., Favier, A., Horvath, A. and Scrivener, K. L. (2020), “Environmental Impacts and Decarbonization Strategies in the Cement and Concrete Industries.” Nature Review Earth & Environment, 1(11), 559-573,
110. Grubert, E., Stokes-Draut, J., Horvath, A. and Eisenstein, W. (2020), “Utility-Specific Projections of Electricity Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Committed Emissions Model-Based Case Study of California through 2050.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 1040a4,
109. Greer, F., Rakas, J. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Airports and Environmental Sustainability: A Comprehensive Review.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 103007,
108. Memarzadeh, M., Moura, S. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Multi-Agent Management of Integrated Food-Energy-Water Systems Using Stochastic Games: From Nash Equilibrium to the Social Optimum.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 0940a4,
107. Chaudron, C., Gursel, A. P, Kavvada, I. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Water Use and Electricity-for-Water Savings Trends in Three Representative U.S. Cities.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(8), 084048,
106. Gursel, A. P, Chaudron, C., Kavvada, I. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Reduction in Urban Water Use Leads to Less Wastewater and Fewer Emissions: Analysis of Three Representative U.S. Cities.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(8), 084024,
105. Qin, Y. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Use of Alternative Water Sources in Irrigation: Potential Scales, Costs, and Environmental Impacts in California.” Environmental Research Communications, 2(5), 055003,
104. Bell, E. and Horvath, A. (2020), “Modeling the Carbon Footprint of Fresh Produce: Effects of Transportation, Localness, and Seasonality on U.S. Orange Markets.” Environmental Research Letters, 15(3), 034040,
103. Koffler, C., B. Amor, M. Carbajales-Dale, J. Cascio, A. Conroy, J. A. Fava, C. Gaudreault, T. Gloria, C. Hensler, A. Horvath, S. Humbert, A. Manzardo, M. Margni, P. Osset, J. Sinistore, B. Vigon, M. L. Wallace, M. Wang and M. Prox (2020), “On the Reporting and Review Requirements of ISO 14044.” Int. J. of Life Cycle Assessment, 25, 478-482,
100. Memarzadeh, M., Moura, S. and Horvath, A. (2019), “Optimizing Dynamics of Integrated Food-Energy-Water Systems under the Risk of Climate Change.” Environmental Research Letters, 14(7), 074010,
99. Ogwang, A., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A (2019), “Optimal Cracking Threshold Resurfacing Policies in Asphalt Pavement Management to Minimize Costs and Emissions.” J. of Infrastructure Systems
98. Taptich, M., Scown, C., Piscopo, K. and Horvath A. (2018), “Drop-in Biofuels Offer Pathway to Meeting 2030 Climate Mandate,” Environmental Research Letters
97. Cheng, H., Mao, C., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2018), “Minimizing the Total Costs of Urban Transit Systems Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Case of San Francisco.” J. of Transport Policy, 66, 40-48,
96. Kavvada, O., Nelson, K. L. and Horvath, A. (2018), “Spatial Optimization for Decentralized Non-potable Water Reuse.” Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), 064001,
95. Bell, E. M., Stokes-Draut, J. R. and Horvath, A. (2018), “Environmental Evaluation of High-Value Agricultural Produce with Diverse Water Sources: Case Study from Southern California.” Environmental Research Letters, 13(2), 025007,
94. Miller, S. A., Horvath, A. and Monteiro, P. J. (2018), “Impacts of Booming Concrete Production on Water Resources Worldwide.” Nature Sustainability, 1, 69-76,
93. Lam, K. L., Stokes-Draut, J., Horvath, A. (2017), “Life-cycle Energy Impacts for Adapting an Urban Water Supply System to Droughts.” Water Research, 127, 139-149,
92. Stokes-Draut, J., Taptich, M., Kavvada, O. and Horvath, A. (2017), “Evaluating the Electricity Intensity of Evolving Water Supply Mixes: The Case of California’s Water Network.” Environmental Research Letters, 12(11), 114005,
91. Kavvada, O., Tarpeh, W. A., Horvath, A. and Nelson, K. L. (2017), “Life-Cycle Cost and Environmental Assessment of Decentralized Nitrogen Recovery Using Ion Exchange from Source-Separated Urine through Spatial Modeling.” Environmental Science & Technology, 51(21), 12061-12071,
