Eyitayo Opabola Awarded 2023 Shah Family Innovation Prize

CEE Assistant Professor Eyitayo Opabola is the 2023 Shah Family Innovation Prize recipient from the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)! The Shah Prize is awarded to early to mid-career individuals who have emphasized creative and innovative thinking and demonstrated the potential to make significant contributions to the field of seismic risk mitigation and management. 

Nia Jones Presents at COP28 on Community Engaged Education In CEE

The 28th Annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was hosted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The purpose of COP28 is to bring together World leaders to discuss how to make the world a more sustainable place. The framework around sustainability includes the 17 Sustainable development goals. In her talk, Community Engagement for Civil & Environmental Engineers, Nia Jones, (CEE)² Staff Director, highlights #4, #7, #9, and #11.

Jacob Ahmed

Submitted by pnerkar on
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A headshot of Jacob Ahmed with a tesselation screen in the background.
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Spotlight Associated Faculty

"The CEE department at UC Berkeley has been my haven for exploration and growth. The hands-on nature of the construction program has allowed me to delve into real-world projects, from managing construction sites to developing cost-effective and sustainable building solutions."

Jacob Ahmed is a fourth year student involved with the Cal Construction team and is expected to graduate next spring.

Compiled by Pooja Nerkar

What got you into Civil & Environmental Engineering?

From my earliest memories, the world of construction has held a unique allure for me. The symphony of machines, the precision of structural design, and the tangible impact on the urban landscape all ignited a passion that would shape my educational and professional journey. Choosing to pursue a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley was a natural step, driven by a desire to contribute to the dynamic and ever-evolving field of construction. 

What are your future career aspirations?

Looking ahead, my career aspirations center around making a tangible impact on the construction industry. I envision myself leading innovative projects that not only meet the highest standards of safety and efficiency but also embrace the principles of sustainable construction. UC Berkeley's emphasis on interdisciplinary learning has equipped me with a holistic understanding of the construction process, from planning to execution, positioning me to tackle the industry's challenges head-on. 

Beyond the construction site, I am keenly interested in leveraging technology to drive advancements in construction methodologies. Exploring the integration of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems has become a focal point of my academic pursuits. I see these technological advancements not only as tools for efficiency but as catalysts for transformative change in how we approach construction in the 21st century. 

How has the department helped foster your journey in construction engineering?

The CEE department at UC Berkeley has been my haven for exploration and growth. The hands-on nature of the construction program has allowed me to delve into real-world projects, from managing construction sites to developing cost-effective and sustainable building solutions. The challenges posed by complex construction scenarios have honed my problem-solving skills, and the collaborative environment has fostered a deep appreciation for teamwork and effective project management. 

In conclusion, my journey in construction engineering at UC Berkeley has been an immersive and enriching experience. It has not only deepened my technical expertise but has also instilled in me a passion for innovation and a commitment to shaping the future of construction. Armed with the skills and insights gained from this esteemed program, I eagerly anticipate contributing to the dynamic landscape of construction with a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and technological integration.

Professor at Cal that made an impact on you?

The one professor that made an impact on me was Professor Harley. He really made sure I was doing okay in and out of school and helped find a lot of resources for financial help to pay for college. His lectures were also very impactful in the way I think about construction in the future.

Advice for prospective students interested in getting into the field?

Know why you want to do construction. Understand the impact the projects you work on have on society. It is hard work, but if you are not passionate about it, it won't be fun later on in the future.

Fun fact about you.

I go through a gallon of milk in 2-3 day on the regular.

Maribel Castillo

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Congrats to CEE staff member Maribel Castillo on her UC Berkeley 2023 ALIANZA Latinx Staff Award selection! (Photo Credit: Pooja Nerkar/Berkeley CEE)
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Congrats to Maribel Castillo for receiving the 2023 UC Berkeley ALIANZA Latinx Staff Award! Castillo assists with managing and answering questions regarding CEE Graduate admissions, maintaining the Academic Admissions Office (AAO) email to respond to inquiries, and overseeing GSI/Reader hiring. This award intends to recognize and celebrate the achievements, contributions, and talents of Latinx-identifying staff within UC Berkeley. This recognition aims to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion by acknowledging these individuals' unique experiences and leadership of these individuals and their impact on the University. 

As the campus' first annual Latinx Staff Award, the goal is to recognize exceptional commitment to making UC Berkeley a better place to work, learn, and belong by giving back to the university community. Certificates of recognition were distributed to each awardee at Alumni House on Thursday, October 12, recognizing their accomplishments.