In early October, the CEE Academy of Distinguished Alumni inducted the 10 members of its 2014 class. Established in 2012, the Academy honors the professional achievements and the commitment to service of CEE alumni.
Inductees were Gregory B, Baecher, John A. Baker, James (Jim) M. Becker, Fred N. Finn, Elizabeth Hausler Strand, Susan S. Hubbard, Robin K. McGuire, and Stephen Monismith, along with In Memoriam inductees Charles Gilman Hyde and Tung-Yen (T.Y.) Lin. Academy 2013 Inductee, J. Michael Duncan also received his citation this year. (See event program.)
The banquet was held in the University Club of the California Memorial Stadium, the site of the inaugural Academy event in 2012. Inductees, faculty, UROP student representatives, event sponsors, family and friends came together for this now annual gathering of the CEE community.
Professor Nicholas Sitar thanked the event sponsors on behalf of the department. Fiona Doyle, COE's Executive Associate Dean, welcomed everyone "to one of Berkeley's crown jewel programs."
Rudy Bonaparte, Academy Board Chair, reviewed the accomplishments of the inductees as they accepted their citations from Chair Samer Madanat.
L-R: Gregory Baecher, John Baker, and Jim Becker accept citations. Jefferson Hillard (Class of 2013) accepts the citation for inductee Fred Finn.
L-R: Elizabeth Hausler Strand, Susan Hubbard, Robin McGuire, and Stephen Monismith accept citations.
J. Michael Duncan, Class of 2013 inductee, receives his citation.
In Memoriam inductee Charles Gilman Hyde was honored with reflections on his career by David Jenkins, Professor Emeritus and Academy member. Jenkins accepted the citation on behalf of Hyde.
Edward Wilson, Professor Emeritus and Academy member, reflected on the career of T.Y. Lin. Lin's citation was accepted by his son, Paul Lin.
All Academy members present at the banquet. L-R: David Jenkins, Gregory Fenves, Robert Wadell, Jefferson Hilliard, Rudolph Bonaparte, David Friedman, Jim Becker, Susan Hubbard, Edward Wilson, Gregory Baecher, Robin McGuire, Loring Wyllie, J. Michael Duncan, Rhodes Trussell, James Kleinfelder, Michael Kavanaugh, John Baker, Elizabeth Hausler Strand, Stephen Monismith, Carl Monismith, Chair Samer Madanat. All photos courtesy of Slava Blazer.
Academy Member Support
CEE thanks Academy members, G. Wayne Clough, J. Michael Duncan, and Richard W. Karn, for their individual contributions to the Academy and CEE's Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP).
CEE is especially grateful to Academy member Professor Emeritus David Jenkins and his wife Joan for establishing The David & Joan Jenkins Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Fund, to support undergraduate students accepted into UROP.
Sponsors (individual and corporate)
Many corporate and individual friends of CEE came forward to support the Academy's 2014 class and UROP. The support of these individuals and companies is immeasurable. CEE is fortunate to have such friends.
Blue level ($6000)
David Friedman & Paulette Meyer |
Individual Sponsors |
Computers & Structures, Inc. |
Geosyntec Consultants |
Skanska |
T.Y. Lin International Group |
Wadell Engineering Corporation |
Gold level ($3000)
Rudolph & Anna Bonaparte |
Carollo Engineers |
Silver level ($1500)
Michael C. Kavanaugh & Carol James |
Individual Sponsors |
Susan Leal |
Individual Sponsor |
Granite Construction Inc. |
Jacobs Associates |
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger |
Treadwell & Rollo | A Langan Company |