90. Miller, S. A., John, V. M., Pacca, S. and Horvath, A. (2017), “Carbon Dioxide Reduction Potential in the Global Cement Industry by 2050.” Cement and Concrete Research, available online:
89. Griswold, J. B., Sztainer, T., Lee, J., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2017), “Optimizing Urban Bus Transit Network Design Can Lead to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction.” Frontiers in Built Environment, 3(5),
88. Saynajoki, A., Heinonen, J., Junnila, S. and Horvath A. (2017), “Can Life-cycle Assessment Produce Reliable Policy Guidelines in the Building Sector?” Environmental Research Letters, 12(1), 013001,
87. Miller, S. A., Monteiro, P. J., Ostertag, C. P. and Horvath, A. (2016), “Concrete Mix Proportioning for Desired Strength and Reduced Global Warming Potential.” Construction and Building Materials, 128, 410-421,
86. Cheng, H., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2016), “Planning Hierarchical Urban Transit Systems for Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Transportation Research Part D, 49, 44-58,
85. Kavvada, O., Horvath, A., Hendrickson, T. P., Eisenstein, W., Stokes, J. and Nelson, K. L. (2016), “Optimizing Location and Scale of Urban Non-Potable Water Reuse Systems for Life-Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Environmental Science & Technology, 50(24), 13184-13194,
84. Miller, S. A., Horvath, A. and Monteiro, P. J. (2016), “Readily Implementable Techniques Can Cut Annual CO2 Emissions from the Production of Concrete by Over 20%.” Environmental Research Letters, 11(7), 074029,
83. Miller, S. A., Monteiro, P. J., Ostertag, C. P. and Horvath, A. (2016), “Comparison Indices for Design of Concrete Taking Environmental Impacts into Account.” Cement & Concrete Composites, 68, 131-143
82. Taptich, M., Horvath, A. and Chester, M. V. (2016), “Worldwide Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potentials in Transportation by 2050.” J. of Industrial Ecology, 20(2), 329-340,
81. Miller, S. A., Horvath, A., Monteiro, P. J. and Ostertag, C. P. (2015), “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Concrete Can be Reduced by Using Mix Proportions, Geometric Aspects, and Age as Design Factors.” Environmental Research Letters, 10(11), 114017,
80. Reger, D., Madanat S. and Horvath, A. (2015), “The Effect of Agency Budgets on Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Road Rehabilitation Policies.” Environmental Research Letters, 10(11), 114007,
79. Taptich, M. and Horvath A. (2015), “Freight on a Low-Carbon Diet: Accessibility, Freightsheds, and Commodities.” Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19), 11321-11328,
78. Hendrickson, T., Nguyen, M., Sukardi, M., Miot, A., Horvath, A. and Nelson, K. L. (2015), “Life-cycle Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of a Building-Scale Wastewater Treatment and Non-potable Reuse System.” Environmental Science & Technology, 49(17), 10303-10311,
- 77. Nahlik, M. J., Chester, M. V., Kaehr, A., Taptich, M. and Horvath, A. (2015), “Goods Movement Life-cycle Assessment for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals.” J. of Industrial Ecology, first published online in May,
- 76. Diaz-Elsayed, N., Dornfeld, D. and Horvath, A. (2015), “A Comparative Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Machine Tool Manufacturing Facilities.” J. of Cleaner Production, 95, 223-231,
- 75. Celik, K., Meral, C., Gursel, A. P., Mehta, P. K., Horvath, A. and Monteiro, P. J. (2015), “Mechanical Properties, Durability, and Life-cycle Assessment of Self-Consolidating Concrete Mixtures Made with Blended Portland Cements Containing Fly Ash and Limestone Powder.” Cement & Concrete Composites, 56, 59-72,
- 74. Stokes, J., Hendrickson, T. and Horvath, A. (2014), “Save Water to Save Carbon and Money: Developing Abatement Costs for Expanded Greenhouse Gas Portfolios.” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(23), 13583-13591,
- 73. Griswold, J. B., Cheng, H., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2014), “Unintended Greenhouse Gas Consequences of Lowering Level of Service in Urban Transit Systems.” Environmental Research Letters, 9(12), 124001,
