Dr. Ioanna Kavvada, who just graduated from the ECIC program (and was advised by Professors Arpad Horvath and Scott Moura), has won the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute's 2023 EERI Annual Graduate Student Paper Competition for the article "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Spatially Distributed Infrastructure Considering the Correlation of Spectral Acceleration Across Spectral Periods," published in Earthquake Spectra with Professors Moura, Horvath, and Abrahamson.
The Graduate Paper competition encourages the active involvement of students in earthquake engineering and the earthquake hazards community and gives emerging experts the chance to share their research. The prize for each winner is a trip to the EERI Annual Meeting, recognition during the Institute’s Awards Ceremony, and the opportunity to meet and network with peers and experts in the field.
Congrats to Ionna on her achievement!