Dimitrios Konstantinidis
727 Davis Hall
Fall 2024:
TuTh 11-12:30 pm; or by appointment

Dimitrios Konstantinidis is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. His research interests lie in the areas of earthquake engineering and engineering mechanics. His work focuses on better understanding, quantifying, and improving the earthquake performance of nonstructural building components, developing seismic isolation and other structural control systems, and enhancing the seismic safety and resilience of critical facilities, such as hospitals and power plants. His research combines experimental testing and mathematical modeling for a range of purposes: gaining a deep understanding and accurate characterization of behavior, proposing innovative earthquake protection solutions, and providing recommendations for improved design codes and guidelines. His publications include the book Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation.
Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, 2008
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, 2001
B.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, 1999
Konstantinidis’ research focuses on earthquake engineering and engineering mechanics, with a primary focus on seismic isolation and other earthquake protective systems, nonstructural components, and seismic resilience of critical facilities.
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