- 72. Taptich, M. and Horvath A (2014), “Bias of Averages in Life-cycle Footprinting of Infrastructure: Truck and Bus Case Studies.” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(22), 13045-13052,
- 71. Reger, D., Madanat S. and Horvath, A. (2014), “Economically and Environmentally Informed Policy for Road Resurfacing: Tradeoffs between Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Environmental Research Letters, 9(10), 104020,
- 70. Scown, C. D., Gokhale, A., Willems, P., Horvath, A. and McKone, T. E. (2014), “Role of Lignin in Reducing Life-cycle Carbon Emissions, Water Use and Cost for United States Cellulosic Biofuels.” Environmental Science & Technology, 48(15), 8446-8455,
- 69. Gursel, A. P., Masanet, E., Horvath, A. and Stadel, A. (2014), “Life-cycle Inventory Analysis of Concrete Production: A Critical Review.” Cement & Concrete Composites, 51, 38-48,
- 68. Hendrickson, T. and Horvath, A. (2014), “A perspective on cost-effectiveness of greenhouse gas reduction solutions in water distribution systems.” Environmental Research Letters, 9(1), 024017,
- 67. Griswold, J. B., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2013), “Tradeoffs between Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Design of Urban Transit Systems.” Environmental Research Letters, 8(4), 044046,
- 66. Strogen, B. and Horvath, A. (2013), “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Construction, Manufacturing, Operation and Maintenance of U.S. Distribution Infrastructure for Petroleum and Biofuels.” J. of Infrastructure Systems, 19(4), 371-383,
- 65. Strogen, B., Zilberman, D. and Horvath, A. (2013), “Energy Intensity, Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Economic Assessment of Liquid Biofuel Pipelines.” Bioresource Technology, December, 150, 476-485,
- 64. Stokes, J., Horvath, A. and Sturm, R. (2013), “Water Loss Control Using Pressure Management: Life-cycle Energy and Air Emission Effects.” Environmental Science & Technology, 47(19), 10771-10780,
- 63. Hendrickson, T., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2013), “Life-cycle Costs and Carbon Emissions for Residential, Roof-Mounted Photovoltaic Systems.” J. of Infrastructure Systems, 19(3), 306-314,
- 62. Scown, C. D., Taptich, M., Horvath, A., McKone, T. E., and Nazaroff, W. W (2013), “Achieving Deep Cuts in the Carbon Intensity of US Automobile Transportation by 2050: Complementary Roles for Electricity and Biofuels.” Environmental Science & Technology, 47(16), 9044-9052,
- 61. Lidicker, J., Sathaye, N., Madanat, S. and Horvath, A. (2013), “Pavement Resurfacing Policy for Minimization of Life-cycle Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” J. of Infrastructure Systems, 19(2), 129-137,
- 60. Koffler, C., Dettling, J., East, C., Finkbeiner, M., Galeano, S. F., Geyer, R., Goedkoop, M. J. Hawkins, T. J., Hensler, C. D., Horvath, A., Humbert, S. Kaufman, S. M., Landis, A. E., Laurin, L., Lesage, P., Margni, M., Martchek, K., Matthews, H. S., Meil, J. K., Norris, G., Schenk, R. C., Seager, T. P., Sertich, M., Thoma, G., Wagner, C. (2013), “Declaration of Concern – An Unambiguous Rebuttal of the LEO-SCS-002 Draft Standard.” Int. J. of Life Cycle Assessment, 18(2), 302-305,
- 59. Lobscheid, A., Nazaroff, W. W, Spears, M. S., Horvath, A. and McKone, T. E., (2012), “Intake Fractions of Primary Conserved Air Pollutants Emitted from On-road Vehicles in the United States.” Atmospheric Environment, 63, 298-305,
- 58. Chester, M. and Horvath, A. (2012), “High-Speed Rail with Emerging Automobiles and Aircraft Can Reduce Environmental Impacts in California’s Future.” Environmental Research Letters, 7(3), 034012, July 2, 2012,
- 57. Shehabi, A., Stokes, J. and Horvath, A. (2012), “Energy and Air Emission Implications of a Decentralized Wastewater System.” Environmental Research Letters, 7(2), 024007, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/7/2/024007
- 56. Strogen, B., Horvath, A. and McKone, T. (2012), “Fuel Miles and the Blend Wall: Costs and Emissions from Ethanol Distribution in the United States.” Environmental Science & Technology, May 2012, 46(10), 5285-5293, doi: 10.1021/es204547s
- 55. Scown, C. D., Nazaroff, W. W, Mishra, U., Strogen, B., Lobscheid, A. B., Masanet, E., Santero, N. J., Horvath, A. and McKone, T. E. (2012), “Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of U.S. National Scenarios for Cellulosic Ethanol Production.” Environmental Research Letters, 7(1), 014011, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014011
