CEE Graduate Students Earn Eisenhower Fellowships

11 UC Berkeley Engineering, CEE, ITS, and College of Environmental Design students received the prestigious Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) fellowship for the coming year! (Photo Credit: ITS)
11 UC Berkeley Engineering, CEE, ITS, and College of Environmental Design students received the prestigious Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) fellowship for the coming year! (Photo Credit: ITS)

Congratulations to the 11 UC Berkeley Engineering, CEE, ITS, and College of Environmental Design students who received Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) fellowships for the coming year!

Winners include: doctoral student Mohamed Amine Bouzaghrane, advised by Civil Environmental and Engineering (CEE) professor Joan Walker; MCP student Jacquelyn Broader, advised by Department of City and Regional Planning (DCRP) professor Karen Trapenberg Frick; M.S. student Dawson Do, advised by CEE professor Maria Laura Delle Monache; doctoral student Dagin Faulkner, advised by Frick; MS/MCP dual degree student Matthew Hui, advised by DCRP professor Dan Chatman; doctoral student Michael Montilla, advised by Chatman; doctoral student Marcel Moran, advised by Chatman; doctoral student Aqshems Nichols, advised by CEE professors Walker and Susan Shaheen; doctoral student Alexandra Pan advised by Shaheen; doctoral student Madeleine Parker advised by DCRP professors Daniel Rodriguez and Elizabeth Deakin; and MCP student Samantha Serafica, advised by Frick.

The Eisenhower Fellowship is a competitive program sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration for the Department of Transportation. Fellowship recipients are students who pursue degrees in transportation-related disciplines and aim to advance the transportation workforce. The fellowship encourages future transportation professionals to seek advanced degrees and retain top talent in the U.S. transportation industry. 

Check out the full story on the ITS website to learn more about the fellowship!
