CE170 Students Fly Drones and Conduct LiDAR Scans On Campus

Last Monday, students from CE 170A, a "Smart Infrastructure Sensing and Modeling" class, met on campus to see how to obtain 3D data. They planned flights using UAVs equipped with cameras and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and also ran LiDar scans. CEE Professors Dimitrios Zekkos and Robert Kayen led the sessions, who, along with Professor Kenichi Soga, serve as co-instructors of the course. Ph.D. students Jaewson Saw, who serve as GSI's, and Drew Gomberg and Parker Blunts helped organize the session. 

Berkeley CEE Team Competes in DBIA 2022 National Student Design-Build Competition

This year, students from the department and the College of Environmental Design (CED) are participating in the DBIA 2022 National Student Design-Build Competition, which focuses on the Design-Build project delivery method. Team members include Yasamine Heidary, Adriana Lupercio, Rapha Felipe, Victoria Ng, and Gabriela Rivera. Professor Iris Tommelein serves as a Faculty Advisor to the team.

Bringing Arsenic-Safe Drinking Water to Allensworth

Like other areas in California, the groundwater beneath Allensworth contains dangerous levels of arsenic. Those who live in cities and more suburban areas can afford to remove arsenic from their water, but many people in small and rural communities don't have that luxury. They must choose between drinking contaminated tap water or purchasing bottled water—and some people who have private wells are potentially unaware that their water is contaminated.

Ashok Gadgil Co-edited Open Access Textbook on Development Engineering

Professor Ashok Gadgil co-edited an Open Access graduate-level textbook, "An Introduction to Development Engineering," introducing the emerging field of Development Engineering and relevant applications through contributions from more than 40 practicing experts as co-authors. Springer published the book, which is available as a free PDF download on their website.