Mark Stacey

Henry and Joyce Miedema Professor of Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Coastal and Estuarine Physics and Ecology, Climate Adaptation, Infrastructure Systems

421 Sutardja Dai Hall

Office Hours

Spring 2024: By Appointment

Stacey headshot

Mark Stacey is the Henry and Joyce Miedema Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering and former Department Chair at UC Berkeley. Stacey’s research and teaching focus on environmental fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on estuaries and the coastal oceans. In the past decade, his research has expanded into the physics of sea level rise in tidal estuaries, including interactions with human infrastructure and the resilience of communities along estuarine shorelines. He also received the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award and the Fofonoff Award from the American Meteorological Society.


Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 1996

M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 1993

B.A.S., Physics and Political Science, Stanford University, 1991

Stacey’s research focuses on examining the impacts of climate change on coastal communities and systems. He uses numerical modeling, field observations, and theoretical analyses to examine how sea-level rise and changes to precipitation, winds, and storms will impact coastal infrastructure, ecosystems, and the people who live and work in those regions. Specific examples include modeling the feedbacks between shoreline alteration, environmental physical processes, and climate change, and the survival and function of marshes as shoreline features. A motivating goal for Stacey’s research is to contribute to the creation of viable adaptation pathways for coastal communities that integrate community perspectives and knowledge and accurately reflect regional and cross-disciplinary interdependencies.