Faculty: Appointment and Extension Requests

The processing time for international visitors is typically 4 months. In addition, depending on which US Embassy a visitor requests their visa from they could experience delays up to several months.  Note: most of the month of December is blacked out due to the US holidays. 

To request an appointment or extension for a proposed visiting scholar, visiting student researcher, Postdoctoral Scholar Paid-Direct or Postdoctoral Scholar Employee (paid from CEE funds), complete the relevant request form below and submit to acadpers@ce.berkeley.edu by the stated deadline.  Requests must come directly from the faculty sponsorTo determine which title is appropriate for your visitor, see VSPA.  Exceptional requests regarding the deadlines should first be forwarded to our CEE Department Chair for consideration.

Upon receipt, CEE will confirm the submission date of the request, verify the visitor's seating assignment and initiate the charge to your chart-string for the department's processing fee, if applicable.  Your request will then be forwarded to ERSO for processing. ERSO personnel will contact you and your visitor directly with any follow-up questions or policy issues.

All visitor appointment and extension requests must be submitted at least 4 months prior to the requested start date.

Request forms

Mandatory fees

Once the above form is submitted to acadpers@ce.berkeley.edu, dept. HR will reach out to the scholar to pay the applicable fees listed below.

Department Processing Fee:


  • $1,000 for international Visiting Researcher Scholars
  • $500 all others (including international Visiting Student Researchers and Postdoctoral Scholars)


  • $500 for international Visiting Researcher Scholars
  • $500 all others (including international Visiting Student Researchers and Postdoctoral Scholars)

 DS-2019 Fee for J-1 Visa:

  • $650 for new initial appointments (host faculty must cover for Postdoctoral Scholars)
  • $650 for J-1 transfers from other U.S. institutions (host faculty must cover for Postdoctoral Scholars)
  • $1,000 for Undergraduate Students (undergraduate students who have 51% or more of their support in personal funds are required to pay a J-1 visa fee of $1,000)
  • $300 for appointments needing to be expedited (host faculty must cover for Postdoctoral Scholars)
  • $400 for extensions (host faculty must cover for Postdoctoral Scholars)
  • $100 for deferral of start date, if changed after visa is processed (host faculty must cover for Postdoctoral Scholars)

University Services Fee - (Not applicable to Postdoctoral Scholars). Effective July 1, 2018, the fee must be paid prior to application approval. However, this fee will be collected after department processing (you will be contacted when payment of this fee is needed).

  • Visiting Researcher Scholar: $750 1st year ($1,500 each additional year)
  • Visiting Student Researcher: $1,000 1st year ($2,500 each additional year).

Bank Service Fee ($25 for each wire transfer)