- 54. Vergara, S., Damgaard, A. and Horvath, A. (2011), “Boundaries Matter: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Alternative Waste Treatment Strategies for California’s Municipal Solid Waste.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 57, 87-97,
- 53. Humbert, S., Marshall, J., Shaked, S., Spadaro, J., Nishioka, Y., Preiss, P., McKone, T., Horvath, A. and Jolliet, O. (2011), “Intake Fractions for Particulate Matter: Recommendations for Life Cycle Impact Assessment.” Environmental Science & Technology, 45(11), May 12, 2011, 4808-4816,
- 52. Santero, N., Masanet E., and Horvath, A. (2011), “Life-cycle Assessment of Pavements, Part II: Filling the Research Gaps.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(9-10), 810-818,
- 51. Santero, N., Masanet E., and Horvath, A. (2011), “Life-cycle Assessment of Pavements, Part I: Critical Review.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(9-10), pp. 801-809,
- 50. Scown, C. D., Horvath, A., and McKone, T. E. (2011), “Water Footprint of U.S. Transportation Fuels.” Environmental Science & Technology, 45(7), pp. 2541-2553,
- 49. McKone, T., Nazaroff, W. W, Berck, P., Auffhammer, M., Lipman, T., Torn, M., Masanet, E., Mishra, U., Lobscheid, A., Santero, N., Barrett, A., Bomberg, M., Fingerman, K., Scown, C., Strogen, B. and Horvath, A. (2011), “Grand Challenges for Life-cycle Assessment of Biofuels.” Environmental Science & Technology, 45(5), pp. 1751-1756,
- 48. Stokes, J. and Horvath, A. (2011), “Life-cycle Assessment of Urban Water Provision: Tool and Case Study in California.” J. of Infrastructure Systems, 17(1), pp. 15-24,
- 47. Shehabi, A., Masanet, E., Price, H., Horvath, A. and Nazaroff, W. W (2011), “Data Center Design and Location: Consequences for Electricity Use and Greenhouse-gas Emissions.” Building and Environment, 46(5), pp. 990-998,
- 46. Santero, N., Harvey, J. and Horvath, A. (2011), “Environmental Policy for Long-Life Pavements.” Transportation Research Part D, 16(2), pp. 129-136,
- 45. Boyd, S., Horvath, A. and Dornfeld, D. (2011), “Life-cycle Assessment of NAND Flash Memory.” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 24(1), pp. 117-124,
- 44. Chester, M. and Horvath, A. (2010), “Parking Infrastructure: Energy, Emissions, and Automobile Life-cycle Environmental Accounting.” Environmental Research Letters, 5(3), 034001,
- 43. Stokes, J. and Horvath, A. (2010), “Supply Chain Environmental Effects of Wastewater Utilities.” Environmental Research Letters, 5(1), 014015,
- 42. Boyd, S., Horvath, A. and Dornfeld, D. (2010), “Life-cycle Assessment of Computational Logic Produced from 1995 through 2010.” Environmental Research Letters, 5(1), 014011,
- Chester, M. and Horvath, A. (2010), “Life-cycle Assessment of High-Speed Rail: The Case of California.” Environmental Research Letters, 5(1),
- Chester, M., Horvath, A. and Madanat, S. (2010), “Comparison of Life-cycle Energy and Emissions Footprints of Passenger Transportation in Metropolitan Regions.” Atmospheric Environment, 44(8), pp. 1071-1079,
- Shehabi, A., Ganguly, S., Gundel, L., Horvath, A., Kirchstetter, T. W., Lunden, M. M., Tschudi, W., Gadgil, A. J. and Nazaroff, W. W (2010), “Can Combining Economizers with Improved Filtration Save Energy and Protect Equipment in Data Centers?” Building and Environment, 45(3), pp. 718-726,
- • Sathaye, N., Horvath, A. and Madanat, S. (2010), “Unintended Impacts of Increased Truck Loads on Pavement Supply-Chain Emissions.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44(1), pp. 1-15,
- • Boyd, S., Horvath, A., and Dornfeld, D. (2009), “Life-cycle Energy Demand and Global Warming Potential of Computational Logic.” Environmental Science & Technology, 43(19), pp. 7303-7309,
- • Santero, N. and Horvath, A. (2009), “Global Warming Potential of Pavements.” Environmental Research Letters, 4(3), (Online: September 23, 2009),
- • Chester, M. and A. Horvath, "Environment Assessment of Passenger Transportation Should Include Infrastructure and Supply Chains," Environmental Research Letters, June 2009, Vol. 4, No. 2, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/4/2/024008.
- • Humbert, S., R. Manneh, S. Shaked, C. Wannaz, A. Horvath, L. Deschenes, O. Jolliet and M. Margni, "Assessing Regional Intake Fractions in North America," Science of the Total Environment, June 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.05.024.
- • Stokes, J. and A. Horvath, "Energy and Air Emission Effects of Water Supply," Environmental Science & Technology, April 2009, Vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 2680-2687, doi: 10.1021/es801802h.
- • Shehabi, A., A. Horvath, W. Tschudi, A.J. Gadgil and W. Nazaroff, "Particle Concentrations in Data Centers," Atmospheric Environment, August 2008, Vol. 42, No. 24, pp. 5978-5990, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.03.049.
- • Vieira, P. and A. Horvath, "Assessing the End-of-Life Impacts of Buildings," Environmental Science & Technology, July 2008, Vol. 42, No. 13, pp. 4663-4669, doi: 10.1021/es0713451.
- • Murray, A., A. Horvath and K. Nelson, "Hybrid Life-cycle Environmental and Cost Inventory of Sewage Sludge Treatment and End-Use Scenarios: A Case Study from China," Environmental Science & Technology, May 2008, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 3163-3169, doi: 10.1021/es702256w.
- • Kitou, E. and A. Horvath, "External Air Pollution Costs of Telework," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, March 2008, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 155-165, doi: 10.1065/lca2007.06.338.
- • Facanha, C. and A. Horvath, "Evaluation of Life-cycle Air Emission Factors of Freight Transportation," Environmental Science & Technology, October 2007, Vol. 41, No. 20, pp. 7138-7144, doi: 10.1021/es070987q.
- • Cicas, G., C.T. Hendrickson, A. Horvath and H.S. Matthews, "A Regional Version of a U.S. Economic Input-Output Life-cycle Assessment Model," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, September 2007, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 365-372, doi: 10.1065/lca2007.04.318.
- • Humbert, S., H. Abeck, N. Bali and A. Horvath, "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED): A Critical Evaluation by LCA and Recommendations for Improvement," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, August 2007, Vol. 12, Special Issue 1, pp. 46-57.
- • Masanet, E. and A. Horvath, "Assessing the Benefits of Design for Recycling of Plastics in Electronics: A Case Study of Computer Enclosures," Materials & Design, June 2007, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1801-1811, doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2006.04.022.
- • Stokes, J. and A. Horvath, "Life-cycle Energy Assessment of Alternative Water Supply Systems," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, September 2006, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 335-343, doi:
- • Guggemos, A. and A. Horvath, "Decision-Support Tool for Assessing the Environmental Effects of Constructing Commercial Buildings," Journal of Architectural Engineering, September 2006, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 187-195, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0431(2006)12.4(187).
- • Kitou, E. and A. Horvath, "Transportation Choices and Air Pollution Effects of Telework," J. of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, June 2006, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 121-134, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0342(2006)12.2(121).
- • Boughton, B. and A. Horvath, "Environmental Assessment of Shredder Residue Management," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, May 2006, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 1-25, doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2005.09.002.
- • Facanha, C. and A. Horvath, "Environmental Assessment of Freight Transportation in the U.S," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, February 2006, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 229-239, doi:
- • Junnila, S., A. Horvath and A. Guggemos, "Life-cycle Assessment of Office Buildings in Europe and the U.S," Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, January 2006, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 10-17.
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